"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Our new topic is You Are What You Eat
For this topic we are going to explore healthy eating and design and evaluate a healthy lunch.
Monday - What's in a packed lunch?
In this lesson, we will explore what makes a healthy lunch, what kinds of ingredients could be used and why they may have been chosen. We will also look at a lunchbox and consider where the ingredients have come from.
Make sure you answer this questionnaire today:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=hK6Sjwgw_kWNfZnF5eafldu7cws7_pJCsyQPzm93Y9tURDFFUVpCM0dOQ0haUzhVN1AwRk5XR1JJTS4u
Go to BGFL, shared files, click on the class folder and the file DT Healthy Lunch 1 for the worksheet for your task today.
Tuesday - Using research to develop design criteria
In this lesson, we will design a questionnaire and use information to create our own design criteria.
Go to BGFL, shared files, click on the class folder and the file DT Healthy Lunch 2 for the worksheet for your task today.
Here are the answers from our questionnaire:
Use them to create your own design criteria for a healthy packed lunch for a primary school child by answering the questions on the worksheet.
Wednesday - Designing for a target market
In this lesson, we will design our own healthy lunch, describing ingredients used, using the correct vocabulary and making sure that it is suitable for our target market.
Go to BGFL, shared files, your class folder, DT Healthy Lunch 3 for the worksheet for your task today.
Thursday - RE
What does the bible teach Christians about making the world a fairer place?
Watch this video about the Bible story Rich young fool – Luke 12 v13 – 21 https://youtu.be/HEXUvXCcf8U
What does the story teach Christians?
The man was considered rich in other people’s eyes but poor in God’s sight. The Anglican service involves a collection where the congregation (people) can donate (give) money to the church and those in need. If a Christian does not have money to give, they can make the world fairer by giving in other ways.
Design a coin with a picture to show how you can make the world a fairer a place.
Use this sentence: ‘I give …..’ e.g. love, friendship, help, inspiration, humour etc. ‘… so that………’ and explain how it makes the world a fairer/richer place.
Go to BGFL, shared files, your class folder, RE Christian Fairer Place for the worksheet for the task today.
Saying the names of 6 pets
In this lesson, we will learn six masculine and feminine pets and the indefinite articles 'un/una'.
Go to BGFL, shared files, click on your class folder and the file Spanish Pets 1 for the worksheet for the task today.