"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Friday 8th January 2021
Good Morning Year 5!
Well done for showing us all your hard work yesterday. You're doing so well! Don't forget to ask for help if you need it.
Here are today's meetings:
Maths help at 9.30am
If you would like to go through the maths work together, come to this meeting.
Reading Groups at 10 am
Indian Ocean - with Mrs Shingadia
Atlantic Ocean - with Miss King
Registration - 11.30 am
Reading Groups at 10.30 am
Rowling- with Miss Poole
Simon - with Mrs Shingadia
Registration at 1.30 pm
Optional Learning Support Meeting at 2pm
Today's work:
Today's video will help you to write a brilliant sentence for the beginning (opening) of Aladdin. Watch the video and follow the instructions as you go along. You can do this really well, I know!
We are continuing with yesterday's learning. Remember that these methods may seem a little unusual, but they will really help you to visualise what is going on with the numbers when we move on to using long multiplication for these kinds of questions.
Remember you did the first page of the worksheet yesterday, so just complete the second page today.
Video: https://vimeo.com/488076765
Worksheet (second page ): https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Thursday+and+Friday+Maths/
(If your teacher has spoken to you directly about completing other work, you may like to try this lesson instead)
Video written methods https://vimeo.com/491687378
Worksheet https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Written+methods/
Log onto spelling frame.
Year 5 spelling rule 44 –use of the hyphen
Watch the video about families
Learn the names for different members of the family in Spanish, then take the quiz.
Thursday 7th January
Good Morning Year 5! Well done to everyone who is working so hard at home. If you haven't sent work to your teacher online, please bring your paper to show at registration today.
Meetings today:
Reading Groups at 10 am
Atlantic Ocean - with Mrs Shingadia
Arctic Ocean - with Miss King
Registration - 11.30 am
Reading Groups at 10.30 am
Walliams - with Mrs Large
Rowling - with Mrs Shingadia
Registration - 1.30 pm
Here is your work.
Watch the video and complete the activities as you go along. You're working on different sentence types today.
2 x 2 digit multiplication – area model (like grid method)
This method may seem a little unusual, but it will really help you to visualise what is going on with the numbers when we move on to using long multiplication for these kinds of questions.
*Please only do the first page of questions. The second page is a little different and will be explained in tomorrow’s video.*
Video: https://vimeo.com/488075946
Worksheet (first page only): https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Thursday+and+Friday+Maths/
If your teacher has spoken to you directly about completing other work, you may like to try this lesson instead:
Year 4 level
Video efficient multiplication
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Thursday+alternative+maths/
Log onto spelling frame.
Year 5 spelling rule 44 –use of the hyphen
Over the next few weeks we're looking at what it means to be happy. Start by reading the sentences on the picture below. Choose the 5 ones you think are most important and explain why.
Example: I chose 'you are happy if you have a friend' because I think having someone to talk to and play with makes you feel good.
Wednesday 6th January
Good morning Year 5!
Remember to come to registration on teams today.
5K: 11.30am
5L: 1.30pm
You also need to check messages on teams to see when your reading group is meeting.
Here is today's learning:
Watch the video about prefixes and complete the activities.
Today we are moving forward with our multiplication revision and practising 4 x 1 digit calculations.
Video: https://vimeo.com/486775551
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Wednesday+Maths++4+x+1+digit/
(If your teacher has spoken to you about you completing different work, you may like to try these links to a lesson on factor pairs)
Video: https://vimeo.com/491282075
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Weds+factor+pairs/
Topic - The Islamic Golden Age
We are beginning a new topic - The Islamic Golden Age!
What was the Islamic Golden Age?
The Golden Age of Islam refers to the time when the Islamic empire and the religion of Islam grew rapidly both in terms of expanding land and cultural progress. It saw a massive expansion in the fields of science, medicine, engineering, education and the arts, which would form lasting influences on every part of our modern societies.
The Islamic Golden Age was also famous for the Islamic empire’s strength as a centre of trade, which meant ideas and knowledge, as well as goods, could travel out of and into the empire.
Watch the video and tell us 5 facts you have learned!
Learn the words by using pyramid spellings. Put each word into a sentence.
Now test yourself on Spelling blast - Year 5 week 1.
Tuesday 5th January 2021
Good Morning Year 5!
Welcome back to school - online! We are sad not to see you in school but we know you are going to be safer at home for now and that you will work so hard and make us proud of you.
Here is your learning for today.
We are beginning a new topic looking at the story of Aladdin.
Watch the video underneath and complete the activities as you go along. Don't forget to pause the video if you need to. You can do your work on J2E5 on BGFL or on paper.
Today we are having a recap on multiplication. Please follow the links below for the video lesson and the worksheet (the link will take you straight to a J2e5 document. You can complete the questions straight onto it, or print the sheet, or simply answer the questions on paper/in your homework book - whatever works best for you. (Just remember we will need to see the work so if it's on paper you need to upload a pic to Teams, or bring it into school when we are back).
We can then go through it together in our Teams meeting.
3 x 1 digit multiplication
Video: https://vimeo.com/486775113
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Tuesday+Maths/
(If you need a bit of a warm up first, try this slightly easier 2 digit x 1 digit multiplication lesson):
Video: https://vimeo.com/486774671
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Tuesday+Maths+2+x+1+digit/
(If your teacher has spoken to you about you completing different work, you may like to try these links to a lesson on multiplication of single digit numbers)
Video: https://vimeo.com/491109801Worksheet
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Tuesday+Maths+single+digits/
Please scroll down to the video on this link: https://www.childnet.com/resources/video-lessons/the-s-rule
This is the first video in a series about the SMART rules for staying safe online. Watch the video and pause at the questions to see if you can answer them. Then make a poster or information leaflet to show what you have learned.
Learn the following words by using pyramid spellings. Put each word into a sentence.
Now test yourself on Spelling blast - Year 5 week 1. (Log into BGfL then go to J2 Blast)