"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Hi Year 5!
This week is assessment week in class.
Those of you isolating will catch up with your assessments when you are back at school.
Home learning may therefore look a little different this week. You will be mostly revising things we have already learned in school this term.
Please ensure you spend time on TT Rockstars and Reading Planet, too.
For all of the worksheets, as always don't worry if you can't print them off! You can write your answers on paper or on J2e5 on BGfL.
Please complete the addition worksheet below. Here is a video to support.: https://vimeo.com/458471350 The answers are available at the bottom of the document so you can check your work.
Please complete the subtraction worksheet below. Here is a video to support.: https://vimeo.com/459399023 The answers are available at the bottom of the document so you can check your work.
Please complete the addition and subtraction worded questions worksheet below. Remember to 'picture the problem in your head' and think logically - making any notes or jottings you need to as you go.
Please complete the multiplication worksheet below. There are 3 to choose from - you only need to do one but please make sure you challenge appropriately. Here is a video to support.:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryB0ruIdPlc The answers are available at the bottom of the document so you can check your work.
Please complete the X tables Square below. (You can copy it quite easily if you can't print it - you just need to write your x tables out in lines). Perhaps do it more than once and time yourself - set yourself a challenge to get faster each time!
We won't be doing much topic in school this week, but perhaps you would like to get a head start on our new topic 'materials matter' by looking at these resources.
Watch the video clips and listen out for these words:
Food, presents, new beginnings, lights, Lakshmi, wealth, festival
Divide your page into four boxes and use these subheadings to explain what Hindus might do at Diwali and why it is important.
New Beginnings
Food and Presents
The Goddess Lakshmi