
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Whole school letters

7th November 2024

We have seen a rise in the number of children with hand, foot and mouth disease. This is nothing to worry about - it it a common illness that can be uncomfortable for the sufferer and doesn't look very nice, but it isn't dangerous. My own children have had it in the past. It made them grumpy and they did feel unwell, but they were fine after a few days. The NHS guidance is that, as long as your child feels well enough, they are fine to come into school, even if they still have symptoms.


The 1st symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease can be:

  • a sore throat
  • a high temperature
  • not wanting to eat

The 2nd stage usually starts a few days later and symptoms can include:

  • mouth ulcers which can be painful
  • a raised rash of spots on the hands and feet, and sometimes the groin area and bottom
  • spots that can turn into blisters and can be painful.

You cannot get any antibiotics or medicines to cure it, it will just get better on its own. The NHS advice is to pop into a pharmacy and get advice on what you can do to alleviate any pain.


There is no need to stay off school (unless your child feels really unwell with it) as it is starts to spread before there are any symptoms. There are some ways to stop the spread:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water, and children's hands too
  • use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
  • bin used tissues as quickly as possible
  • do not share towels or household items like cups or cutlery
  • wash soiled bedding and clothing on a hot wash

Children and staff will be reminded to use good hygiene procedures at school too.

If you want more information click on this link to the NHS advice


It is that time of year when there seem to be a lot of illnesses around. Good attendance is really important for your child's education. If your child is well enough to come to school then send them in. If you are not sure, or want some advice then phone or come and speak to one of us to check.

12th September 2024


One of our parents has been campaigning to save our local libraries from proposed closures and is calling more parents to help. There is currently a consultation taking place for all libraries across Birmingham. More information can be found here: Library consultation.


On Monday 16th September, 10.30 - 12.00, there is an in person consultation session taking place at Sparkhill Library. If you want to find out more, or want to talk to other parents in school about what issues to raise at the meeting, our parent representative (Shabnam) is holding a drop in meeting at 9am tomorrow morning, Friday 12th, in our school library. Come and sit in the entrance at drop off time and we will sign people in and escort to the library.


10th September 2024

Autumn Term 2024 - After School Club


Dear Parents,


Clubs are offered to children on a first come, first served basis and there are limited places available. We recommend you book your child’s club choice as soon as possible,


Payment has to be paid in full when you sign up to the club.


This term clubs will run from; Monday 16th September (2nd week back) until Friday 13th December (we break up on 20th December) from 3.15 pm until 4.15 pm. There will be NO clubs on 23rd and 24th October (Parent Consultation Evening).


Payment should be made via Arbor App and will go live TONIGHT from 4.00 pm.


If you have any difficulty paying online, please see the office. We prefer all parents to make payments online (by downloading the Arbor App on your phone or laptop/computer).


To pay, go into Club, click on top green tab and proceed to the payment option.


We expect our children to behave respectfully at after school clubs. If you have any concerns regarding behaviour in an after school, then please speak to a member of staff.


I agree by signing up to a club, to collect my child promptly at 4.15pm. I understand that if I am late on a regular basis then my child will no longer be able to attend the club. Please be aware the office closes at 4.30pm.


Should you wish your child to walk home alone please put this in writing to


Yours sincerely


Mrs N Hedges

Head Teacher


Clubs are as follows:


MONDAYS 12 weeks:


Dance Club Rec & Y1. Using dance as a form of keep fit in an enjoyable way (20)

12 weeks @ 2.50 - £30 Miss Stronge


TUESDAYS 12 weeks:


Football, Years 2,3,4. Learn the skills of football with a professional coach (20)

12 weeks @ £2.50 - £30 Mr Hudson-Evans



WEDNESDAYS 11 weeks: (No club on 23rd October – Parent Consultation Evening)


Art & Crafts Club Y2 & 3. Enjoy art and crafts by learning a variety of techniques e.g., paint, chalk & watercolours (10)

11 weeks @ £2.50 - £27.50 Miss Brittle


Art Club Y4, 5 & 6. Take part in art club by trying out different styles (15)

11 Weeks @ £2.50 - £27.50 Mrs Begum



THURSDAYS 10 weeks: (No club on 24th October – Parent Consultation Evening)


Multi Sports Club, Years 3,4,5,6. Learn the skills of dodgeball with a professional coach (20)

11 weeks @ £2.50 - £27.50 Mr Hudson-Evans


Musical Theatre Club, Years 3, 4, 5 & 6. Learning the art of drama, singing and movement performance skills (16)

11 weeks @ £2.50 - £27.50 Mrs Rooker

5th September 2024

There are two parents who have expressed an interest in becoming a school governor.

If you would like to vote, please come to the school office and ask for a ballot paper.

  • You can only vote once.
  • The vote in anonymous.
  • You will be asked to sign to say that you have voted.
  • Your vote must be put in the secure ballot box, held in the school office.

You have until next Friday 13th September 2024.


If you want more information on each candidate, ask the office for a paper copy of the details. 



Summer Fair

On Friday 12th July it is our Summer Fair. The staff have been working so hard to make it a great end of year event. Here is everything you need to know:



  • It starts at 3.30. Please pick your children up at 3.15 as normal. The fair is run by the staff and they cannot get to the stalls if they are looking after your children. 
  • The main playgrounds will be blocked off until 3.30 so that we can make sure everything is staffed properly. 
  • There are lots of games and stalls to go on. These need cash. Please try not to pay for the games in notes as we we run our of change really quickly. Try and find as many 50ps and pound coins as you can to help us out. The cheapest game will be 50p.
  • We also have parents running some stalls. They have paid the school to hire a table top sell from. As they have already donated to school, all of the money they make will go to them. There may be more expensive items on these stalls. The school does not accept any responsibility for the items sold.
  • There will be some food on sale: chips, cookies, drinks and sweets. 
  • the book fair will also be outside as part of the Summer fair so if you haven't been yet, come and buy some books. There are some great 3 for 2 offers to choose from. 

We want to raise lots of money for the school fund so bring all of your friends and family along. It will run from 3.30 - 4.30; make sure you are there early so that you don't miss out!


Please find the staffing list for next year. More details can be found in the parentmail sent out to all parents. 


Fasting during Ramadan

We understand that during Ramadan it is important for Muslims to keep the fast and that many of your children are committed to doing so. As a Church School, we understand and encourage all of our children to grow in their faith, and we would like to support the children who are wishing to keep the fast.


We know that many children do not fast as they have not yet reached puberty, and others fast on a few days. I also know that lots of parents let their child fast at the weekend or during holidays, but prefer them to eat on busy school days. It is obviously a personal decision and one which has to be made in the best interests of your child. Whatever your child decides to do, we will support them.


Your children's health and safety is our priority, and so there are some simple rules that we follow at this time:

1. Only children who are in Year 5 or 6 can fast at school.

2. Children who are fasting do not go outside during lunchtime play. This is because we feel that they need to conserve their energy. We will expect the highest standards of behaviour from them. If they are disruptive inside, we will ask you to take them home for lunch and bring them back for afternoon lessons.

3. We will call you if your child becomes weak or ill during the day, and we may need to give them water to re-hydrate them.

4. On the days that your child is fasting, you will need to let the school office know. You can tell us in person (we are outside school in the mornings), by letter, or by telephone. Staff will also check with the children every morning. This helps us to keep an eye on them and ensure they are ok.

5. In Year 5, we ask children not to fast on their swimming days as we feel that this can be dangerous. Children exert a lot of energy in these lessons and we feel is would be unsafe for them to be in the water if they were to become unwell. We will organise for the afternoon PE sessions to be less physically demanding so that they can fast on their afternoon PE days.

6. In Year 6, we usually ask children not to fast on PE days, however we have talked to the members of school council and they have shared that many children in Year 6 have requested that they would like to, especially as their PE day lands on a Friday. As the weather is unlikely to be hot during Ramadan, we are allowing children to make the decision with their families over whether to fast on that day. We will organise for the PE sessions to be less physically demanding.


I would like to wish all of our Muslim children and their families Ramadan Mubarak for next weekend.

Best wishes,

Mrs Hedges

Head Teacher


At Parents' evening we would like to collect feedback from parents about St John's School. Click the link below to fill in the form. Thank you. 

Parent view questionnaire


We have a number of children with Chicken Pox at the moment, and there are also a number of children in the local area poorly with Measles. Both of these are contagious and so spread really easily. It is always hard to know how poorly your child is and when they should be off school. Here are a list of the symptoms for each one so that you know what to look our for if you are worried. There are also clear guidelines about when your child can come back to school if they have had either of these illnesses.

Chicken pox

  • a rash with red, itchy spots that turn into fluid-filled blisters
  • a fever
  • a headache
  • aching muscles
  • tiredness
  • not hungry

Your child can return to school as soon as the spots have crusted over and are dry.

NHS information for Chicken pox


  • cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, and a cough
  • sore, red eyes that may be sensitive to light
  • watery eyes
  • swollen eyes
  • a high temperature
  • small greyish-white spots in the mouth
  • aches and pains
  • not hungry
  • tiredness, irritability and a general lack of energy

A rash appears 2 - 4 days after the child feels ill. The rash:

  • is small red-brown, flat or slightly raised spots that may join together into larger blotchy patches
  • usually first appears on the head or neck, before spreading outwards to the rest of the body
  • is slightly itchy for some people

Your child can return to school 4 days after the rash has appeared, if they feel well enough.

NHS information for Measles

Harvest appeal 25.9.23


Our value at the moment is service: helping others to make their lives better, without expecting anything in return.

Harvest appeal - how our families can help serve:

In Collective worship today, we launched our Harvest appeal.

We would like the whole school to show service to the local community by bringing in items of food for the Sparkhill Foodbank.
The foodbank is in need of these items:


They have good a good stock of these items, but would still welcome these donations:

  • RICE

Click here if you want to find out more about Sparkhill foodbank:

We want to collect as much food as possible to donate to the foodbank as part of our Harvest celebration. Children can bring items to their classrooms where they will be collected up and counted. If every child bought in just one item, we would be able to donate over 400 products. Just think what we could donate if some families could donate more.

Harvest Collective Worship

On Thursday 5th October, Year 3 children are going to lead a Harvest Collective Worship for parents and friends to attend. Everyone is welcome - even if your child is not in Year 3! The Worship will be at 9am and will be in the school hall.

We are always so amazed with the generosity shown by the families of St John's. We will keep you updated with how our Harvest appeal is going.

Best wishes,

Mrs Hedges

Head Teacher

15.9.23 Parking


Your child is the most precious thing in the world to you - and we take the responsibility to keep them safe in school as our highest priority.

I have been monitoring cars at drop off and pick up times outside school and I have concerns that children are not safe.

I understand that in the morning there is a pressure on you to get your child into school on time, that the Stratford Rd is busy and local roads don't have space to drop off however, we cannot use this as an excuse to put any child's life in danger.

The main area of concern is outside the swimming pool. Many cars are pulling in at speed, turning round, parking across the barrier or in the school carpark and children and parents are walking around cars as they are moving. I watched CCTV from one morning and witnessed several near misses.

The swimming pool has limited number of spaces for disabled parking. This is intended to be used by customers to the swimming pool. This driveway is also the main access for ambulances. You are asked not to park there as the entrance should be kept clear at all times.

We are going to make some changes from Monday to keep your children safe. I am giving you notice now so that you can plan ahead and work out where to park or drop off/pick up.

These are the changes:

  • the white gate into the staff carpark will be closed from 8.30
  • if you are entering school via the Stratford Rd, you will be directed to use the small pedestrian gate
  • there will be members of staff monitoring cars that are pulling into the swimming pool carpark. You will be asked to find somewhere else to drop off.

I know this will cause some frustration but, a few frustrated parents is better than an injured child. Even if you feel cross, please remain respectful towards staff who are working in the best interests of your child.

I'm sure I have the support of many of our parents with this. If any parents would like to help us with monitoring the carpark area, please come and speak to one of us.

Thank you in advance,

Mrs Hedges

Head Teacher

8.9.23 Citizens' Advice Bureau

I trust this finds you well and I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

I would like to remind you of our partnership with CAB. We will be resuming fortnightly sessions beginning next Wednesday 13th September 2023. It is by appointment only. 9:00am - 3pm.

If you require any support from CAB please contact me so we can arrange an appointment.

Best wishes

Mrs K O'Keefe

25.8.23 What you need for September


Good morning! I hope you are all having a lovely holiday. Don't panic - it isn't over yet, but I promised I'd give you a reminder on what you needed for September. Children start back on Wednesday 6th September. The first bell rings at 8.40am and the second will ring at 8.45am. We expect all children to be in school by 8.45am. This term some children are coming in at 9am and it is too late. Please try really hard next term to get your families to school on time.


Some of you will have been so organised and have all of your uniform ready and labelled... but others of you, like me, will have left it until the last week. My son seems to be growing an inch a week at the moment so I have been holding out on buying anything. I am about to attempt the panic buy today! Here is what your child needs:

We have given plenty of warning on any uniform expectations so every child should be wearing the correct uniform on September 4th.

Here are the two things that your child may need reminding:

  • Every child needs a tie. Please don’t share one between the children in your family – it makes your child feel really anxious if they don’t have one on. You can buy them from Clive Marks or from the office.
  • No boots or trainers to be worn with school uniform. Trainers are allowed on PE days (any colour). Lots of children have started wearing ankle boots. Please don’t buy them for school uniform. Our rule has always been black shoes.

Bags and pencil cases

All your child needs is a book bag or a small bag to bring their reading book in. We will give each child a pencil case with all the stationery they need in. The only other thing your child needs is a water bottle. Make sure they bring this every day with fresh water in (not squash).

School prospectus

If there is anything about school that you are unsure about then have a look at our school prospectus. It has information about everything and anything to do with St John's.

St John's School prospectus 2023 - 24

The Senior Leadership Team will be around in the mornings and after school to talk to parents so if you have any concerns or questions, just come and talk to us.

Best wishes,

Mrs Hedges

Head Teacher
