
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Equalities Objectives



As a Church of England school, we believe everyone is loved unconditionally by God and is individual and unique. Everyone is equal and we treat each other with dignity and respect. Each person in all their unique difference should be able to thrive, irrespective of physical appearance, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic background, academic ability, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.



Equality objectives


Objective 1:

To narrow the gap in attainment, particularly in writing, between boys and girls.

Why we have chosen this objective: Internal data suggests that there in a gap between boys’ and girls’

 attainment in writing, with less boys achieving the expected standard.


To achieve this objective, we plan to:

  • Train teachers in using the EEF 5-a-day strategies to ensure high quality teaching within the classroom
  • Increase the use of cooperative strategies within the classroom to ensure all children are being exposed to

            and are accessing high quality writing

  • Ensure all children are being exposed to high quality texts for whole class reading and are studying a range of writing styles.


Progress we are making towards this objective:

•  All staff have had training on EEF strategies. This has formed part of the PDR process and of whole school monitoring.


Objective 2

To narrow the gap in attendance for pupils with SEND by fostering good relationships with parents and

carers and seeking to understand the barriers to good attendance


Why we have chosen this objective:

There is currently a difference between the attendance of our pupils with SEND compared to our pupils without SEND. We want to ensure that pupils with SEND attend as often as they can in order to have a positive impact on their progress


To achieve this objective we plan to:

  • Monitor attendance and support families where there are concerns around attendance
  • Meet with families with children with SEND who are persistently absent to see how we can support.
  • Complete Early Help assessments for families where additional support is needed.


Objective 3 :

To review levels of pupil engagement in school life, across all activities to ensure equity and fairness in access.


Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure that all pupils are being given the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities and enrichment events.


To achieve this objective, we plan to:

Analyse the data on the groups of pupils already attending out of hours provision including, breakfast club.

  • Ensure under-represented groups are identified and encouraged to attend
  • Consider reasonable adjustments that could be made to ensure all children can be safe and

have the correct provision


