
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week Beginning 31st January 2022

Year 6 remote learning week beginning 31st January 2022


Hi Year 6,


Here is your remote learning for this week if you are isolating - remember, you don't have to complete any work at home if you feel poorly! Make sure your grown ups let the school office know if you are isolating. Mrs Large will check in with them via e-mail as soon as possible to check you are all ok, and to help you with your remote learning if needs be.





Please follow the link and complete one lesson per day. If you were isolating last week you may have already completed some of the lessons. That’s fine – just pick up from where you left off:



This week you are looking at percentages in Maths. Please complete one lesson per day from the following link:


Topic, PSHER and RE

Please complete one lesson per day from the following selection:



Please follow the link to see your History lessons. If you were isolating last week just pick up where you left off. (Please complete 3 – one per day and then you have a day for Spanish and a day for RE. You can of course complete more History lessons if you wish):



In this lesson, we will recap un/una and the names of six pets. We will learn about adjective position and agreement when describing a pet's colour. 



Complete this lesson about famous humanists:




Remember, there are lots more great remote learning resources on the school website here:

