"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Friday 8th January 2021
Good morning year 2
Dear parents/carers, if you are having trouble with online learning, we have prepared learning packs, these can be collected at the school office. Please give office staff your child’s name and you will receive the correct pack. We prefer where possible that children use this page to further their learning. Thank you for all your support.
Please log in for registration at
2B - 11 am
2F - 10 am
Tasks for Today
Please upload your work to JIT5 /Teams or you can take a photo and email it to us at:
Mrs Bata -2b@st-johns-pri.bham.sch.uk
Miss Forrest--2F@st-johns-pri.bham.sch.uk
Click on the link to joining with the video: 5 Minute Move | Kids Workout 5 | The Body Coach TV - Bing video
Watch the video and complete the activity.
The Eagle Who Thought He Was A Chicken: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-use-the-progressive-form-of-verbs-60ukgc
Let's continue with homophones: to, two and too. Open the power point to remind you of the meanings of these words.
Log onto reading planet, read a book and do the quiz. - Rising Stars - Login (risingstars-uk.com)
Click on the link if you need help logging on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPyomG4ykFM&t=3s
Recognising money and coins (Blue, Green and Red maths groups)
Watch the video about recognising coins and notes and have a go at the activity:
Aut2.10.5 - Make the same amount on Vimeo
Counting backwards and forwards to 20 (Yellow and Silver maths groups)
Aut1.11.1 - Count forwards and backwards and write numbers to 20 on Vimeo
Play TT Rockstars Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com) or Numbots- Numbots Game
Click on the video to learn how to play Numbots - Numbots - YouTube
Have a look at the designs of the Cadbury chocolate bars in the power point from yesterday. What do you think makes you want to buy them? (Clues: bright, attractive, delicious looking!). Think about making and designing your own chocolate bar.
What will you name it? What ingredients will you use?
Draw it on paper or on JIT 5. Here is a template to help you. Think carefully about colour and shape.
D and T
Ask an adult in your house if you can try making or baking with some chocolate today!
Try one of these recipes! https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/kids-chocolate-recipes
***Mrs Kirby's Phonics Group***
Watch this video for the ee sound: The ee sound with Mrs Kirby - YouTube
Activity for the ee sound: Activity for the ee sound - YouTube
Have a good day!
Mrs Bata and Miss Forrest