"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Remote learning - Friday 29th January
Good morning Year 4, we have almost completed another week of remote learning and you have all been awesome. Well done and keep it up. Here are some of the amazing pieces of work we have received over the last few days and there will be more up in the year 4 gallery in class pages after the weekend. Before you do anything else this morning, join the rest of the school to celebrate the Stars of the Week by clicking on the following link at 9.00 am. See you all there:
In English yesterday, you were asked to plan the opening of your explanation text, which most of you completed and did an amazing job on. Some of you even took up my challenge and began drafting a copy of this first paragraph, which was great. However, your work is not over yet because today you will continue on this same piece of writing and finish it (or edit the one you did yesterday if you have already done this). By the end of today's lesson, you will have produced an awesome introductory paragraph for your explanation text all about chocolate. Watch this video and complete all the activities as you go. Then complete/edit your own introduction by adding anything you may have missed the first time or by improving some of your previous sentences. Please remember that this needs to be you own work so that we can see how you are getting along:
Today we are going to be doing an end of unit quiz all about area! Complete the questions and then tell us how confident you feel about area by circling the right number at the end. Good luck!
Topic -PSHE
Following on from our RE lesson yesterday, about giving money in charity to help those less fortunate around us, we thought it would be nice for you to think about what it means to be part of a community. The people who live around us make up our community but there are many different types of communities which we can also be a part of. In the lesson today you will look at what a community is and how you can be a part of many different communities all at the same time. Watch this video and then let us know what it means to be part of a community by creating a coat of arms to show your understanding of the different types. You can use the template below or draw your own, it's entirely up to you.
Communities coat of arms template: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+F+Akhtar/My+communities+coat+of+arms/
MATHS 29.1.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.
Remote learning - Thursday 28th January
Hi year 4, Miss Kirk and I are really enjoying looking through all of your work and have to say how impressed we have been with so many of you who are putting their best efforts into their learning. We will be putting up work into the year 4 gallery very soon where you can all have a look at it, so keep on sending it all in. Here are your lessons for today:
Today, in English, you will start to write the opening paragraph of your explanation texts about chocolate. This will give you the opportunity to apply all the skills and knowledge that you have gained over the last few weeks. You will need to include simple and compound sentences, formal conjunctions and all the other features of an explanation text that you have been learning about. We would like you to watch this video and complete all the tasks you are asked to. What we also want to see is your own version of the opening and not a repeat of what is shown on the video as this does not demonstrate to us that you can apply your learning to your own writing, so when you are asked to write your own version please do this:
Topic - RE
Last week,in RE, we looked at the words fairness and justice. This week we are going to look at the religion of Islam and explore how Muslims try and make the world a fairer and more just place through one of its pillars. Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and requires its followers to give a portion of their wealth to the poor every year. This is one way that Muslims believe that inequalities can be reduced. We would like you to watch this video all about Zakat and charity and also carry out some of your own research - you may be able to ask an adult in your own home. We would then like you create a mind map or poster explaining what zakat is, why it is given and what it might mean to those who give and receive it:
Video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrsd2hv
Poster template: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+F+Akhtar/Zakat+poster/
If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is oo (look) sound. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video:
oo (look) sound
Video: oo (look) sound
Activity oo (look) sound
Today we are comparing the area of shapes. To do this you will need to be able to calculate area and recognise language that means bigger or smaller. For example greater than. less than, largest etc.
Start by watching this video
Then complete these questions:
MATHS 28.1.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.
Remote learning - Wednesday 27th January
Good morning Year 4, your online lessons today are at the following times, please make sure you attend them on time:
4F PE then registration 9:15
4A PE 10:15
4A Horrid Henrys Reading 11:30
4A Gruffaloes Reading 11:30
4A Registration and Maths 2:00
4A Cats in Hats Reading 2:30
We have been doing loads of work in Maths that is made easier by quick recall of our times tables. Everybody should be spending at least 10 minutes a day on TT Rockstars to get more accurate and faster. We will be checking lists again in 1 week for children who have not played any at all so start today!
Yesterday, in English, we revised our knowledge and understanding of the suffix '-al', and today we would like you to practice using formal conjunctions again. Conjunctions are really useful in our writing as they allow us to extend and add information to our simple sentences, making them more interesting and varied. Watch the following video and complete all the task you are asked to do by pausing the video:
Topic - Music
Last week in Music you explored percussion around the home, today you are going to go into more depth and look at the different types of percussion - pitched percussion and non-pitched percussion. You will explore what pitch is and how instruments produce sounds at different height pitches depending on their size, shape and structure. Watch this video and have a go at all the activities and tasks along the way:
Continuing our work on area today we will be making shapes. Remember what we talked about whilst discussing area by counting squares...it is essential to keep your squares the same size. If they are to give us an accurate measurement for the area then we cannot have one tiny square and 6 huge ones.
Watch the video to remind you of our Maths lesson here:
Then complete the questions here:
Remember you can also find the Maths as a shared file on BGFL or copy and paste the link into a new browser.
MATHS 27.1.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste onto the internet) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.
Remote learning - Tuesday 26th January
Important reminder for 4F: you have a Music lesson today at 2.15pm. I will put the link up on the 4F Team's post closer to the time. Please make sure that you attend as this is one of your lessons and is not optional.
Hello year 4, thank you for sending in so many of your snow sculpture pictures yesterday, they were amazing. If you would like yours on the St John's Facebook, then ask your parents to go to the school's Facebook page, click the Messenger button and send your photo in.
In English today, we will be continuing our work on suffixes. We are going to look at the '-al' suffix again and try to develop our knowledge of it by practicing and applying it correctly. In the last lesson on suffixes, you all identified the two rules associated with this suffix and will need to remember those for the lesson today. There will also be a short test at the end of the video to see how you are doing so please make sure that you follow the video carefully and complete all the tasks as you go:
Topic- Spanish
In Spanish today you will learn how to say and write the months of the year. Take your time listening to the short song below and then have a go at the game to see how well you know them. There is also a Power point saved in your assignments which you can also refer to. Once you feel really confident then complete the two worksheets below.
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKznbHvPFwc&safe=true
Game: https://www.digitaldialects.com/Spanish/Daysmonths.htm
Worksheets: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+F+Akhtar/Spanish+months+worksheets/
If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is oo. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video:
This week your sounds are: oo (zoo) and oo (look)
oo (zoo) sound
Video: oo (zoo) sound
Activity oo (zoo) sound
We are continuing our work on area by looking at calculating area by counting. Today we will be working out areas or whole irregular shapes and the area of parts of shapes as well.
Start by watching this video to help you https://vimeo.com/500381471
Then complete the questions here
MATHS 26.1.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste onto the internet) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.
Remote learning - Monday 25th January
Good morning year 4, we hope you are all well and enjoying the snowy start to our week. As usual all of your work will be posted on here and in your assignments tab at the top your Teams page daily (each day's work is dated clearly). If the links on here are not working please access your learning tasks through team's assignments . This morning you have a collective worship at 9.00 am, all about justice, click on the link below and join us:
Today we are starting to look at area. This is the size of the inside of a closed shape. We did some work on area just before Christmas so hopefully we will still remember lots to help us!
Start by watching this video
Then complete the questions here
Snow Sculpture Challenge
Get outside and get involved with the St John's snow challenge! Build any structure you like. It could be a snowman or something more unique...
You could also try this fun activity https://littleheartsbiglove.co.uk/making-frozen-bubbles/
Once you've finished, take a photo and send it on teams or to our school facebook page (details in parent mail).
For English today, we would like you to read the extract below all about the orchestra and more specifically the string section. As we are learning about sound, finding out how each of the different instruments produce their sounds will give you a better idea of their special role within the orchestra. For example, why is the string section always positioned right at the front of an orchestra? Once you have read the text complete the comprehension questions and carry out some research about one of the string instruments mentioned:
Text to read:
MATHS 25.1.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it please complete this Maths by clicking the attachment or link below (copy and paste onto the internet) and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.