"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Hello Year 1!
Timeline Challenge!
Open your timeline and learn some important periods in history. Can you memorise important dates?
Our Story Quiz
Answer these questions! Use the Knowledge Organiser to help you.
Good Luck!
What is the difference between the past and the present?
Can you give some examples from your life?
How is Sparkhill different now compared to the past?
Whizz, Bang, Pop Quiz
Answer these questions. Use the Knowledge Organiser and website links below to help you!
When did Guy Fawkes live, who was he?
What did he do? How do we know about Guy Fawkes?
What is a source?
Who are Catholics and Protestants? Did they get along in 1605?
Why do we celebrate 5th November every year?
Dungeons and Dragons Quiz
Answer these questions. Use the Knowledge Organiser and website links below to help you!
What is a conquest?
Who was William the Conqueror?
When did he come to England?
What is he famous for building?
How do we know about William the Conqueror?