
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 11/01/20

Remote Learning Friday 15th January

Well done on another fabulous week!

You've done some brilliant work and it has been great to see you everyday in our meetings. It makes it so much easier to talk about the learning and let you know important information.

A special congratulations to our Year 4 stars of the week

Eshaan and Ayaan in 4A


Ehan and Hasnain in 4F


Tune in to stars of the week at 9:00 by clicking the link you don't even have to login!


4A have music today at 11:15 it is in your calendar on Teams. Please try to join on time.



Today we are continuing our work on division but now we are looking at using part part wholes to help us. By splitting a tricky number into easier parts it makes it much simpler to divide.

Watch this video to help you

Then complete the questions here


Dragons were incredibly important to the Viking people. They used their image to scare off enemies and they even believed they could defend against bad luck! But did you know that the Vikings didn’t actually call them dragons? In old Norse they were called ormr which means a serpent monster!

Today we are going to be doing some dragon art. You are going to be making your own dragon eye! You can use anything you have to create your eye, it can be drawn, built, moulded, you can use anything you have. Take a look at some examples here


MATHS 15.1.21 


If your teacher has spoken to you about it please complete this Maths by clicking the attachment or link below (copy and paste onto the internet) and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save. 


In today's English lesson, you are going to learn how to write up the closing paragraphs of your non-chronological reports. You will find out what to include in the final part of your report and how to keep the reader interested right until the end! watch this video and remember to do all the activities that you are asked to:



In the spelling lesson today we continue with looking at suffixes. This time the we are going to focus on the word endings '-ate', '-ify', '-ise' and '-en'. Watch the video carefully and write down any rules that you learn along the way on paper so that you can refer to them again later:


Remote Learning Thursday 14th January



Today we are starting to look at division. Remember division is the inverse (opposite) of multiplication. When we times, we are asking for lots of a number for example


3 x 4 = 3 lots of 4 = 4 + 4 + 4

When we divide we are asking how many of one number fit in another for example


12 ÷ 4 = how many 4s are in 12 = 4, 8, 12 so 3 fours make 12.


Watch this video to remind yourself what we spoke about in our meeting

Then complete the questions here



MATHS 14.1.21 

If your teacher has spoken to you about it please complete this Maths by clicking the attachment or link below (copy and paste onto the internet) and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.





The Vikings were brilliant ship builders. Their ships were strong, lightweight and beautifully shaped to skim quickly through the water. Warships and raiding ships were designed to come right up on the beach so that men could jump out and start fighting straight away.

The ships were built of wood and made waterproof with tar from pine trees. The square sails were made of woven wool and were often brightly coloured. When the wind was wrong for sailing, they were rowed by teams of oarsmen.


Today your task is to design your own Viking ship, you can draw your design on paper an send a picture to your teacher. Remember to consider these aspects of your ship:


MATHS 14.1.21

If your teacher has spoken to you about it please complete this Maths by clicking the attachment below. Send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save. 


Over the last two weeks, we have been looking at how we can improve our writing skills. Using a combination of different sentence types is a really good way of making sure that your writing does not sound boring or repetitive. Imagine reading a book where every sentence was a simple one! In today's lesson we are going to continue looking at simple and compound sentences, so that you are able to use them confidently within your own writing. Watch this video and complete the tasks as you asked on paper or online. Use this lesson to really impress us with your understanding of these two sentence types: 



In your spelling lesson today we are going to explore the suffixes 'tion', 'cian', 'sian' and 'ssion'. These suffixes are pretty tricky because they all sound the same but are spelt very differently. This means that you really need know how to spell words ending with these suffixes as it will build your confidence in knowing which of them to apply. Watch this video all about the above suffixes and complete the tasks as you go on paper or online. As an extra challenge try and list at least 4 or 5 words that end using each of the suffixes:



If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is ee. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video:

Learn the sound:

Complete the activity:


Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must try and complete the following:


          Remote learning Wednesday 13th January.

Important message for 4F and 4A regarding PE today. Your lessons will start slightly earlier than we had planned so you must log into your meetings at the following times promptly:

                                                4F your lesson will begin at 9.15am

                                  4A your lesson will begin at 10.15am.


Here are the rest of your lessons for today:


Carrying on our work on written methods of multiplication. Today we will be looking at 3 digit times by 2 digit.

You can watch the video here:


Once you have watched the video you can complete the questions here:


In English yesterday, you wrote some amazing opening paragraphs for a report about the Vikings. Today, you are going to learn how to edit and improve your work so that it is much better. Being able to proof read and edit your own, and other's work, is a very useful skill but does need you to take the time and effort to really analyse your own writing. Reading it out aloud is essential as you often identify words and punctuation that you have missed. Watch this video about editing a non-chronological report, remember to stop the video to complete the tasks, and then apply those skills to your own writing from yesterday:



In today's spelling lesson you will continue looking at suffixes. However, this time we want you to consider them in both the past and present tense. Watch this video and see what happens when a words tense changes from the present to the past? Make sure you stop the video and make a note of the rules as you go because they will be very useful to refer to later in the lesson:



We are coming to the end of our topic on the Vikings, so today we would like you to complete this mini quiz. Find out how much you really know about the Viking Age. Will you be able to call yourself an expert or do you need to get back to those History books? Let us know how you get on.

Espresso login: student5033     Password: stjohns


Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must try and complete the following:


MATHS 13.1.21

If your teacher has spoken to you about it please complete this Maths by clicking the attachment or link below (copy and paste onto the internet) and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save. 

         Remote Learning Tuesday 12th January

Registration 4A: 2 o'clock

Registration 4F: Half past 9

Good morning Year 4! Hope you have had a great start to the week, your Spanish work looked amazing and it was great to see how you all displayed it in such different ways. 


A reminder for 4F: you have a brass lesson with Mr Ali today at 2.15pm so you must log into teams and join the brass meeting.Please make sure that you are on time as latecomers will disturb the lesson. Mr Ali is really looking forward to seeing you all there.



Today we are carrying on our work on written methods of multiplication. This time you will likely have to cross tens when you are adding your numbers together so just be careful with your place value columns. Make sure to keep 10s with 10s and 1s with 1s. 


Start by watching the video to remind yourself what you spoke about with your teacher in registration:


Then complete the questions on j2e5 by clicking the link:




MATHS 12.1.21


If your teacher has spoken to you about it please complete this Maths by clicking the attachment or link below (copy and paste onto the internet) and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save. 



Continuing with your work on non-chronological reports, we would like you to focus on writing an opening paragraph of one. This is an important aspect of any non-fiction writing as it is your opportunity to draw the reader in and make them want to read more! Watch this video and complete the activities when you are asked. Then, as an extra challenge, we would like you to imagine you have been asked to write the opening paragraph for a report about the Vikings. How would you captivate the reader? What would urge them to read on and find out more about those villainous Vikings! Have fun nut remember to stick to the facts too:



You did really well yesterday on your spellings with suffixes and plurals, but there is so much more to learn about them. In today's lesson, you will continue looking at the rules concerning suffixes when adding -es and -ves to make plurals. Watch this video and make sure you complete the tasks just like you did yesterday:

Topic - History

If you thought that there was nothing more that you could learn about the Viking age, then you were wrong! Today, we would like to introduce you to the only king in British history to be called 'Great'. . Alfred the Great! What has he got to do with the Vikings you may ask. Watch this video all about him and find out. Make sure you take some notes of his achievements as you will then have to complete the worksheet that goes with this lesson:


Daily Tasks/Key skills

Every day you must try and complete the following:

                                                   Your wonderful work!     



          Remote learning Monday 11th January

Good morning Year 4!

Welcome back to a brand new week of learning. Our numbers at registration are now nearly everyone so great work! Remember the TT Rockstars tournament is on now so make sure you do your part for your class team and play 10 minutes every day. 




Today we are looking at written methods of multiplication and starting with short multiplication. This is a really handy method for quick, big multiplications that are a bit too tricky to do in your head but don't need a huge working out process. Remember it is similar to column addition and subtraction in some ways so make sure you start with the ones. 


Watch this video to remind yourself what we spoke about in our meeting


Then complete these questions on BGFL 

If your teacher has spoken to you about it please complete this Maths by clicking the attachment or link below (copy and paste onto the internet) and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save. 


In English today, we are going to continue looking at using conjunctions to improve and enhance our writing. Last week we looked at how to join two main clauses together using the coordinating conjunctions 'and', 'but and 'or' (BOA), and today we are going to extend this skill further by looking at more formal conjunctions such as subordinating conjunctions. Watch this video very carefully and complete the activities as you go in your book or on paper. Once you are done, we would like you to write out three sentences about the Vikings using what you have learnt today. Remember to send us pictures of all your work:



We would also like you to continue practicing your spelling rules at home. These are really important for you to learn as they help you understand why and how words are spelt in a particular way. Watch this video on suffixes (letters that go on the end of a word) and plurals (more than one of something) and complete the tasks by stopping the video when it asks you to:


Topic- Spanish

HOLA! Although we are not in school, we would really like you to continue with your Spanish too. Today's lesson is a re-cap of Spanish greetings, some of which you may have already learnt in class and others which will be new to you. Click on the following link and work through the page - there is an audio button for each word to help you perfect your pronunciation. Once you are feeling confident create a fun poster showing all the different ways you can say hello!



If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is ay. Watch the video below first then complete the activities from the second video:

Practice the ay sound:

Complete the ay activities:




