"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Wednesday 11th November 2020
Good morning 2B!
Dear parents/carers, if you are having trouble with online learning, we have prepared learning packs, these can be collected at the school office. Please give office staff your child’s name and you will receive the correct pack. We prefer where possible that children use this page to further their learning. Thank you for all your support.
Tasks for Today
Please upload your work to JIT5 /Teams or you can take a photo and email it to us at 2b@st-johns-pri.bham.sch.uk
Today, we are looking at the ir sound. Try the task below!
Write your words on paper or on JIT5.
Use each word in a sentence. Now check it, did you spell it correctly without looking?
Log onto reading planet, read a book and do the quiz.
Click on the link if you need help logging on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyomG4ykFM&t=3s
The Unlucky Man
Watch the next lesson on this interesting book, and try the tasks at the end.
Explore a character
This week, we are learning more about place value.
Watch each video then try the task.
Compare objects https://vimeo.com/456122161
TT Rockstar challenge! Can you beat Miss Brittle? Click on multiplayer and then rockslam and look to see who has challenged you. Miss Brittle is Ella Riddle.
Look at these different types of materials. Watch the videos and then try the task.
Have a good day!
Mrs Bata and Miss Brittle