
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 1/2/21

Good morning Year 4! We hope you feel refreshed and ready for another exciting week ahead. This week is a special week, it is all about being mindful of ourselves and our mental health. That means that this week you are going to choose an activity from this grid everyday to do instead of your usual topic. If you have any brothers or sisters at school you can choose your activities together so you all do the same one. Do one activity each day as a family (or on your own if you need to!) and send us any photos on Teams or email. You will still do your Math and English as normal. This work will be below so scroll down for your English, Math and other lessons everyday.



           Remote learning - Friday 5th January

Good Morning Year 4, this week you have all been working incredibly hard in many ways: learning, creating, baking and even meditating. What could be a better way then to end the week than with our Stars of the Week Collective Worship! To join the rest of the school and celebrate all together just click on the link below:


Here are the rest of your lessons for today:


Over the last few weeks, you have been learning and applying lots of different skills to improve your writing. You have looked at simple, compound and complex sentences and also a range of formal conjunctions.Today, you are going to recap fronted adverbials by looking at what they are and how to use them effectively in your writing. Fronted adverbials are found at the beginning of a sentence and can describe the time (when), place (where), manner (how), frequency and possibility of the action that follows it. Watch this video carefully and stop when it asks you to so that you can complete the tasks. Once you have done that have a go at the worksheet below on fronted adverbials:

Video link:

Fronted adverbials worksheet:


Topic - Science

In today's Science lesson, you will be exploring sound even further. Amplitude refers to the volume of a sound and is measured by decibels. You will find out that sounds can have a high or low amplitude and depends on the force being used to produce it. Watch this video and learn how frequency, amplitude and force all work together to make sounds with different amplitudes. Make sure you pause the video when you are asked and take notes of any technical vocabulary you hear too:



If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is 'or' (shut the door) sound. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video:

Video for 'or':

Activity for 'or':



Today we are recognizing equivalent fractions. Equivalent means something of the equal value for example having 4 quarters of a pizza is the same as having the whole pizza!

Start by watching the video to help you:

Then complete the questions here:

Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must complete the following:

MATHS 5.2.21

If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.

          Remote learning - Thursday 4th January


Hi Year 4, over the past week lots of you have been taking part in mindfulness activities either by yourself or with your families. Here are some pictures of the amazing things you have been doing.




Here are your lessons for today, but remember to also have a break and do another express yourself activity too.


In English today, you will be writing up the two paragraphs that you planned carefully yesterday. We would like you to read through the work you did on harvesting and roasting again and now produce a detailed explanation of these two stages in the chocolate making process. We want you to imagine that the reader of your work knows absolutely nothing about the processes involved so you need to wow them with your knowledge, vocabulary and range of sentence types. Remember to use the features of an explanation text, which you have learnt so much about over the last few weeks, and also keep the reader hooked. Watch the following video and complete all the activities before you write your own independent versions (if you have already done this then please edit your work).



Last week in RE, we looked at how Muslims give up a portion of their wealth every year to the poor in the form of Zakat. Today, we would like you to explore another pillar of Islam which again requires Muslims to give something up. Fasting, or Sawm as it is known in Arabic, is the second pillar of Islam and is when Muslims have to forgo all food and drink during the daylight hours. There are many reasons why Muslims fast but at the heart of it is the desire to develop an understanding of what it is like to go without food and water for long periods of time, something many people around the world do on a daily basis. Appreciating what we have is heightened when we can't have it. We would like you to watch this video all about Ramadan and write a short paragraph about what you think Muslims gain from participating in this month long fasting period . Is it really just about food and drink or is there a deeper purpose? What do you think? 



Today we will be counting in tenths and recognising sequences. If you are feeling really confident I would like you to change the top heavy (improper) fractions into mixed numbers but if you don't feel ready yet then you can just keep them as top heavy fractions.

Then complete the questions here

Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must complete the following:

MATHS 4.2.21

If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.

         Remote learning - Wednesday 3rd January.


Good morning Year 4, we hope you are all well and ready for another day of learning. Your PE lessons are at the following times so please make sure that you attend them on time. 

                                                        4F  lesson starts at 9.15 am

                                                        4A lesson starts at 10.15 am


As well as completing the lessons set below make sure that you take some time out to do another activity from the express yourself grid above or choose another activity of your own.



For English today, you will begin planning the next parts of your explanation text all about chocolate. In these paragraphs you will go into more detail about the first two stages of the chocolate making process - harvesting and roasting. Just as you did with the opening, you will begin by planning each section using the notes that you have been making over the last few weeks. You will also generate new vocabulary to use in your own writing so please make sure that you make notes as you go and complete all the activities that you are asked to:


Topic - Music

Today's music lesson links very closely to the Science lesson that you completed yesterday because it is all about looking at high and low sounds. Instruments with very different pitches are often played together to create beautiful pieces of music. In this lesson you will listen to different instruments being played together in a musical story, Peter and the Wolf, so see if you can work out which instruments are being played and why they been chosen for that musical story. If you were in Mr Ali's Music lesson yesterday you have had a little go at doing this already. Watch the video and really immerse yourself in the sounds that you hear:

After you have watched this video, we want you to have a play with the instruments in this online orchestra. Listen to the high and low sounds each of the instruments make and then think about your favourite fairy tale or film characters, which instrument would you use to portray them? The famous film Jaws (the shark) uses the tuba to create the deep, ominous sound for this mighty, killer shark! What would you use for your characters?


Today's learning is all about tenths. A tenth is when a whole has been split into 100 equal parts. This can be one shape shared into 10 sections or it could be a number of things shared into 10 equal sections. 

Start by watching this video:

Then complete these questions:

Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must complete the following:


MATHS 3.2.21

If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.

          Remote learning - Tuesday 2nd January

Good Morning year 4, we hope you enjoyed completing some of the activities form the grid yesterday. Today, you can either choose to do another one from the above grid or do something else that you find calming and fun. Just remember to send us some more pictures! 


Important notice: 4F you have a Music lesson with Mr Ali at 2.15 pm today so make sure that you attend, hopefully it will run a bit more smoothly this week. I will put the link up on the teams page closer to the time.


Here are the rest of your lessons for today:



In English today, you are going to begin investigating a new suffix. Like the other suffixes you have looked at previously, the '-ic' suffix changes the word class of the root words that it is added to. Therefore, in this lesson you will need to establish some rules and learn how this suffix changes the meaning of the word as a result. Watch the video carefully and make sure that you make notes of the main rules as you go and complete all the activities that you are set:


Topic - Science

In Science today, you are going to continue exploring sound in more detail. We will begin looking at what frequency is (the rate at which a vibration occurs that produces the sound waves we hear) and how it is closely related to pitch. You will also learn some new vocabulary -  Hertzs - and see what a sound wave looks like depending on if it has a high or low frequency. Watch the video and complete all the tasks that you are asked to. However, make sure that you complete the mini test before you start today's lesson to see what you have remembered all about sound first:


If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is ar (car) sound. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video:

Sound video:

Sound activity:


Today we continue our work on fractions. We will be considering what fractions are and showing our understanding.

Start by watching this video to help you:

Then complete the questions here:

MATHS 2.2.21 

If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.


This week we are starting a new unit all about fractions. Today we will be looking at recognising unit and non-unit fractions. Start by watching the video below

Now complete these questions:

MATHS 1.2.21

If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.


In English today, you will be continue developing your writing skills by looking at complex sentences. A complex sentence is made up of a main clause (a sentence which makes sense on its own) and a subordinate clause (a sentence which depends on another sentence for it to make sense). For example, even though I set my alarm needs another sentence to explain what has happened, left on its own it is an incomplete thought and hence sentence. You will also learn what relative and adverbial clauses are too. Watch the following video and complete the activities as you go so that you become confident using them in your own writing. Then have a go at the short worksheet below to see if you can spot the complex sentences:

Complex sentences worksheet:


Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must try and complete the following:
