"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Remote learning - Friday 12th February
Hello year 4, it is the last day of term and you have been absolutely amazing. You have worked really hard over the last few weeks and are all probably looking forward to a nice break now. Join us on the link below at 9.00 am for our last collective worship this term so we can all celebrate the Stars of the Week together:
4A you have flutes at 11:15, the meeting will be in your calendar.
Here are your lessons for today:
Yesterday we came to the end of our writing, and we have to say that we have both been really impressed with the work that you have been sending in to us. You have taken on board what has been taught over the last few weeks and began applying it effectively to your own writing, so well done, Today, as a little treat we would like you to complete this fun quiz, which is all about the unit we have been focusing on - Super Sonologists. We would like you all to have a go to see how much you have learnt, so click on the link below and try your best to answer all the questions:
Super Sonologist quiz: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=hK6Sjwgw_kWNfZnF5eaflejFzL2gRnZJsEIxpmPALj5UNDNQUTBWU0ZEOEtGTTIzUVVHVlhKTk9GNyQlQCN0PWcu
We are finishing this week with counting in fractions. If you are feeling really unsure then keep your fractions as top heavy and don’t worry about converting them to mixed numbers. Most of you will be fine and just need to choose the most appropriate work for you. Ready is the simplest, go is the hardest.
Watch this video to help:
This video only talks about halves but you will need to do the same thing for all other fractions. Complete your questions here:
Watch this video to help:
Then complete these questions:
Watch this video to help:
Then complete these questions:
Topic - Science
In today's lesson, you will be carrying out a fun scientific experiment. You will learn how to make your own telephones using plastic/paper cups (you can use paper if you don't have these) and string. You are going to see if you can get the vibrations (sound) to travel from one end of your string telephone to the other, observing very carefully the conditions that need to be met for it be successful. You will also learn how to write out a scientific method and then how to evaluate it. Have fun carrying out this activity and let us know how it goes and whether your telephone worked. Click on the link below to start:
Daily Tasks/Key skills
Every day you must complete the following:
Remote learning - Thursday 11th February
Good morning Year 4, we hope you are all well and enjoying the lessons that we have been setting you. Mrs Kirk and I loved reading your amazing responses to the RE questions form yesterday's Lent activity as it really got some of you thinking about the things that you would be willing to give up in your life. Lots of you also wrote about the different ways you and your families help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Well done.
Here are you lessons for today:
In English today, you will be writing the closing paragraph of your information text on the chocolate making process. We have seen some amazing writing over the last week and want you to keep this up for the final section too. In the video below, you will find out what makes a really effective final paragraph and then apply that to your own piece of writing. Remember to pause the video when you are asked to and complete all the activities:
Topic - Science
In this final Science lesson for the unit on sound, you will find out all about acoustics, which is the science of sounds. Acousticians are people who study vibrations and sound, and it is their job to look at different atmospheres so they can find the perfect acoustics for the sounds that they want create. You will learn lots of new vocabulary and also find out how different materials and surfaces affect the sounds produced. Watch this video and pause the video when you are asked to:
If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is the 'ir' (whirl and twirl) sound. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video:
Video 1: ‘ir’ whirl and twirl
Video 2: Activity ir sound
Today we are looking at fractions greater than (bigger than) 1. These are fractions that happen when we have more that 1 whole number, just like having 1 and a half pizzas! Choose the level you feel most confident with unless your teacher has told you which to choose. Ready is easiest and go is the hardest.
Watch this video to help:
Then complete these questions:
Watch this video to help:
Then complete these questions:
Watch this video to help:
Then complete these questions:
MATHS 11.2.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.
Remote learning - Wednesday 10th February
Good morning year 4, we hope you are full of energy today as you will be starting your day off with your online PE lessons. It has been great seeing so many of you, and some of your parents, joining in the sessions and giving it your all. Well done. Your lessons are at the following times so please make sure that you are on time:
4F your lesson begins at 9.15 am
4A your lesson begins at 10.15 am
Mr H-E is doing HIIT training this afternoon with the whole school at 2 o'clock, everyone can join in! Just click this link at 2 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3Ameeting_MThlM2FmMmQtNTlhZi00YmUzLTkyYWYtOTAyNjVmYzY2NmQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%228f92ae84-3008-45fe-8d7d-99c5e5e69f95%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%22c8ac99da-68b8-438d-9c69-b234d51dcbad%22%2C%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3Atrue%7D
To make sure you can join in with whole school HIIT 4A will do their registration at 12:00 (12 o'clock)
Here is some of the amazing work you did for UK Internet Safety day yesterday and some responses from our padlet.
Following on from yesterday's lesson, you will write up your own paragraphs for the grinding and mixing stages of the chocolate making process today. You will need to use the plans that you created in the last lesson so make sure that you have them at hand. Remember, this needs to be your own work based on what you have been learning over the last few weeks. We want to see all the key features of an explanation text as well some of the other amazing writing skills that you have been practicing too, such as using a range of sentence types, fronted adverbials and technical vocabulary. Watch the following video and pause when you are asked to so you can complete the short tasks. Then write up your own versions.
Today we are finishing our work on equivalent fractions. Remember equivalent means same value. Some of you are feeling very confident with your fractions but for some others you aren’t quite there yet. Below you will find three levels of questions ready, steady and go. Ready is the simplest and go is the most challenging. Choose the questions you feel most confident with.
Watch this video to help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lp0xrtq0co
Watch this video to help you: https://vimeo.com/504801539
Watch this video to help you: https://vimeo.com/504801539
Next week, many Christians around the world will observe the season of Lent. It is special time of year for them which helps them to prepare and reflect before the celebrations of Easter. During Lent, some Christians will spend 40 days fasting, praying and remembering Jesus Christ's sacrifices and his retreat into the desert. Watch this video all about Lent and see why it is such an important event in the Christian calendar. Once you have done this, we would like you to have a go at answering the questions on the worksheet below:
Video 1: https://youtu.be/mc-x4qKY6Wc
Video 2: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/ztkxpv4/articles/z77jf4j
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+F+Akhtar/RE++Lent/
MATHS 10.2.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.
Remote learning - Tuesday 9th February
Good morning year 4. today is 'UK safer Internet day' so you will be looking at ways to keep yourself safe on line at all times. Please join us for an assembly all about online safety at 9.00 am this morning by clicking on the following link:
Important notice for 4F: a letter has been sent out to your parents about the Music lessons as some of you have not been joining in the meetings set. This lesson is part of your weekly timetable so please make sure that you click on the link when it is posted on the Teams page at 2.15 pm.
In English today, you are going to plan the next three sections for your explanation texts. The final stages of the chocolate making are grinding, mixing and moulding and they conclude the whole process. You must make notes as you go because these will be used in your next lesson when you will be asked to write your own paragraphs. Please remember that the writing that you produce at the end needs to be your own and not a repetition of the one on the video. Watch this video and pause when you are asked to so that you can fill in your plans: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-plan-an-explanation-text-part-2-cmw64d
If you usually do phonics with Miss Kaur, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and also an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Today's sound is 'air' (that's not fair) sound. Watch the video below first then complete the activity from the second video:
Set 2: ‘air’ that’s not fair
Activity air sound
We are continuing to look at equivalent fractions. Start by watching this video to help you.
If you are finding equivalent fractions a bit trickier then click this link to complete the questions
If you want more of a challenge then click this link
Watch this video all about internet safety: https://vimeo.com/480849087
Choose one of the situations above and pretend you’re their friend.
Write your friend an email, giving them advice and making them feel better.
Dear Sami,
I know you’ve been working really hard to get that trick shot right – it’s crazy right?! I wouldn’t worry if you can’t you can’t do it – it’s probably not real anyway. Did you know that these people use camera tricks and editing to make impossible things look real? It’s probably a fake.
Why don’t you ask your Dad what he thinks? He might be able to give you some tips.
Play Among us later?
Once you have done this click the link to the padlet. On here you can add your own ideas to the wall by clicking the add sign in the corner and typing your own ideas.
MATHS 9.2.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.
Remote learning - Monday 8th February
Good morning Year 4, it's the last week of term and lots of you have been working really hard in some very challenging circumstances, so well done. We would like you to keep this up and show us what a super year group you are by continuing to impress us with your resilient and determined attitudes towards your learning. As you are so amazing, we have also added another star to our year 4 class pages called Story time, where you can either read or listen to the story, at any time of the day or evening, to help you relax and unwind. We hope you enjoy the book! Before you begin your lessons for today, click on the link below to join the rest of the school for our collective worship on the value courage:
In English today, we would like you to go back and edit all of the writing that you have done so far for your explanation texts. This means that you need to find all three paragraphs (opening, harvesting and roasting) and read through them carefully to check for ways that you can improve them. Editing your work includes correcting any spelling mistakes and punctuation, adding appropriate conjunctions (if you haven't already got some) and ensuring that you have a variety of sentence types - simple, compound and complex. You also need to make sure that you have used subject specific vocabulary and most importantly that it all makes sense! Watch the following video for some tips and advice on how to edit and improve your writing. Please make sure that you pause the video when you are asked and complete the tasks before attempting to edit your own version:
This week we are continuing our work on fractions specifically equivalent fractions. Remember equivalent fractions means the same value but represented in a different way. If I have 1/2 of a pizza it is the same amount of pizza as having 4/8 or 5/1 or 2/4. They are all an equivalent value of pizza!
Watch the video to help you https://vimeo.com/504316253
If you are a little bit unsure and want to practise some simpler questions then complete this work here
If you feel much more confident and want to have a go at the more challenging questions then click this link here
Topic - Science
This is our last week on the unit Super Sonologists so we will be asking you today to have a look at the knowledge organisor below to see how much you have learnt. All of the information in the grid has been covered over the last few weeks either in the Science or Music lessons, which many of you have enjoyed. However, there is a video for you to watch before you study and revise this grid which is all about how the properties of materials affects sound. Once you have watched it take a good look at the grid below, or print it our if you prefer, because on Friday there will be an end of unit assessment for you all to complete.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdGyvGPZ1G0
Super Sonologist Knowledge Organiser
MATHS 8.2.21
If your teacher has spoken to you about it or emailed your child please complete this Maths by clicking the link below (copy and paste the link into a new browser) or attachment and send your work to your class teacher. You can take a picture and email it or complete it on BGFL and press save.