
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Year 5 Remote Learning Week Beginning 17th January 2022

Hi Year 5,


Here is your remote learning for this week if you are isolating - remember, you don't have to complete any work at home if you feel poorly! Make sure your grown ups let the school office know if you are isolating. Mrs Large will check in with them via e-mail as soon as possible to check you are all ok, and to help you with your remote learning if needs be.




This week’s lessons consist of some SPaG Revision. Please follow the link and complete one lesson per day:




This week you will be completing some revision on fractions. Please follow the link and complete one lesson per day, starting at lesson 1 (you are not expected to complete all of the lessons):


Topic – The Islamic Golden Age

Learn about the amazing House of Wisdom, and plan a modern day one of your own:  


Art/D&T- Islamic Golden Age:

(Make sure you complete the House of Wisdom lesson above before completing this one)

You have learned about the incredible House of Wisdom which was built during the Islamic Golden Age, and then made a plan for a modern-day House of Wisdom. 


Today’s lesson is creative. You need to think about either the original House of Wisdom (pics on yesterday's link), or your own, modern-day House of Wisdom, and choose which one you want to focus on today. 


Your task is to either do a detailed drawing of it, OR make a model of it (from recycled materials you can find around the house such as old cereal boxes, paper origami... etc) You might have a different idea for something creative that we haven’t even thought of - if so, super!


(If you have paints, play-doh, art supplies etc then that’s great, but do NOT buy anything special!  A simple drawing with pencil and paper, or using a drawing tool on the computer, is absolutely fine! Remember – no one is expecting you to have a cupboard full of art supplies like we do at school. Be creative and have fun with whatever you can find.)




Please scroll down to the video on this link:  


It is the first video in this series about the SMART rules for staying safe online – the ‘S’ rule. Watch the video and pause at the questions to see if you can answer them. Then show us what you’ve learned (make poster, write an information text, show your understanding via a cartoon... up to you!) 

If you were isolating last week and have already watched the first one, please watch the second one – the ‘M’ rule: / and show what you have learned!



Here is a Spanish lesson about hobbies:

Please watch this video about hobbies: 

Then please complete this hobbies quiz 



We’ve been exploring ideas about happiness and what will really make people happy. Today you need to come up with your own idea about what would make a happy life. Then create a really good drawing to illustrate it.

Here are some examples that other children have done to help you.
