
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Remote Learning Week Beginning 10th January 2022

Year 3 Remote Learning wk beginning 10th January 2022

Hi Year 3,


Here is your remote learning for this week if you are isolating - remember, you don't have to complete any work at home if you feel poorly! Make sure your grown ups let the school office know if you are isolating. Mrs Large will check in with them via e-mail over the next few days to check you are all ok.



Please follow the link and complete one lesson per day:



Please complete one lesson per day. Watch the video via the link and then scroll down to the bottom of this page for the worksheet. If you can print them off that’s great, but please don’t worry if you can’t. You can just write the answers on paper or a blank BGfL document. Please also note that the worksheet documents don't always upload in the correct order - make sure you are using the worksheet that matches the video lesson.

Maths lesson 1: Multiply by 3 -

Maths lesson 2: Divide by 3 -

Maths lesson 3: The 3 X table -

Maths lesson 4: Multiply by 4 -

Maths lesson 5: Divide by 5 -


Topic, Spellings and Art


Please complete one to two of these lessons per day




  1. Use these video links to research Earthquakes and make notes. Then use the subheadings to organise your facts into a fact file.


-What is an earthquake?

- What is a tsunami? (What caused the earthquake?) 

- Earthquake in Japan

- Staying Safe in an Earthquake


2. Earthquakes and tectonic plates.


Investigate plate boundaries: Go to Where are they? Why are they there? What causes an earthquake?

Go to  

- identify the tectonic plates

- compare the map of where earthquakes occur and the map of plate boundaries.

Where are most earthquakes happening? Why?


  1. Play the Plates on the Move Game:




Use a range of different materials and media to create a piece of Volcano Artwork!

You could use paint, foil, cellophane, felt, pastels. Will you use hot or cold colours to create your volcano?

Here are some examples inspired by artist Nick Rowland.
