"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
"(Something Inside) So Strong" is a song written and recorded by British singer-songwriter Labi Siffre. The song was written in 1984, inspired by a television documentary on apartheid in South Africa seen by Siffre in which white soldiers were filmed shooting at black civilians in the street.
The lyrics are so powerful. They talk about no matter how much you try to put people down and take their power away, there is a strength inside that will not give up.
My light will shine so brightly it will blind you
Because there's something inside so strong, strong
Here is a version sung by ‘The Spirituals’ choir. This was a group which was formed in 2020 as a creative response to the murder of George Floyd. It was a way to use music to stand up against injustice and to commemorate black history and culture.