
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


Genre: Diary Writing


1. Highlight the following features of a diary. You could use different colours for each feature:

 - First person, I

- Fronted adverbials e.g. Suddenly, As quick as a flash, In the morning,

- 4 adjective sentence e.g. The cloudy, grey sky hung over the rough, crashing sea.

- Conjunctions (and, because, when, although, if, so....)

- Past tense e.g. wandered, felt, smelt, pushed

Go the BGFL, shared files, Diary features.


2.Plan your diary using the pictures. Go to BGFL, MA Diary Plan. Complete box 1 and 2.

Box 1: Set the scene. Describe why you were at the beach. Describe what you saw, heard, smelt, felt. Use you 4 adjective sentences from last week here. Start your sentence with a fronted adverbial.

Box 2: You lose your dog. You looked for him and heard him bark. Use a conjunction here.


3. Plan your diary. Complete boxes 3,4 and 5.

Go to BGFL,  shared files, MA Diary Plan.

Box 3: You found your dog on a cliff. Describe how you felt. What happened to your body?

Box 4: You discovered the sea monster fossil! Use a fronted adverbial and conjunction here.

Box 5: The men from the village helped carry the sea monster home. Everyone cheered for you. Use a fronted adverbial. Describe how you felt. 


4. Write a diary as if you were Mary Anning. Remember to use these past tense words:

wandered, felt, smelt, heard, trembled, discovered


Success criteria:

 - First person, I

- Fronted adverbials e.g. Suddenly, As quick as a flash, In the morning,

- 4 adjective sentence e.g. The cloudy, grey sky hung over the rough, crashing sea.

- Conjunctions (and, because, when, although, if, so....)

- Past tense e.g. wandered, felt, smelt, pushed

Use your plan from yesterday to structure your writing.


5. Reading Comprehension - Inference.

Go to BGFL, shared files, MA Inference. Read the text and answer the questions
