"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
This week we are going to be retelling the story of Beowulf focusing on interesting verbs and fronted adverbials.
To revise the story you can watch it here:
Revise fronted adverbials here:
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/zp937p3#:~:text=A%20fronted%20adverbial%20is%20when,today'%20is%20a%20fronted%20adverbial. You can look at the information and play the games. Now rewrite these sentences with fronted adverbials.
, there lived a great king named Hrothgar.
, Hrothgar held his very first banquet.
,Grendel crept across the squelching marshlands.
, Beowulf lunged forwards and grabbed Grendel's arm.
, Grendel staggered away leaving a trail of blood.
Verbs are actions. More powerful verbs can paint a picture for a reader and add much more impact to your writing. Here are some examples of simple verbs and some much more exciting examples:
1 | Said | Screamed, shouted, sobbed, talked, whispered, yawned, hummed |
2 | Walked | Strolled, sauntered, trudged, wandered, zoomed, tip-toed, stumbled |
3 | Ate | Gobbled, chomped, chewed, gulped, tasted, licked, munched, sucked |
4 | Saw | Glanced, admired, envied, glimpsed, spied, examined, peeked |
5 | Looked | Explored, thought, discussed, examined, researched, practised |
6 | Moved | Bounced, danced, hopped, jumped, ran, skipped, dashed, crawled |
7 | Cried | Bawled, blubbered, sobbed, trembled, sighed, wept, winced |
8 | Laughed | Giggled, smiled, smirked, admired, grinned, guffawed |
9 | Found | Located, unearthed, identified, collected, gathered |
10 | Ran |
Jogged, pelted, raced, stumbled, staggered, swayed, galloped |
Now rewrite these sentences with more powerful verbs.
1. "Tonight we feast!" said King Hrothgar.
2. As the warriors slept, Grendel walked across the dark, misty marshes.
3. With a huge boom Grendel opened the door and walked through.
4. Grendel picked up the warriors and killed them.
5. Beowulf went across the sea.
6. "I will defeat this monster for you" Beowulf said.
7. Beowulf held Grendel's arm and pulled. Grendel's arm fell off.
8. Grendel walked himself back to his watery cave and died.
Today I want you to write the first 2 paragraphs of your Beowulf story.
Paragraph 1: Hrothgar builds a great hall and holds a feast to celebrate.
Paragraph 2: Grendel wakes up and goes to the castle to kill the sleeping warriors.
Work on your next 2 paragraphs today.
Paragraph 3: Beowulf hears about Grendel and decides to travel across the sea to Denmark. He promises to defeat the monster for Hrothgar.
Paragraph 4: Beowulf waits for night before battling Grendel.
Finish your final paragraph where Grendel is defeated and the warriors celebrate.
Now look at your whole piece of writing and take some time to edit. Use this checklist to make sure your work is as ready as it can be.
1. Capital letters for names (Grendel, Beowulf, Hrothgar, Heorot)
2. Fronted adverbials, have you used the sentences you created on Monday?
3. Powerful verbs, have you used the verbs you came up with on Tuesday?
4. Spellings, do all your spellings make sense? If there are some you are really not sure about underline them or highlight them so I can see which ones you have tried on.
Use this website to find out some interesting facts about the Anglo Saxons! Focus on 3 of the areas and create a fact file on BGFL.
For example you could focus on Gods, clothes and battles.
This week in Math we are moving onto adding and subtracting specific values from a 4-digit number. We are then going to learn how to compare and order these numbers using our knowledge of place value. Work through each day by watching the videos and completing the worksheet that goes with it. Remember to take a picture and email it to us if you are isolating at home.
Monday 28/09/20: Finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less.
Look at what happens to a number when you add or subtract from a specific place value – 1’s, 10’s and 100’s. What do you notice happens to your number? Is this always the case? Watch this video and find out then complete the worksheet below: https://vimeo.com/456123596
Tuesday 29/09/20: 1000 more or less.
Yesterday, we looked at what happens if we add or subtract 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from a number, and today we will focus on 1000’s. Watch this video and have a go at the practice questions before completing the worksheet below: https://vimeo.com/456123805
Worksheet 2: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Y4-Autumn-Block-1-WO8-1000-more-or-less-2019.pdf
Wednesday 30/09/20: Comparing 4-digit numbers.
Today you will learn how to compare numbers using the more then less than signs. Firstly, we will need to look at the number of digits in a given number and see if that helps us. Then, we will learn why it is important to look at the place value of the digits that follow when there are numbers with the same amount of digits in them. Watch this video and complete the following worksheet: https://vimeo.com/457429670
Thursday 1/10/20: Order numbers.
Using our place value knowledge and recognising how to compare numbers helps us put a list of numbers into order from biggest to smallest (ascending) or smallest to biggest (descending). It is important to look at the place value of other digits too when some of the digits within the number are the same. Watch this video and complete the worksheet that is below: https://vimeo.com/457785786
Worksheet 4: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Y4-Autumn-Block-1-WO10-Order-numbers-2019.pdf
Friday 2/09/20: Round numbers to the nearest 1000.
Last week, we looked at how to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 using the rounding rhyme and our understanding of multiples of each. Today, we are going to round to the nearest 1000’s using the same method. Watch this video and complete the worksheet when you have finished: https://vimeo.com/458106101
Last week we learnt about some of the objects and symbols used by the Jewish people and how they show their commitment to their faith through them. In R.E this week we are going to make our own Mezuzah boxes, which are very important to Jews as they hold a very special prayer/blessing in them. Watch this video about them and see if you can create your own box: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zwkq6sg
Click on this link to get your own Mezuzah box template – print it off and make it: https://bgfl-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/f_akhtar_st-johns-pri_bham_sch_uk/EbyeGnfonplMtAq0rogaOwMBZ7DmhVPDBKci582E4wTuwQ?e=UTMb8n
Make sure that someone at home has tested you on your spellings for last week and practice any that you got wrong using your favourite spelling strategies. This week’s spellings are:
business, caught, centre, century, certain and circle.
Practice these this week and get someone to test you.
No Nonsense Spelling: apostrophes for singular and plural possession.
Most of you know how to use an apostrophe to show contractions so this week are looking at apostrophes for showing possession. When something belongs to someone or something (singular possession) we show this in our writing by adding an apostrophe and an s after the noun – Jack’s shoes. This tells us that the shoes belong to Jack: they are his shoes. What happens if there is plural possession (more than one person or thing). Watch this video and then write a few sentences about some objects that belong to family members using the apostrophe for possession: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNFPnVz7JB4