
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Year 6

Hello Year 6!


Timeline Challenge!


Open your timeline and learn some important periods in history. Can you memorise important dates? Can you remember what you learned from Year 1?



BC = Before Christ. This refers to periods of time before Jesus was born.


AD = Anno Domini (Latin). This refers to periods of time after Jesus was born.  



Talking 'Bout a Revolution


Answer these questions. Use the Knowledge Organiser and website links to help you.


When did the Industrial Revolution take place in Britain? In which century?

What happened and why?

What were the changes to life that the Industrial Revolution brought? How did it affect life in Birmingham?

Name a significant child labour law. How did laws affect life for children towards the end of the period?

Why do different versions of the past exist? What do historians call this?

Do you think the Industrial Revolution was a good thing for Britain? Describe the advantages and the disadvantages it brought.


Heroes and Villains Quiz


Answer these questions. Use the Knowledge Organiser and website links to help you.


Who were the Nazis and what was their ideology? Over which period did they rise to power?

Name some key dates and events both leading to and during WW2.

Name and describe primary and secondary sources and what they may tell us about life in Britain during WW2.

What was Operation Pied Piper?

What role did propaganda play in WW2 both in Britain and in Germany?

Was WW2 was a significant event in Britain’s history? Why or why not?


Tomb Raiders Quiz


Answer these questions. Use the Knowledge Organiser and website links to help you.


Explain the meaning of the terms: dynasty, irrigation and Egyptology when thinking about the Ancient Egyptians.

When did the Ancient Egyptians live?

Which other ancient civilisations existed during the Egyptian period? Describe some primary sources of evidence. Why do historians sometimes disagree about those sources?

What do historians know about life in Ancient Egypt?

How does it compare to life in another ancient civilisations (Britain & Europe)?

Why is this civilisation important to study today? What kind of legacies did it leave us?
