
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 22/03/21

If you are at home isolating, please complete the activities and lessons below. Choose one lesson for each subject.  All of the tasks are linked to our current learning in Maths, English and topic and will help you understand the different areas that we will be covering in class.


Maths: tenths, hundredths and decimals.

Watch the lessons on tenths, hundredths and decimals. Then complete the worksheets below:

Tenths and hundredths: 

What are decimals?:



Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4 and 5: Complete page 1 on Thursday and page 2 on Friday:


Learn all about where the water in Birmingham comes from and how it gets to us. Then have a look at how the water we use everyday is cleaned and made safe for us to drink again.

Where it comes from:,the%20available%20water%20for%20Birmingham.


How it is cleaned (treated):


Join Molly for the journey of water. Click the link and follow the stages.



This week in spellings we are focusing on words ending with the 'shun' sound. There are many different graphemes - 'sion', 'ssion', 'tion' and 'cian' - for this sound so make sure you try and identify the correct ones for the words you want to spell. Have a go at this lesson on shun endings in Spelling frame, click on the box that says practice/test:


Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must also complete the following:


