
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 19/10/20

Black History Day - Wednesday 21/10/20

On Wednesday we will be celebrating black history at St John's. We will learn why and how it is celebrated and also explore some significant figures from Britain, and across the world, who have had a big impact on the lives of many people. In year 4, as we have been learning all about the Romans and Anglo-Saxons, we will be looking at the first black Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. We will create our own fact files about him and also look at some poetry and produce some art work all about our identities.



Monday 19/10/20 - subtracting two 3-digit numbers with no exchanges.

Today we are going to move onto subtracting two 3-digit numbers where no exchanges are needed. What does that mean? It means that the digits being subtracted are smaller than the digits they are being subtracted from so no exchange is required. Watch this video and then complete worksheet 1:

Worksheet 1:


Tuesday 20/10/20 - subtracting two 4-digit numbers with no exchanges.

Like yesterday, we are going to subtract numbers where there is no need for any exchanging to take place. The focus is two 4-digit numbers. Watch the following video and then have a go at the worksheet below:

Worksheet 2:


Wednesday 21/10/20 - Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number with exchange.

What happens when the digit we are subtracting is bigger than the digit it is subtracted from? You have to exchange from the next place value column to create a bigger number. It is not as tricky as it sounds, so watch this video and see how it is done. Complete worksheet 3 to show you understand:

Worksheet 3:


Thursday 22/10/20 - Subtract a 4-digit number from a 4-digit number with one exchange.

Subtracting 4-digit numbers is exactly the same as subtracting 3-digit numbers except you now also have a digit in the 1000’s column. Have a go at the following worksheet once you have watched this video:

Worksheet 4:


Friday 23/10/20 - Subtract a 4-digit number from a 4-digit number with more than one exchange.

Sometimes you will need to exchanges multiple times to complete a subtraction calculation, recognising which columns will have exchanges will help you avoid any errors. Watch this video and complete this week’s final worksheet:

Worksheet 5:




This week we are launching into our new topic all about becoming junior medics! This means we are going to start learning about how our bodies function and what we need to do to keep them healthy.


Watch this video all about digestion. 

Today I want you to rewrite the stages of digestion into numbered steps, this will help you when it comes to the next lesson, I'll start you off with number 1 below...


1. The person eats some food, the teeth grind and slice the food down into smaller chunks which mix with saliva to make them easier to swallow. 



Today we are looking at time adverbials. Follow this link and complete the activity to find all the time words



Your task for today is to write an explanation of digestion. You need to remember that this is a piece of writing to inform so make sure your steps are super clear. Your time adverbials from yesterday will be essential to make sure that everything is in the right order and you can use the numbered list you wrote on Monday to help. 


Here is an example of a really well written explanation, you can use it to help give you some ideas of where to start:




Below you will find the links to two videos all about the different food groups.


Once you have watched both, make a poster showing what the food groups are and examples of food in each one.



The last few months have been particularly testing times for everyone, and in our busy lives we sometimes forget to show our gratitude for having some of our most basic needs met. Over the half-term holiday, we would like you to write your own prayer, thanking God for all that you have. This could be as simple as thanking God for keeping you and your family safe from the virus or praying for the health and welfare of all mankind. You can also write about your hopes and dreams for the future. Write your prayer on an A5 piece of paper and bring it in to share when we come back in November. We look forward to reading them in class.



Please make sure that your parents have tested you on last week’s spellings. This week’s spellings are below, using your spelling strategies learn them for when we get back along with any others from previous weeks you struggled with (they are all still available on the learning links from the start of term).


                                        library, material, medicine, mention, minute and naughty


No Nonsense Spellings:

This week we are going to learn how to proofread our own work. When we proofread, we try to identify errors that have been made in our writing, which could be in the form of spelling mistakes, missed punctuation or grammatical errors such as tenses. Being able to edit and improve your own work is an important skill and can make your writing so much better. Have a go at editing this piece of writing (I have done the first one for you to show you how to complete it) and save it your pupil file for us to check:



Recognise our worth by identifying positive things about ourselves and things that we are proud of.

For PHSE this week, we would like you to make a list of all the things that you are proud of this term (at least 3). For example, you may be feeling very happy with your efforts and achievements in Maths, English and reading or for being Star of the Week. You may have also been working really hard on managing your behaviour at home and school or learnt a new skill and made new friends. Think about how you got there and how it has made you feel. Then write a list of what you would like to achieve by Christmas and how you think you could get there. Remember, anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
