"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
St John's School Council aims to:
Our children have applied to be school councillors. They considered the job description (see below), wrote and presented their manifestos to their classmates and have been fairly voted in.
We need someone from each class to be on the school council. This is a job which allows you to represent your class when talking to Mrs Hedges or Mrs O’Keefe. You will attend meetings and think about what you like about school and what could be changed and made better. You will sometimes be asked by the teachers to go and find things out to report back. This means you listen to the ideas and thoughts your classmates have, make notes of them and then tell the other school councillors and teachers about what your classmates have said in the following meeting.
To do this job, these are some of the qualities you need to have:
Be a good listener (not just to your friends)
Confident at talking in front of others
Show that you follow all of the school values
Treat everyone fairly
Be organised (you need to make notes and remember when meetings are taking place).
October meeting
What is so special about St John's?
What could make it even better?
Answer our short survey here: survey
September meeting
What do you like about our school dinners?
What would you like to have on the school menu to make it even better?
School council had a meeting to talk about food - and we got hungry just thinking about it! They weren't keen on vegetables but they did like the salad bar. The biryani was an all time favourite and was pizza Friday. Half the group likes thin chips and half liked fat chips so we decided it was hard to please everyone. The children have gone back to their classes to survey more children so we can present our findings to our school cook. She loves to get feedback from the children so she can serve them healthy, tasty meals which they will enjoy.