
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Our hubs

The children attending our Hubs, have significant and complex needs. These are children who require a highly individualised curriculum approach differing from that which is offered in the mainstream setting. The children have funded places by the use of a SEN Support Plan or an EHCP. It enables them to attend a low arousal, rigid environment which provides everything that they need in order to become as independent and communicative as possible in order to grow within both the school and wider community. Most of our pupils attend the Lantern Hub whilst awaiting specialist provision placement. 


This has been planned for using the the Autism Education Trust documentation. Links will also be made to the EYFS Curriculum, Birmingham SEND continuum’s and an adapted version of the schools mainstream curriculum.


The advise of SALT, CAT Team and Educational Psychology has been sought in order to meet individual pupils needs and targets.



Our Curriculum Planning

The planning in the hubs has Communication and Language at the core of everything it does. With this being the prime area of the children's needs and plans it is crucial that this is a key element of everything that is completed. 

The core planning has been written in collaboration with a SALT therapist from Talk Therapy. This is then implemented by key worker staff who have a max of 2 children to build on next steps.



Our Morning Routine

Days of the Week Song | The Singing Walrus

How does music help with transition?
The stress of transition time can be eased when the instructions are sung to a familiar tune. Singing slows down language, and gives young ones an opportunity focus. And since music engages both sides of the brain, singing together helps to reinforce important concepts.

We use music for all areas of the curriculum in order to introduce a theme and move in to the next step on the timeline, the pupils engage with the days of the week song every morning and then complete a daily board.

Getting Started with Using PECS®

The Picture Exchange Communication System®, or PECS®, allows people with little or no communication abilities to communicate using pictures. People using PECS are taught to approach another person and give them a picture of a desired item in exchange for that item. By doing so, the person is able to initiate communication. A child or adult with autism can use PECS to communicate a request, a thought, or anything that can reasonably be displayed or symbolized on a picture card. PECS works well in the home or in the classroom.

English Story Time

We love singing and signing, but we also LOVE signing stories! We sign stories in all our sessions as they are the perfect vehicle to rehearse and utilise key Early Years' vocabulary and complement the songs that we then sing as part of each class.

We use stories at the core of our curriculum. This story build communication skills alongside key learning.

Read a sensory story

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A sensory story with Mrs Atkins

Maths Song

A daily maths song introduces the children to number based language and then supports them in to transitioning into their work box time.

Task Boxes and The TEACCH Method for Students w/Autism

This video goes over the TEACCH method and how to effectively incorporate the use of task boxes in your therapy sessions.

We use the TEACCH approach in our individualised English and Maths planning following the Birth to 5 Matters for a development approach to planning for the individual children's needs.

How to Use the Colourful Semantics 'How-To' Guide

In this video, Twinkl Teacher Miriam, demonstrates how to use our Colourful Semantics 'How-To' Guide: This Colourful Semantics 'How-To' guide provides a clear explanation on what colourful semantics are, what they looks like, and what they look like in practice. 0:00 Introduction 0:27 What is Colourful Semantics?

Attention Autism - With Snow!

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Mrs Atkins is doing Attention Autism with snow balls! We do this activity daily to build up the children's interaction and attention skills.

Afternoons in the Lantern

Vocabulary build

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and a snowy hunt!