"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
What happens when you add the suffix 'ly' to a word? Watch this video to find out.
Suffixes are letters that can be added to the end of words to change their meaning.
'nice' becomes 'nicely'
'happy' becomes 'happily'
'terrible' becomes 'terribly'
Can you change these words into adverbs? Make a table in your book and write down the new words you have made:
Root word | adverb |
friend |
kind |
week |
lone |
near |
free |
Remember the rules for adding ly? (Look at the list yesterday if you have forgotten!). Draw a table into your books. Make three columns. Sort out the words so that the match the rules. The first ones have been done for you:
messy | terrible | sad | powerful | greedy |
fair | truthful | happy | gentle | friend |
heavy | unhappy | quick | clear | simple |
+ ly to the root word | Change the y to an i, then +ly | Drop the le and +ly |
sadly | messily | terribly |
Look at the new words you made yesterday. Can you use them to finish these sentences off so that they make sense? Write them into your books. Make sure you use your best cursive handwriting. Can you write 2 more sentences of your own using different words with -ly suffixes?
Sometimes words with a 'k' sound in them are spelt with a 'ch'. These are words which have originated from the Greek language.
Words like: chemist, choir, ache, school, character.
They can be hard to spell because they don't make the sound you expect it to!
Click on the link below to go to the spellingzone.
Read the list of words (you can click on the sound icon to hear it read out to you. Write a list of the words in your book to help you learn the sound.
Scroll down and find the eye icon. Have a go at the look, say, cover, write and check game. It will test you on all of the words.
Yesterday you looked at words which have a 'k' sound but are written as 'ch'. See if you can sort these words out. You could fold a page in your book or draw a line down the middle of the page. On one side write 'ch makes a ch sound' and on the other 'ch makes a k sound'.
church | cheese | character | ache | chat |
cheap | school | chess | beach | echo |
choir | chaos | much | Christmas | arch |
Have a go at writing a silly sentence with as many of the 'k' sound words in as possible.