"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Dear Parents/ Carers,
This is just a quick note about Parents' Evening tonight or tomorrow night.
Each appointment is just 5 minutes long, which we appreciate is only a short time. Teachers will have planned what they want to tell you, and will ensure that it only takes 5 minutes. They will try to give you time to ask questions, but obviously if you have lots to ask, you might run out of time! If there is something big that you want to discuss, you can always make an appointment at an alternative time.
Mrs Hedges and myself will be in the hall, and we will be ringing a bell every 5 minutes to ensure that everyone gets their appointment on time. If you are late, you might have to wait until there is a spare spot in the teachers' list. Please don't be offended if we come to remind your teacher to move onto the next appointment! We know how frustrating it is when people run over, so we are trying hard to make sure that each session is just 5 minutes. When you hear the bell, please move on.
Finally, we would prefer children not to come with you, as they tend to run around the hall with their friends. If your child has to come because you have no childcare, there will be a table in the hall with colouring in sheets and books on, which they can use whilst you are talking to the teachers.
You are very welcome to go to your child's classroom and look at their books and their work that is displayed. Members of the leadership team will be around the school to help you if you get lost.
Best wishes,
Mrs Seymour.