"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Friday 27th November - remote learning
Hooray, today is our very last day of isolation and remote learning. We would like to say how impressed we have been with you all, Year 4, as you have shown effort, commitment and resilience in this tricky situation, especially when our computers and internet connections were playing up! You have been so patient and respectful throughout the two weeks, and we are very proud to say that we are your teachers. We have seen some amazing work in so many different formats, from Minecraft creations of the digestive system to drawings and models. Well done. We can't wait to see you all in school on Monday (in your school PE kits remember) and know most of you can't wait either. Have a lovely day and here are today's learning links:
Math - 6 times table and division facts.
Continuing on from yesterday’s learning, you will apply your knowledge of the 6 times tables in different contexts, answering word and reasoning problems to improve your fluency and understanding. I really want you to think about how you can use the 3 times tables, which we practiced earlier in the week, and its number facts to help you solve problems involving the 6 times tables because multiples of 6 are just double the multiples of 3. There is no video to go with today's worksheet, but if you need a reminder of what to do watch yesterdays. Complete this worksheet to show your understanding of the 6 times tables and division facts. Make sure that you look at the representations very carefully before answering the questions: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Y4-Autumn-Block-4-WO8-6-times-table-and-division-facts-2019.pdf
Today we are looking at punctuating speech. Click the link and complete your work in your red book or on BGFL.
Today we are thinking about balance. Click the link and complete the lesson to think about balance and how two different people prepare for the same race.
Daily Tasks/Key skills
Every day you must try and complete the following:
Thursday 26th November - remote learning
Math -multiply and divide by 6.
In today’s lesson we are moving on to multiplying and dividing by 6. As with the 3 times tables, you need to be confident in your 6 times tables and practice them if you are not. We will look at how to group and share equally into groups involving multiples of 6 and understand what the numbers in our calculations represent. Watch this video to help you and then gave a go at the worksheet: https://vimeo.com/478522348
This worksheet will appear on your Teams post as an assignment for you to complete and save, if you cannot do it on line then complete it in your red homework book.
Today you will be writing your opening for The Borrowers. Click the link to watch the video and start the lesson. You can type your opening on J2E5.
We know that our bodies need oxygen to function. Today we will be looking at what our body does once we have breathed it in. Click the link to start the lesson.
Daily Tasks/Key skills
Every day you must try and complete the following:
Wednesday 25th November - remote learning
Math - the 3 times table
Continuing on from yesterday’s learning, you will apply your knowledge of the 3 times tables in different contexts, answering word and reasoning problems to improve your fluency. Think about how you can use the 3 times tables and its number facts to help you solve problems involving other times tables too. Watch this video and then complete the worksheet that follows: https://vimeo.com/478518987
Worksheet 3: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Y3-Autumn-Block-3-WO4-The-3-times-table-2019.pdf
This assignment will appear on your Teams post as an assignment for you to complete and save, if you cannot do it on line then complete it in your red homework book.
Today we are planning the opening of our story! Keep this safe in your red book so you can use it tomorrow.
Today you are looking at the anatomies of different animals in the animal kingdom. I am very excited by this one!
Daily Tasks/Key skills
Every day you must try and complete the following:
Tuesday 24th November - remote learning
Math - multiply and divide by 3:
In today’s lesson we are going to focus on multiplying and dividing by 3. It is really important that you know your 3 times table well as this will help your understanding of sharing and grouping amounts with calculations that involve multiples of 3. We will be using different representations to help us develop our knowledge of the 3 times tables and looking at how these two operations have an inverse relationship. Watch this video and then have a go at completing the worksheet saved on teams as an assignment: https://vimeo.com/478514773
This assignment will appear on your Teams post as an assignment for you to complete and save, if you cannot do it on line then complete it in your red homework book.
Today you will be looking at setting. Click the link and start the lesson, you can record in your red book or on j2e5.
Follow the link and complete the activities in your red book or on j2e5.
Daily Tasks/Key skills
Every day you must try and complete the following:
Monday 23rd November-remote learning
Monday 23/11/20 – dividing by 1 and itself.
At the end of last week, we looked at what happens to a number when it is multiplied by 1 or 0. Today we are going to see what happens when a number is divided by 1 or itself. The terms ‘grouping’ and ‘sharing’ are used to show each of these two calculations more clearly. For example, when a number is divided by 1, you are sharing an amount between 1 and the answer will always be the same as the number you are dividing by (as there is only 1 group). However, if you divide the number by itself then the answer will always be 1 to show that the number of groups made is equal to the number being divided. To find more watch this video and then complete the worksheet below: https://vimeo.com/478511830
Worksheet 1: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Y4-Autumn-Block-4-WO6-Divide-by-1-and-itself-2019.pdf
This assignment will appear on your Teams post as an assignment for you to complete and save, if you cannot do it on line then complete it in your red homework book.
Click the link above and start the lesson. You can complete the activities in your red book or on J2E5.
Start the lesson above. Once you have thought about the process of digestion (remember the explanation we wrote in school?) I want you to get creative to show me the digestive system in a creative way. You might remember Miss Kirk showing you using tights and orange juice or you might have seen some brilliant pictures and videos. It is entirely up to you how you show the digestive system here are some ideas:
There are tons of ways you can show it so get creative! We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Today is Monday, which means it is your PE day. However, as we are not in school and do not have Mr HE, we would like you to do the following HIIT session with Joe Wickes. See if you can complete the whole session in one go at any point during the day, have fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGdpXUKoWlQ
Daily Tasks/Key skills
Every day you must try and complete the following: