
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 30/11/20


Monday 30/11/20 – multiply and divide by 9.

Last week, we looked at the 3 and 6-times tables, using the inverse relationship that multiplication and division have to identify number facts relating to each of their multiples. Today, we are going to move on to the 9 times tables. Once again, the terms ‘grouping’ and ‘sharing’ will be used to show how calculations are represented and written differently. Look out for any links between the 3 and 6-times tables and think about how you can use this to support your understanding of the 9 times table. Complete the following worksheet when you are ready:

Worksheet 1:


Tuesday 01/12/20 – 9 times tables and division facts.

Continuing on from yesterday’s learning, you will apply your knowledge of the 9 times tables in different contexts, answering word and reasoning problems to improve your fluency. Think about how you can use the 9 times tables and its number facts to help you solve problems involving multiples of 9 as well as other times tables too. Complete the worksheet below for more practice on multiplying and dividing by 9:

Worksheet 2:


Wednesday 02/12/20 – multiply and divide by 7.

In today’s lesson we are moving on to multiplying and dividing by 7. As with all times tables, you need to be confident in your 7 times tables and practice them if you are not. We will look at how to group and share equally into groups involving multiples of 7 as well as try and understand what the numbers in our calculations actually represent. See if you can identify any patterns or links to other times tables which will help you remember the multiples of 7. Complete this worksheet once you have done this:

Worksheet 3:


Thursday 03/12/20 – 7 times table and division facts.

Today, you will apply your knowledge of the 7 times tables in different contexts, answering word and reasoning problems to improve your fluency and understanding. I really want you to think about how you can use the 7 times tables, which we practiced yesterday, and its number facts to help you solve problems involving this times table and others too. Make sure that you look at the representations very carefully for each question, and then complete this worksheet to show what you understand and know about 7 times tables and its division facts.

Worksheet 4:



Friday 04/12/20 – times tables end of block assessment.

Over the last three weeks, we have been learning all about the 3, 6, 9 and 7-times tables. We have looked at the inverse relationship that exists between the operations of multiplication and division as well as how multiples from one times table are often closely linked to another. We have also used the commutative property of multiplication to help us identify factor pairs for our number sentences. Have a go at this mini assessment to see how much you have really understood:






Use this video to remind yourself of what causes tooth decay. can also think about the experiment we have done in school and your comic strip we made. Write an explanation of tooth decay. 


If you are stuck this line might start you off:

It is essential to prevent tooth decay as it can be uncomfortable and very painful. Tooth decay starts when...



Today you are going to write another paragraph, This time you will be trying to inform your reader. This means you need to deliver information clearly. Your paragraph is going to be called "All about teeth". Here is a list of things I want your paragraph to talk about.

  • What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores? What is special about the teeth of each?
  • What are human beings (herbivore, carnivore or omnivore?) What types of teeth do we have?
  • What jobs do the different teeth do?
  • Why is it important to keep your teeth healthy?

How can you keep your teeth healthy? 


Thursday- Spelling (suffixes)


Friday- Spelling (suffixes)




Have a look at this website and watch the video about food labels. Can you find any food labels in your house? What are the nutritional values? Try and find 5 different items and work out how healthy each item is.


You have got an exciting new job as the new menu maker for the St John's kitchen! We all love pizza Friday but it is a very important job and we have to make sure our menu is balanced and has a good amount of healthy foods. You will need to come up with 5 lunch ideas, if you are super stuck here are loads of delicious meals you could try! 



RE - sacred texts/words: 

This week we will be looking at the Muslim's holy book, The Quran, focusing in particular on the opening words in Surah Al Fatiha. We will identify the different names of Allah within this verse and discuss how the Quran is handled and respected by Muslims. Watch this video to learn more:



Last week was anti-bullying week, and now we are back at school we are going to be looking at what bullying is as well as identifying the different types of bullying that take place: physical, emotional and cyber-bullying. Watch this video to see what we can do to stand up to bullies and prevent it from happening around us



Make sure that your parents have tested you on any spellings that you have found tricky over the last few weeks, and then practice the spellings for this week. Remember to use the spelling strategies we have been practicing at school to help you remember them.


                                  Calendar, complete, opposite, ordinary, position and possess


NNS - adding the suffixes '-ing', '-ed', '-er' and '-en'.

This week we will look at how a word changes when a suffix is added. Suffixes are a group of letters added to the end of a root word, and they can often change the tense or class of the root word. How we write words that have suffixes also depend on which syllables in the words are stressed, meaning sometimes the consonant at the end has to be doubled. Have a look at these words and choose the correct suffixes to go with them (some words can go with more than one of the suffixes):


                                     garden,           limit,           forget,         begin


Daily tasks/key skills:

Reading Planet.

You must try and log on to Reading Planet everyday for at least 15-20 mins and then complete the end of book quizzes. If you are not sure how to do this then watch this helpful video:

The centre ID for Reading Planet is: 199591  and your 3-digit number from your school email.

