"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Year 4 remote learning week beginning 24th January 2022
Hi Year 4,
Here is your remote learning for this week if you are isolating - remember, you don't have to complete any work at home if you feel poorly! Make sure your grown ups let the school office know if you are isolating. Mrs Large will check in with them via e-mail as soon as possible to check you are all ok, and to help you with your remote learning if needs be.
SPAG revision
In class you will have been looking at possessive apostrophes.
Please complete one of these punctuation-based revision lessons per day: https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/t3-punctuation-level-objectives-ca6a
Please complete one of the following lessons each day (It is revision of things you will have learned recently, whether in school or isolating. If you were isolating last week, you may have already completed some of the lessons. That’s fine – just pick up where you left off): https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/fractions-ed51
Topic, Spanish and RE
Please complete one lesson per day from the following
Electrical Engineers
There are six lessons for you to follow here but you don’t need to complete all of them: https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/electrical-circuits-06f7 (If you were isolating last week you may have already completed some of these. That’s fine – just pick up where you left off.)
Please have a look at the Third Pillar of Islam PPT (scroll down)
Can you think of ways in which you help others in your life? Perhaps by giving your time and care? Is there anything more you could do to help those around you?
Following on from our RE lesson, about giving money in charity to help those less fortunate around us, we thought it would be nice for you to think about what it means to be part of a community. The people who live around us make up our community but there are many different types of communities which we can also be a part of. In the lesson today you will look at what a community is and how you can be a part of many different communities all at the same time. Watch this video and then let us know what it means to be part of a community by creating a coat of arms to show your understanding of the different types. You can copy the template below or draw your own, it's entirely up to you.
In Spanish you will learn how to say and write the months of the year. Take your time listening to the short song below and then have a go at the game to see how well you know them. Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKznbHvPFwc&safe=true
Game: https://www.digitaldialects.com/Spanish/Daysmonths.htm
Remember, there are lots more great remote learning resources on the school website here: https://www.st-johns-pri.bham.sch.uk/whole-school-online-resources/