Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 7.2.25
This week, read about:
- Values - Service
- Attendance News
- Reception in Space
- Year 6 trip to Coventry
- The Little Mermaid
- Year 3 Greek's Got Talent
- Art in Year 1
- Reception phonics workshop
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 31.1.25
This week, read about:
- Values - Courage
- Attendance News
- Reception's trip to Lapworth Museum
- Phonics workshops in 1S
- Thinking frames
- Parent workshops
- Dates for your diary
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 24.1.25
This week, read about:
- Values - Justice
- Superheroes
- Attendance news
- Art club
- House points
- Parent workshops
- SEND coffee morning
- Nursery places for September
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 17.1.25
This week, read about:
- Values - Justice 'It's not fair!'
- Attendance news
- On time, all the time.
- Year 4 Viking shields
- Phonics in 1P
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 10.1.25
This week, read about:
- Values - new year, new you!
- Attendance
- Learning celebrated!
- Parent workshops
- Metacognition
- Reception applications
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 20.12.24
This week, read about:
- Christmas celebrations
- Values - our music performances
- Year 2 trip to Cadbury World
- Reindeer trail
- Nursery Christmas workshop
- Year 6 - Futurism in art
- Dates for your diary
- Free pantomime!
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 13.12.24
This week, read about:
- Christmas timetable
- Our value of Thankfulness
- Year 6 DT
- The Wriggly Nativity
- Attendance news
- Visit to St John's
- Christmas music
- Christmas Jumper day on Wednesday
- myHappymind Celebrate
- Nurture provision
- Thinking matters
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 6.12.24
This week, read about:
- St John's Advent Calendar
- Our value of Generosity
- Pantomime!
- Subject champions
- Attendance news
- Christmas discos
- Reception and Year 4 Nativity
- St John's pop up book shop
- Christmas workshop in Nursery
- Reception applications
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 29.11.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of Generosity
- Penguins in Reception
- Art Club
- Nurture provision
- Attendance news
- Update on photos
- Christmas dinner day
- Mrs Shah's Christmas shop
- Advent calendar... coming soon
- St John's pop up book shop
- House points
- Dates for your diary
- Advert for lunchtime supervisor job
- Community news - reindeer trail
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 22.1.24
This week, read about:
- Snow update
- Values - Generosity
- Seasons in Year 1
- Visit to the Sealife Centre
- Art Club
- Year 2 Antarctica
- Attendance news
- ttrockstars challenge
- House points
- Join the St John's family
- Pop up book shop
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 15.11.24
This week, read about:
- Our shining stars
- Anti bulling week
- Gifts!
- Year 3 - Genius Geologists
- Attendance news
- My happy minds - Celebrate module launch
- Photo Day
- Picking up from school
- SEND coffee morning
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 8.11.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of Respect
- Antibullying week
- Music to listen to
- Attendance news
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 25.10.24
This week, read about:
- Sparkhill foodbank
- Reading leaders
- Black History at St John's
- Year 4 Kennings poems
- Attendance news
- My happy mind and our happiness heroes
- Celebrations!
- The football team
- Conker competition winners
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 18.10.24
This week, read about:
- Shine like a light
- Attendance news
- Happiness heroes
- Time to celebrate
- Golden stickers
- Snacks at breaktime
- Dates for your diary
- Nursery and Reception workshops
- Conker competition
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 11.10.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of perseverance
- Attendance news
- Year 3 & 4 art
- No nut policy!
- Homework
- Parents' evening
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 4.10.24
This week, read about:
- Harvest and service
- Police visit to Reception
- Shine like a light
- Homework
- Celebration!
- Attendance news
- House Points
- Parents' evening
- Dates for your diary
- Community News
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 27.9.24
This week, read about:
- House captains
- Harvest collection
- Art clubs
- Attendance
- St John's subject champions
- Myhappyminds
- Dates for your diary
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 20.9.24
This week, read about:
- School council
- Our value of service
- Attendance
- Afterschool Clubs - art
- Year 5 & 6 football
- Houses
- Dates for your diary
- Community news - Beheard, West Midlands Police questionnaire, Cashpot for schools
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter
Newsletter 13.9.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of Service
- School Council
- Year 4 trip to Lunt Fort
- Clubs
- Attendance News
- Online safety
- Dates for your diary
- Community News
Please click the link to read this week's newsletter.
Newsletter 6.9.24
This week, read about:
- Our values 'Shine like a light'
- Uniform
- PE days
- Online safety
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 19.7.24
This week, read about:
- Attendance awards
- Teddy Bears' picnic
- St John's has got talent
- House competition
- summer fair
- Farewell to Year 6
- Uniform for next year
- Community Events
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 12.7.24
This week, read about:
- Visual timetable for next week
- Coping with change
- Attendance News
- Classes for next year & staff news
- Girls' football team
- Tuesday 16th - celebration at church
- Thursday 18th - Talent show, Non uniform and Teddy bear picnic
- Community news
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 5.7.24
This week, read about:
- Value of Respect
- Year 1 Collective worship
- Attendance news
- Year 3 trip to the Icon Gallery
- Golden sticker work
- Book fair
- Dates for your diary
- Community news
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 28.6.24
This week, read about:
- Value of Respect
- Attendance news
- Year 6 residential
- Year 2 trip to France
- House competition
- Sports Days
- Summer Fair
- Science Fair
- Birmingham Loves Libraries
- Community News
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 21.6.24
This week, read about:
- Year 6 leavers' service at the Cathedral
- Sports Days
- Year 5 Collective worship
- House names competition
- Heat warning!
- Science Fair
- Summer Fair
- Arbor App
- Community News
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 14.6.24
This week, read about:
- Birmingham City Mission
- Euro '24
- Attendance News
- Year 4 trip to Martineau Gardens
- Year 6 football team
- Wild workshop for EYFS
- Safety Seymour
- Sports Days
- Clive Mark's sale
- Changing to Arbor
- New parent governor
- Staff News
- Community events
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 7.6.24
This week, read about:
- Let all creation sing
- Attendance news
- Year 5 trips
- All different, all equal, all growing together
- Summer fair
- Birmingham Loves Libraries
- Dates for your diary
- Free Community Events
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 24.5.24
This week, read about:
- The Golden rule
- Attendance news
- Athlete visit
- Nursery - bakers
- Year 6 trip to Drayton Manor
- Year 6 football team
- General election update
- Change over to Arbor
- Community news
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 17.5.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of truthfulness - being true to yourself
- Attendance news
- Year 6 sculpture
- Year 3 artwork - Cubism
- St John's loves reading
- Year 4 trip to Sarehole Mill
- Mental Health Awareness week
- Children's zone - rugby facts in preparation for our athlete visit
- Support for parents
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 10.5.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of 'Trust'
- Attendance news
- Children's questionnaire
- Year 5's aspirations
- Children's Zone
- Dates for your diary
- Mental Health awareness week
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 3.5.24
This week, read about:
- Our new song 'Patience and our walking champions
- Attendance news
- School council
- Asthma ambassadors
- Shine like a light - our amazing gallery of work
- Golden stickers
- Children's zone - child questionnaire
- Science fair
- Information about Grammar school tests
- Hall Green family Hub - parent support events in the local area
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 26.4.24
This week, read about:
- Our new song 'Love in action'
- Attendance news
- Year 1 trip to Tamworth Castle
- Science Club
- Fine motor fun in Nursery
- Villa Vision
- Children's zone - asthma quiz
- Polling day
- Birmingham Be Heard consultation
- Support from Hall Green Family Hub
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 19.4.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of thankfulness
- Attendance news
- 4B brass performance
- Year 3 DT - sandwiches
- Children's zone - get fit videos
- Water bottles, back packs and healthy snacks
- Helping your child online
- Asthma friendly collective worship
- Free events
- Road safety questionnaire
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 12.4.24
This week, read about:
- Our values
- I rock
- Easter sale news
- Athlete visit
- Year 1 Battle of Hastings
- Nursery places
- Asthma friendly school
- Children's zone - music quiz
- Dates for your diary
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 22.3.24
This week, read about:
- Our Easter celebrations
- Easter competition winners
- Our compassionate crusaders
- British science week
- Children's zone
- Attendance news
- Help for parents
- Free events on over the Easter holidays
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 15.3.24
This week, read about:
- Our compassionate crusaders
- Attendance news
- The Easter experience at St John's
- Year 4 DT project
- Year 6 History Quiz at Camp Hill Boys
- Children's zone
- Easter competition
- Parent workshop on supporting your child with anxiety
Please click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 8.3.24
This week, read about:
- Compassionate crusaders
- World Book Day
- Attendance news
- Book bunting competition
- Staffing news
- Easter competition
- Parent workshop on supporting your child with anxiety
- Children's zone
- Help for parents
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 1.3.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of Compassion
- Attendance update
- Year 6: WW2
- School Council update
- Children's zone - coming soon!
- Internet safety on Snapchat
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 23.2.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of Courage
- Attendance update
- Year 3: Moving Monsters
- Year 4: Gymnastics
- World book day and book fair
- Hall Green Families - help for families in the community
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 9.2.24
This week, read about:
- Feedback from our parent questionnaire
- Children's mental health week
- Attendance update
- Year 3's Haiku poems
- Food voucher information
- SEND support for parents
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 2.2.24
This week, read about:
- Our value of Courage
- Year 6 trip to Coventry
- Art and craft club
- Warwickshire Cricket visit
- Foster caring opportunity
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 26.1.24
This week, read about:
- Knowledge organisers
- Our Peace Tree
- Attendance news
- Healthy snacks
- Parents' evening
- Free parenting support
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 19.1.24
This week, read about:
- Prayer for peace week
- St John's Peacemakers
- Peace Playlist
- Attendance news
- Handwriting
- STEM at St John's and British Science week News
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 12.1.24
This week, read about:
- Turning over a new leaf challenge
- Pray for Peace week
- Peace vigil at St John's church
- Attendance update
- New SEND team
- Uniform expectations
- Measles update
Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 22.12.23
This week, read about:
- St John's church
- Harry Potter disco
- DT in Year 4
- Little Wandle phonics
- Christmas pantomime
- Farewell to Mrs Atkins
Click on the link to read this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 15.12.23
This week, read about:
- Timetable for the week
- Our values of generosity and thankfulness
- Attendance news
- 4B brass performance
- Nativity
- Free event in town on Saturday
- Bring it on Brum!
Click the link for this week's newsletter:
Newsletter 8.12.23
This week, read about:
- Our Christmas songs and a trip to church
- The St John's Advent Calendar
- Measles update
- Attendance news
- Year 2 trip to Cadbury world
- Internet safety - online bullying
- Christmas jumper day
- St John's Christmas sale
- Local holiday club offer
Newsletter 1.12.23
This week, read about:
- Our Advent quiz and Advent calendar
- Attendance news
- Year 1 trip to the park
- Gem's visit to Nursery
- Christmas news and dates for the diary
- Cathedral choir invitation
- Dad's hub
- SEND support - speech and language
Newsletter 24.11.23
This week, read about:
- The value of respect
- Year 4 science
- Online safety with Snapchat
- The school diary
Newsletter 17.11.23
This week, read about:
- Anti-bullying
- Attendance news
- Year 4 science
- Art club
- Consultation on admissions
- Photo Day
Newsletter 10.11.23
This week, read about:
- Our values - with new songs!
- Attendance news
- Sports council
- DT in Year 2
- Online safety - Fortnite
Newsletter 27.10.23
This week, read about:
- Harvest donations
- Charity fundraiser
- Conker competition winners
- Attendance news
- Year 5 trip to Symphony Hall
- Black History Celebrations
- Secondary School Applications
- Free events for families over half term
Newsletter 20.10.23
This week, read about:
- Fundraiser news
- Year 1 Autumn Walk
- Parents' evening
- Secondary School Applications
- Attendance news
- Black History Month
- Conker competition information
- Online safety - Youtube
- SEND coffee morning
Newsletter 13.10.23
This week, read about:
- The Big Ambition Survey
- Attendance news
- Online safety - Roblox
- Reception - visit from the Fire Service
- Zones of Regulation
Newsletter 6.10.23
This week, read about:
- Conker competition launch
- Attendance news
- Homework expectations
- Leave in Term Time
- Black History Celebrations
- SEND self evaluation
- Online safety - TikTok
Newsletter 29.9.23
This week, read about:
- Harvest and our Harvest song
- Attendance update
- School council
- Celebration of homework
- Free after school music club
- CAT drop in session for parents (Communication and Autism Team)
Newsletter 23.9.23
This week, read about:
- Our value of service - the kindness song
- Attendance update
- Fundraising news
- Being a nut free school
- Free after school music club
- 'Nurturing ADHD' - support group for parents
Newsletter 15.9.23
This week, read about:
- Values of service and friendship - all different, all equal, all growing together
- Year 4 trip to Lunt fort
- Attendance news
- Local scout open evening
Newsletter 8.9.23
This week, read about:
- Our school mottos: 'All different, all equal, all growing together' & 'Shine like a light'
- Attendance - how we monitor and how we can support you
- Online courses for parents