"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Friday 26th February
Create a report / poster all about the River Nile.
Today, focus on how the river Nile helps the people of Egypt.
Focus on – Why do many people live so near the Nile? What does it provide? How do farmers get water from the Nile? What crops do they grow from this? Illustrate with pictures and diagrams.
You might want to use this video to help you: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3rwmp3
Standard and Non-standard English
CGP – PAGES 32/33/34/35
Standard English is a type of English you should use in your written work. It helps make your writing clearer.
CGP - complete pages on percentages
Geography – Longitude and Latitude
What are they?
Thursday 25th February
Why was the River Nile helpful to the Ancient Egyptians: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/why-was-the-river-nile-important-to-the-ancient-egyptians-cgwkgr
Complete the activities on the video.
Create a report / poster/ PowerPoint all about the River Nile. You have got today and tomorrow to finish.
Today, we want you to focus on the geographical facts you have found out about the River Nile. You might want to write a couple of paragraphs or use bullet points.
You might want to answer some of these questions:
Where is it? Length? Which countries does it run through? Which deserts are either side?
Include photos of the Nile and a map of Africa to show its route.
This will not be marked today, as you are finishing it tomorrow.
CGP: pages 30 – 31
Writing for your audience.
The audience of a piece of writing is the person or people who read it. You need to make sure your writing is suitable for that audience.
Formal writing is used for reports, essays and letters.
Informal writing is used for writing to an audience that you know – such as a friend.
Steady and Go
Percentages – missing Values: https://vimeo.com/498013311
Activity: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Percentages+missing+numbers/
Watch the video: https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video/item578071/grade2/module541860/index.html
Wednesday 24th February
How does the River Nile help people survive?
Watch the video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3rwmp3
Make notes as you are listening under the following sub- headings:
Why do 95% of the population live near to the River Nile?
What is a Shaduf?
What is a Sakia?
What do modern day farmers use to get water from the Nile?
Please also mark your reading answers from yesterday: https://www.j2e.com/St-Johns-CofE-Primary-School5/PWT-BCN/Answers Rivers of the World.pdf
How to use bullet points correctly in our writing.
To understand how to punctuate bullet points accurately.
This lesson includes:
two videos
three activities
Finding percentages of amounts
Ready: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Ready+Percentages/
Steady and Go: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Steady+and+Go+percentages/
Go extension: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Go+extension+percentage/
Click on the document showing a map of the River Nile Around the document, type up all the facts that you have found out about the River Nile so far this week - https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/The+River+Nile/
Try to include; its length, the countries it flows through, Where is the mouth? Why was the Nile so important to the Ancient Egyptians?
Use the web links to find some more information.
Tuesday 23rd February
Complete reading comprehension about Rivers of the World (saved below). Answers will be released tomorrow.
CGP SPAG books – pages 27/28/29
Formal and Informal Writing
Learn the difference between the two types of writing and practise identifying the two different styles.
Would a report about the River Nile be formal or informal?
Percentages of amounts 2: https://vimeo.com/497643107
Ready: complete both pages https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Percentages+of+amounts/
Steady and Go: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Finding+percentages+of+amounts/
In this lesson, we will learn six masculine and feminine pets and the indefinite articles 'un/una'.
Leave us a voice note telling us, in Spanish, about your (real or imaginary) pet!
Monday 22nd February
Who ruled Ancient Egypt?
In this lesson, we will learn about the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms of Egypt and the pharaohs who ruled.
This is an introduction to our new topic Ancient Egypt
Can you answer the following questions after watching the video
1) Where can modern day Egypt be found?
What percentage of the land is desert?
What are the two main deserts in either side of Egypt? What is the main religion and main language spoken in Egypt?
When did the Ancient Egyptian civilisations begin? What was happening at the same time in Britain during this time?
What was a pharaoh?
Who was the last Ancient Egyptian Pharoah?
To learn about spelling rules and identify spelling patterns.
Watch the video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zsw8r2p
This lesson includes:
two videos about spelling rules and patterns
three activities to help you remember and practise spellings
This week, you will learn on these spellings, which all have -ough in them.
Fining percentages of amounts
Video: https://vimeo.com/497642809
Ready: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Finding+50+per+cent/
Steady and Go: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Mrs+S+Hughes/Percentages+of+amounts/
Using Google Maps, label the blank map on J2e5.
On the second page find some pictures of modern-day Egypt (the country now) and copy and paste them onto a document.
Can you find:
The River Nile
The two different deserts
The capital city of Egypt.
Any famous monuments/buildings/ structures that can be found in Egypt.
Label each one.