
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Remote Learning Week Beginning 30th November



Watch this video again. Write down any facts (good or bad) you can about plastic. Keep your notes safe for tomorrow.


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Create a piece of writing to persuade people to use less plastic.

Your writing should:

-explain the good and bad things about plastic

-explain what happens when plastic gets into the ocean

-tell people how they can help. 


You should use:


-modal verbs (can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must)

-conjunctions (however, although, nevertheless, furthermore, in addition, additionally)

-rhetorical questions


You can do a little bit each day, and add some persuasive pictures, too. 



Please practice your spellings. 

Write each of these words in a sentence:








Can you spot the rule about when we need to use a hyphen?



(We are not doing Maths on Monday this week due to an extra Science lesson)


Tuesday – Divide by 100

Please watch this video:

Then complete this worksheet (you can answer the questions on paper or in your homework book): div 100.pdf


Wednesday – Divide by 10, 100, 1000

Please watch this video:

Then complete this worksheet (you can answer the questions on paper or in your homework book): div 10,100,1000.pdf


Thursday  – Inverse operations

Today we are looking at solving ‘I think of a number’ problems by using inverse operations.

For example:

I think of a number. I ADD 12. The answer is 32. What was my number?

As a number sentence that looks like:

? + 12 = 32

Whether I think of it in words or as a number sentence, I need to work backwards from 32 to figure out the original number (?). I need to do the opposite operation. The opposite of ADD is SUBTRACT, so I need to do:

32 SUBTRACT 12 = 20

32-12 = 20

The answer is 20.

Have a go at some questions on the sheet below.

Remember the inverse of + is -, and the inverse of X is ÷


Friday – Divide by multiples of 10, 100, 1000

Please watch this video:

Then complete this worksheet (you can answer the questions on paper or in your homework book): multiples 10,100,1000.pdf



Look at the video below all about The Torah (Jewish holy book). 

See if you can create your own scroll and write the words from the Shema - a special Jewish prayer, on your scroll:

The Shema:

Hear O’ Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One





Watch this video about separating mixtures and have a go at the activities underneath.

Speak to your adult very nicely and ask them if they will let you try separating a mixture of rice and flour with a sieve.
