"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Friday 26th February 2021
Good morning lovely Year 5! Happy Friday!
Here are your online lessons for today:
10am - Registration
10:30 - Reading for Southern Ocean and Indian Ocean Groups
11am - Registration
11:30 - Reading for Rowling and Simon groups
Here are your lessons (don't forget to spend time reading and on TT Rockstars, too)
Your final job is to publish your poem. Write it up in your best handwriting and illustrate it. You can do it on paper or on J2E5 or another programme like powerpoint.
The best ones will be getting a Golden Sticker!
Click on the link below to see an example.
If you’d like a template to help you, you can find one here:
Main lesson
Today’s lesson is on solving problems with Roman Numerals: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/solving-problems-involving-roman-numerals-6gt36d
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Spring+2+week+1+Friday/
If that’s a bit tricky...
... please try this lesson on finding 10,000 or 1000 less than a given number: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/finding-10-100-or-1000-less-than-a-given-number-c8w3gc
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Lesson+5+alt/
Go to J2Blast and test yourself on this week’s spelling words. The list is called Feb 26 Spelling.
Here is today's Spanish lesson. You can complete it on paper or on J2e5
Thursday 25th February 2021
Good morning lovely Year 5!
We loved seeing all of your finished Space posters and presentations! We're so proud of your hard work :)
Here are your online lessons for today:
10am - Registration
10:30 - Reading for Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean Groups
11am - Registration
11:30 - Reading for Rowling and Walliams groups
Here are your lessons (don't forget to spend time reading and on TT Rockstars, too)
Today you’re going to use the metaphors you came up with yesterday to draft your poem.
Open your work from yesterday first, then click the link below to show you today’s work.
Main lesson
Today’s lesson is on Roman Numerals up to 1000:
If that’s a bit tricky..
Please try this lesson on finding 10, 100 or 1000 more than a given number:
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Lesson+4+Alt/
Challenge (if you have completed the main lesson):
Adam is investigating writing numbers up to 200 in Roman Numerals. Which of the numbers on Adam’s list will have exactly 2 numerals (e.g. IX as opposed to just X, or VII)
How will you record your answers systematically?
Use quick write to practice your spelling words (how many times can you write each word in 1 minute?)
awkward, bargain, category, cemetery, committee, communicate, communication, competition, competitive, conscience, conscious, consciousness
Click on the link below and read the story of Muhammad’s Wisdom, then answer the questions underneath.
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good morning lovely Year 5!
We loved seeing all of your Space posters and presentations yesterday - we can't wait to see the finished products today!
Here are your online lessons for today (remember the timetable has changed!)
10am - Registration
10:30 - Reading for Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean Groups
11am - Registration
11:30 - Reading for Dahl and Walliams groups
Here are your lessons (don't forget to spend time reading and on TT Rockstars, too)
We’re going to write our own poem called “What is the moon?” Today we are gathering our vocabulary so we can choose our best ideas when we come to write.
You will need these ideas tomorrow, so make sure you save them properly!
Click the link below to show you how.
Main lesson
Today’s lesson is on Roman Numerals up to 100: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/investigating-roman-numerals-up-to-100-6guk8c
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Spring+2+Week+1+Wednesday/
If that’s a bit tricky..
.. please try this lesson on ordering and comparing a set of numbers: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/ordering-and-comparing-a-set-of-numbers-beyond-1000-6nh36r
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Lesson+3+alt/
(here is an online dice if you don’t have one at home - https://www.online-stopwatch.com/chance-games/roll-a-dice/ )
If you need a challenge:
Try this (after you have completed the main lesson) https://nrich.maths.org/13271
Highlight or underline the letters in each line to make up the spelling word.
awkward, bargain, category, cemetery, committee, communicate, communication, competition, competitive, conscience, conscious, consciousness
Please continue with yesterday’s tasks (scroll down if you need to)
Here are some videos to help you with the third and fourth sections:
Rocky planets
Gas planets
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning lovely Year 5!
We loved seeing all of your Space facts on the class padlet yesterday - keep up the hard work! :)
Here are your online lessons for today (remember the timetable has changed!)
9:15 - PE
10am - Registration
10:30 - Reading for Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean Groups
10:15 - PE
11am - Registration
11:30 - Reading for Dahl and Kinney groups
Here are your lessons (don't forget to spend time reading and on TT Rockstars, too)
We’re going to be investigating a poem called “What is the Sun?” today. Click on the link to hear Miss King read the poem, then answer the questions underneath. (Click the link before you click edit, or it won’t work.)
Today’s lesson is on rounding: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/rounding-6-digit-numbers-to-the-nearest-100-000-and-10-000-6nhpcd
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Spring+2+week+1+Tuesday/
If that’s a bit tricky, please try this lesson on ordering and comparing numbers:
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Lesson+2+alt/
If you have completed the main lesson and would like a challenge, try this: https://nrich.maths.org/10426
Use pyramid words to practice your spellings.
awkward, bargain, category, cemetery, committee, communicate, communication, competition, competitive, conscience, conscious, consciousness
Using your Knowledge Organiser (scroll down to yesterday’s lesson) and the following videos, you will make an information poster (for example on J2e5, but it can be on paper or in another format if you prefer) about our solar system. (If you have another idea for a way to show us what you know – for example you’d like to make an informative video, PowerPoint or comic – that's super too!)
You will need 4 sections for your poster (but you only need to complete the first 2 today).
1) An introduction to our Solar system
2) The Sun
3) The rocky planets
4) The gas planets.
Please complete the first 2 sections today. Here are some videos to help you:
The Solar System:
Monday 22nd February 2021
Good morning lovely Year 5!
We hope you had a lovely half term and are feeling refreshed and ready to learn! :)
Here are your online lessons for today (remember the timetable has changed!)
10am - Registration
10:30 - Reading for Pacific Ocean and Southern Ocean Groups
11am - Registration
11:30 - Reading for Simon and Kinney groups
Here are your lessons (don't forget to spend time reading and on TT Rockstars, too)
We’re going to be looking at poetry this week. To help us understand some of the techniques poets use, watch this video, read the information and then complete the activities.
I’ve put them on a J2E5 document so they are easy to write on.
Today’s lesson is about comparing 6 digit numbers using number lines:
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Spring+2+Week+1+main/
If you completed that lesson quite quickly, try this challenge: https://nrich.maths.org/5653
If that lesson is a bit tricky, please try this lesson on place value in 4 digit numbers:
Worksheet: https://www.j2e.com/st-johns-cofe-primary-school5/Miss+N+Clarke2/Lesson+1+alt/
Here are your spelling words for the week.
awkward, bargain, category, cemetery, committee, communicate, communication, competition, competitive, conscience, conscious, consciousness
Write each word in a sentence to show you know what each one means.
Underline each spelling word.
e.g. I didn’t cheat, so my conscience is clear.
Please see below your Knowledge organiser for our new topic – Star trek – in which we will be learning all about Space!
Please read the knowledge organiser and learn as many facts as you can – then choose your favourite 5 to share on this Year 5 padlet:
Make sure you keep revisiting your Knowledge Organiser throughout this topic – you'll need to remember the information on them! :)