
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 02/11/20



LO: To actively read a text and make accurate judgements to improve our understanding.


We are starting with some active reading. Begin by brainstorming (thinking of as many ideas as you can) about why we actively read. Can you think of what the opposite would be?


Read this paragraph


Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is important for a range of reasons – to prevent infection, to keep your teeth strong for eating with, and to avoid damage to the teeth. There are a number of ways that we can look after our teeth. Brushing teeth at least twice a day helps to keep them clean and to get rid of any plaque which might attack the enamel. You should also floss your teeth – this removes bits that get stuck between your teeth as well as plaque. Rinsing with a mouthwash also keeps your mouth and gums clean and healthy.

Visiting the dentist on a regular basis (every six months) means that they can spot any problems early on and can help you to understand how best to look after your teeth. Dentists can also mend any damaged teeth or fill any cavities that may have appeared. Many people also visit a hygienist who gives teeth a deep clean and polish and can advise on ways to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Your diet also affects how healthy your teeth are. A diet that has a lot of sugary food (and this includes things like dried fruit) can cause tooth decay. Acidic foods can also attack the enamel on your teeth. Dentists recommend that you avoid sugary drinks and eat vegetables, fruit and cheese as snacks. Dentists suggest that drinking milk and water have far less impact on your teeth.

There are many ailments that can occur with teeth, from sensitivity to cavities and broken or infected teeth. Dentists and dental surgeons treat these conditions by doing fillings, capping teeth or even removing teeth. Dentists may also prescribe antibiotics for an infection, just like a doctor might.


Read it through more than once.


On BGFL go to J2E5. On there you can type your thoughts about the paragraph. Focus on the key active reading skills...


Word zapping- New vocabulary that you'd like to use

Paint a picture- What key pictures do you think of? 

Predictions- What do you think the text is trying to do? What is it for?

Questions- What else does it make you want to find out?



LO: To sort information into paragraphs

Begin by watching this video:


We are going to be focussing on paragraphs to introduce new topics. Go to the file underneath the remote learning (you might need to scroll really far down!) it is called paragraph sorting. 


On there you will find lots of different sentences all about teeth except some of them aren't actually about teeth some are about something else...


Choose two different colours, for all the sentences you think are about teeth put them in one colour and all the sentences you think are about looking after teeth put them in another. You will want to keep these sentences so either print them out or save them. If you can't do either then write them out.



LO: To use conjunctions to join clauses together

Today you will need the sentences you sorted yesterday.


We are aiming today to join those clauses (parts of sentences) together to create more exciting sentences. We are going to do this by using conjunctions. 

Have a look at these two websites to look at the different types of conjunction.


Look at the sentences you sorted yesterday. Start trying to put bits of sentence together by using a conjunction. 


Try and aim for one sentence about keeping your teeth healthy for each one of these conjunctions:

             therefore         as a result of                 as well as               until            however



LO: To write a paragraph persuading people to keep their teeth clean

Watch the video to remind yourself how to write a persuasive piece of writing. 


Today you need to write a paragraph persuading people to keep their teeth clean. It should tell people why it is important, what you need to do and what could happen if you don't. Make sure you use the conjunctions that you learned about yesterday. You can complete your paragraph on J2e5 and make sure you name it and save it.



LO: To identify what tooth decay is and what causes it.

Have a look at what tooth decay is on the website above. A lot of young children don't like brushing their teeth but it is super important or the sugar bugs will stay on their teeth and eat away at them having a lovely time!


Your task is to create a comic strip for young children telling them about the sugar bugs that live in their mouth and why it is super important to keep brushing your teeth!





This week in Maths we are moving onto measurement, looking at the different units of measurement and the conversions between them.


Tuesday 03/11/20: Equivalent lengths - centimetres and metres.

Most of you are probably familiar with centimetres and metres as they are the most commonly used units of measurement. They also have a close relationship and converting between the two is easy if you know how. Watch this video and then complete the worksheet below:


Worksheet 1:


Wednesday 04/11/20: Equivalent lengths – millimetres and centimetres.

Millimetres is the smallest unit of measurement and often the trickiest to measure accurately. Understanding that 10 mm’s is equivalent to 1 cm can help you convert multiples of one to the other. Have a look at this video and the complete the following worksheet:


Worksheet 2:


Thursday 05/11/20: Kilometres

Kilometres are often used to measure long distances but they can be converted into metres by multiplying or dividing by 1000. Our previous learning on adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers will come in really useful when converting too. Watch this video and complete the worksheet:


Worksheet 3:


Friday 06/11/20: adding and subtracting lengths.

Today we will be adding and subtracting different units of measurement, and knowing how to convert them into the same units will help you do this more efficiently. We will be looking at different models and approaches so that you can work out which one you prefer to use. Watch these videos and then complete the accompanying worksheets. Video 1:


Worksheet 4:


Video 2:


Worksheet 5:



Statutory Spellings


Make sure that you have asked a parent to test you on last week’s spellings and practiced any you found tricky using the spelling strategies we use at school. This week’s spellings are:


                                     notice, occasion, occasionally, often, address and answer



No Nonsense Spellings:


This week we are going to look at the prefixes ‘in-’, ‘il- ‘, ‘im- ‘and ‘ir-‘. Prefixes are the letters that go at the beginning of word and can change its meaning. This set of prefixes mean not and depending on the letter at the beginning of the root word you may find that you have a double consonant. Take a look at these words and see if you can work out which ones will have a double consonant when the prefix is added:


               Prefixes                                      Root words  

                   in-                                             possible

                   im-                                            correct

                   il-                                              mature

                   ir-                                              mobile






In RE, this week, we are going to look at the Christian’s holy book – the Bible. We will explore how the Bible is made up of different books and look at the way it has been organised. Watch this video all about the Bible to learn more:

Once you have watched the video have a go at this quiz all about the Bible:




Being able to talk about your feelings and emotions openly and honestly can help you to identify and understand them more deeply. Therefore, it is very important to recognise that sometimes we can experience conflicting feelings all at the same time. This week, we will explore when we should listen to our emotions and when we should try and overcome them, discussing as a class how to manage them in positive ways.
