"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Good Morning Year 3!
Welcome back to school - online! We are sad not to see you in school but we know you are going to be safer at home for now and that you will work so hard and make us proud of you.
Here is your English for this week.
Watch the videos underneath each learning objective and complete the activities as you go along. Don't forget to pause the video if you need to. You can do your work on J2E5 on BGFL or on paper.
Complete 1 lesson a day.
Focus Text: The Happy Prince
1. Tuesday
LO: To Engage with a Narrative
2. Wednesday LO: To Investigate homonyms
3. Thursday
LO: To introduce apostrophes for singular possession
4. Friday
LO: To retell and analyse a narrative
1. Reading Comprehensions
Read Theory https://readtheory.org/auth/login
Username: Your 3-digit number@st-johns-pri.bham.sch.uk
Password: stjohnsb11
2. All About Greece
3. Checking for mistakes in writing
Spot the mistake
4. Reading
Follow the link on the school website. The centre ID is 199591
Use the Oxford Owl link on the school website. Choose an e-book and play it so it will read the book to you. Before turning the page can you predict what will happen next? |