
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Remote Learning 6th and 7th May



Good morning Year 5!  


5K you need to log onto Teams for registration at 10am 

5L you need to log onto Teams for registration at 11am 


Here is your remote learning for today: 


Maths: Please complete your first worksheet (which you were given in school) 


SPAG: Please complete your first worksheet (which you were given in school) 


Reading: Please spend at least 30 minutes on Reading Planet. 


Computing: Have a go at coding your own flappy birds game here  


Spelling: Please complete your spellings word search (which you were given in school), then check you know the meaning of each word by looking them up here:  


Don’t forget to bring any work you have completed on paper into school on Monday! 



Good morning Year 5!  


5K you need to log onto Teams for registration at 10am 

5L you need to log onto Teams for registration at 11am  


Here is your remote learning for today: 


Maths: Please complete your second worksheet (which you were given in school) 


SPAG: Please complete your second worksheet (which you were given in school) 


Reading: Please spend at least 30 minutes on Reading Planet. 


Topic: Start researching the Rainforest.  

You can focus on the countries they are found in, the animals that live there, how they are vital for our climate….any aspect(s) you like!  

You can show us what you have learned in any way that you like – posters, factfiles, notes, etc. 

Here are some links to get you started:  

(REMEMBER - if you are using the internet to complete independent research, always make sure an adult is in the room, and type ‘for kids’ or ‘KS2’ etc after your search in the search bar) 


Spelling: Please complete the activity on J2Blast. 


Don’t forget to bring any work you have completed on paper into school on Monday! 

Have a great weekend! 
