"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
The school's vision is rooted in Christian service. We believe that each of us whether we are a staff member, a child, a parent, a governor, a visitor or friend of the school has been given talents by God. These skills and talents have been gifted to us to enable us to support and serve each other.
Jesus did not choose to only serve his close friends, or people that shared his beliefs or interests - he went out of his way to offer himself as a servant to all. 'I am among you as one who serves' Luke 22:27. This means that we extend our service to all, whatever their background or what they believe in, and offer this service within school as well as extending out to the local and global community.
All different, all equal, all growing together
St John's is a Church of England primary school where every person that walks through the entrance to the school is welcomed, valued and loved. Each person is different; they come with different life experiences, different opinions, different talents and different expectations but in our eyes each one is equally valued and deserves to be given the opportunity to grow academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. The school is committed to serving these needs to enable each person to thrive.
We tell the children that they are like seeds that are planted deep in the soil of St John's. They need strong roots to grow down into the soil so that they can flourish and bear the fruits of their endeavours. We see our 12 Christian values as being at the core of their growth. The values are the roots that give our children the strength to navigate this world as respectful, courageous, generous, trusting, forgiving, fair members of society. They will have the skill to persevere when life becomes hard, but be always thankful for the goodness they see around them. They will be a compassionate friend to others and will live their lives following the golden rule 'Treat others the way you want to be treated'.
These are our 12 Christian Values. They are woven into all areas of school life: our collective worships, our curriculum, our behaviour management approach, our communication with the community. We want all of our school community to be able to talk about them and understand them, but we also want to see how living by them enriches all areas of our lives.
We only have one rule to follow at St John's:
We chose this as it is rooted in what the Bible teaches Christians. It also appears in the Sacred texts of other religions and is a moral code that those with no religion would also live by. We want our children to serve through love by putting others before themselves.