"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Reception Remote Learning wk beginning 14th February 2022 (Happy Valentine’s Day if you are reading this on Monday!)
Hi Reception,
Here is your remote learning for this week if you are isolating - remember, you don't have to complete any work at home if you feel poorly! Make sure your grown-ups let the school office know if you are isolating. Mrs Large will check in with them via e-mail as soon as possible to check you are all ok, and to help you with your remote learning if needs be.
If you follow this link it will take you to a padlet containing most of your work. (You may prefer to finish the work on last week’s padlet if you have already been isolating for a few days – that’s absolutely fine):
(The same padlet was used last year, so please just ignore any old comments etc - but feel free to add your own!)
Then there are some more activities here:
Children’s Mental Health Week 2022:
We are celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week at the moment! This year’s theme is ‘Growing Together’. Mental Health is SO important. We are lucky at St Johns that we spend a lot of time learning about our emotions and self-regulation.
Here is a video introduction to Children’s Mental Health Week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dySvIlAuiEk&t=13s
Growth Stories
Human beings change and grow – we do it all the time and in many ways. Emotional growth is often a gradual process that happens over time, and sometimes we might feel a bit ‘stuck’. At these times, we are reminded of how much we need others in our lives to help us to keep growing.
Here are some videos of some grown ups you might recognise talking about growth and the challenges they have faced and overcome. If a grown up at home feels well enough, you might like to watch them together and talk about them.
Here is a little picture to remind you of the work you will have been doing in school based around ‘Zones of Regulation’. It may help you if you deal with any big emotions you may experience while you are off school poorly. Remember – it’s ok to not be ok! The self regulation tools you have learned at school will help, and it’s ALWAYS worth talking to a trusted adult about how you are feeling.
If you have been isolating for a long time, you may notice some of this work is the same as last week – don’t worry, it’s great practice even if you repeat some work, and don’t forget the extra resources on the school website linked at the bottom!
Look through the presentation below (scroll down) to learn about different kinds of dinosaurs.
Learn some more facts about dinosaurs here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/curations/dinosaur-facts
Story book:
Here is your current class read ‘T Rex on Tour’ for you to listen to: https://youtu.be/5JkgrfNxC0Y
Here is some magic maths for practice – number bonds to ten. Can you watch a few times until you know the song well enough to sing along?
Try this song too:
And learn about odd and even numbers here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08r2l4d/numberblocks-series-2-odds-and-evens
Remember, there are lots more great remote learning resources on the school website here: https://www.st-johns-pri.bham.sch.uk/whole-school-online-resources/