
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


This is where your weekly maths tasks will be uploaded. Email your work over to your teachers! 

W.B. Monday 13th July 



On a piece of paper make a grid that has a tens columns and a ones column. Give your child a number between 1 and 99 and ask them to draw or represent this number of the grid. You could represent it using items around the house such as pasta, cereal, sweets etc.



Ask your child to play the game Fruit Fall answer the data handling questions based on how many pieces of fruit they catch.



Play place value bingo. Ask your child to write down 8 numbers between 1 and 50 (this could be between 1 and 20 for younger children). Rather than reading out numbers, read out clues linked to the place value. E.g. for 47 say the ones is a 7 and the tens digit can be said as forty. Can your child recognise the number and cross it off?



Get your child to show that they can recognise the representation of a number by playing Place Value Basketball.



Look in the cupboards and the fridge. Sort some of the foods you can find into different groups. Which food group has the most or least amount of items? Which item of food is the lightest or heaviest? Why might this be?

W.B. Monday 6th July


This week we will be focusing on counting in 2's! 



Counting in 2's. Pair up some socks and practise counting in 2's, missing one each time. Try the counting in 2's dance to help secure your knowledge



Go out in your garden or to the park. Practise counting in 2's whilst jumping. 



Put objects into pairs and count in 2's, focus on the skill of adding 2 each time.



Go on to Bitesize and complete counting in 2's activities:


W.B. Monday 29th June 


Maths activities for the week:



Number Ping Pong 

Play ‘ping pong’ to practise complements with your child. You say a number. They reply with how much more is needed to make 10. You can also play this game with numbers totalling 20, 100 or 1000. Encourage your child to answer quickly, without counting or using fingers.




Look for symmetrical objects. Help your child to draw or paint symmetrical pictures / patterns? 




Use a TV guide. Ask your child to work out the length of their favourite programmes. Can they calculate how long they spend watching TV each day / each week?




Go shopping with your child to buy two or three items. Ask them to work out the total amount spent and how much change you will get.




Play ‘guess my shape’. You think of a shape. Your child asks questions to try to identify it but you can only answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ (e.g. Does it have more than 4 corners? Does it have any curved sides?)

W.B. Monday 22nd June



Play ‘Catch’ with your child using a ball or anything else that can be thrown safely. Instead of counting in 1s each time the ball is caught, ask your child to only count every second, fifth or tenth catch.



Write the numbers 0 to 20 on a sheet of paper.

• Ask your child secretly to chose a number on the paper. Then ask them some questions to find out what the number is, e.g.

• Is is less than 10?

• Is it between 10 and 20?

• Does it have a 5 in it?

• Is it odd?

They may only answer yes or no.

• Once you have guessed the number, it is your turn to choose a number.

Your child asks the questions.

If you fancy a challenge, try numbers up to 100.


Start with your child’s age. Ask your child:

• How old will you be when you are 1 year older?

• How old were you last year?

• How old will you be 2/5/10 years from now?

Repeat with the ages of different relatives.



Label 21 empty pots (e.g. yoghurt pots) 0-20.

• Children count the right number of beans into each pot. (other small objects could be substituted).

• A 0 pot is important to consolidate that 0 represents a nil value.

• When they are done ask your child to pour out each of the teen number jars and arrange the beans into a group of ten and then ones (units).



During your daily walk see how many cones, cuboids, spheres and cylinders you can spot. Which did you see most of?

W.B. Monday 15th June



Find some vegetables in your house. Can you put them in order of size? If you want to challenge yourself you could write supporting sentences using language 'larger than' and 'smaller than'. E.G. "The cabbage is larger than the potato." 



Today you can measure rooms in your house with your feet, make sure you go heel to toe when you walk around the room and count how many feet long the room is. Estimate which room is biggest and which is smallest. Count with your feet and see if you are correct.



On Monday you ordered vegetables according to their size. Today you can order them in their weight. If you made scales the other week you could reuse them, or hold them to see which are heavier and lighter. If you want to challenge yourself, write a sentence to go alongside this. E.g. "The carrot is heavier than the lettuce."



Draw around your hands and feet and cut them out. See how tall you are in hands, then in feet. Are you the same in hands and feet? Why not? Measure someone else you live with, are they the same in hands and feet?



When you have finished junk modelling your own enormous vegetable, measure it using your hands and feet from the other day, you could also use pencils and other items. Record how tall it is using a table. 

W.B. Monday 8th June





Cut pieces of paper into different shapes or food that can be sliced, then work with your child to find half by cutting or drawing on the shapes or by slicing the food. Make sure both sides are equal and if they aren't, talk about why it is not half. Repeat for finding a quarter.



Ask your child to watch these videos and complete the activities about what a fraction is and how a fraction should be written.



Get a chocolate bar and work with your child on how it could be split into half, quarters and thirds. You could investigate whether the size of the chocolate bar affects how much they get. Does ½ always look the same?



Your child could estimate and count the number of different plant types or insects that they can see/find in the garden. Record in a table.



Select an even number of some of your children’s toys (e.g. toy cars, marbles). Work with your child on splitting the total amount in half by sharing out into 2 piles. Repeat this to find a quarter but share the amount into four piles. 



W.B. Monday 1st June 


This week we are going to focus on shape! Here are your activities for the week:



Can you recognise and name the 2D shapes in this sequencing game? 



Look at the tins/cartons of food in your cupboards. Discuss with an adult which ones are cylinders, which are cubes and which are cuboids. Sort them into groups. Which 3D shape do you think makes the best packaging and why? You could write this as a sentence using 'because' to explain why. 



Practise the spellings of these 2D and 3D shapes- square, circle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, cube, cuboid, sphere, pyramid.



Go on a shape hunt round the house or on your daily walk. Label the objects with their shape name. 



An adult can describe a shape to you by saying its properties. You can then make the shapes out of pasta or rice. 



W.B. Monday 18th May 


This week we are going to focus on subtraction.



Ask an adult to give you a number between 0 - 50. See how many ways you can make the number with subtraction number sentences. 



Obstacle course! An adult can write down some subtraction number sentences for you and set them up either round your house or garden. You can complete the obstacle course, answering the questions as you go! 



Subtracting on a number line. Make a number line in your house or garden. You can use anything round the house for this, such as tape for your line and paper for your numbers. Ask an adult to say a subtraction number sentence. Start on the first number and jump back to see what the answer is! 


Subtraction board game. Can you draw your very own subtraction board game? You can use big or small numbers depending on how much you would like to challenge yourself. Maybe you could play with an adult or sibling. 



The subtraction game. 

Have a go at dragging the correct answer in this subtraction game: 

W.B. Monday 11th May



The yes/no game

Write some shapes and numbers down on cards. These could be 2D or 3D shapes. Work with an adult or sibling to ask questions about what it could be. Here is an example of what questions you could ask.

You could ask:

Is it odd or even?

Is it less than ___?

Is it 3D?



Heavier and lighter

Find a heavy book in your house. Can you find 3 items that are heavier and 3 items that are lighter? You could record these by drawing them and writing them down. You could even make your own scales at home to check! 





Measuring water

Find some different containers round your house. This could be jugs, bowls, glasses and tupperwear. Predict which will hold the most/least water. Write down your predictions. Pour cups of water in to see which holds the most/least. Were you correct?



Taller and shorter 

Can you write down your family's names in order of their height. You could start at who is shortest and go up to who is tallest. My baby cousin is the shortest person in my family and the tallest is my grandad. Who is the shortest and who is the tallest in your family? Challenge! Use a pencil or other object to measure the people in your house. 



Shape dragons

Can you make a dragon from 2D shapes? You could draw the shapes or cut them out of paper. There is a template on Twinkl if you have a printer or would like to look at it for inspiration. 

W.B. Monday 4th May 



Secret number

Write down the numbers 0 - 20 on a piece of paper. Pick one number but keep it a secret. Your adult can ask you questions to guess the number.

Is it more than 10?

Is it less than 14?

Does it have a 5 in it?

Swap over afterwards and you can ask them questions. 




Place an object on the floor. Can you give someone else in your house directions to get to it? Think about positional language: forward, backward, left, right, up, down. When you have made it to the object you could swap over and they could give you directions. If you want to make it super tricky you could wear a blindfold (just be careful!)



Months of the year

Write the months of the year on different pieces of paper. Jumble them up. Can you put them into the right order? You could also sort them into seasons. 



Daily timetable 

Write a list of the things you need to do throughout the day. Can you then put these into order? Do they happen in the morning, afternoon or night?



Practise telling the time

Use a clock to practise telling the time to the hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes and 5 minutes. 

W.B. Monday 27th April 


Try this quiz. Click the number sentence that equals the number block.



Continue working on Numbots using your log in. 



Look in your cupboards and take out some objects. Which one is heaviest and which is lightest? See if you can order them in weight. Which one is biggest and which is smallest in size? See if you can order them in size. 

Is there any other ways you could order them?



Choose a number between 10 - 20. Can you write down all the different ways you could make this number?

If you picked number 11 you could partition it into:

1 + 10, 2 + 9, 3 + 8, 4 + 7, 5 + 6... 

How many numbers can you do this for?



Keep having a go at the maths activities in the folder you took home. 

W.B. Monday 20th April 


Watch Number Blocks doubling


Archery doubling game

Doubling is adding the same number together. Double 2 is 4. Double 3 is 6. Can you double numbers in this archery game?


2D Shape castle

In your packs you have some 2D shape cut outs. Can you use these to make a castle? You could then label the shapes and how many sides they have.


Practise counting in 2s


Working on Numbots

Easter Break Ideas



You could practise adding and subtracting on the mental maths train:


Number hunt:

Look in different rooms and go on a number hunt. How many items can you find that have numbers on them? What is the largest number you can find? What is the smallest number you can find?


Shape making:

You can use this board and the bands to make different shapes. I made a triangle, rectangle and square. What shapes can you make?


 Numbers 0-50:

At school we do a number of the day. Can you make a poster about a number from 0 - 50? Think about the different ways you can make it, you could use a part whole model to show it. Is the number odd or even? How many tens and ones does it have?

Week beginning Monday 30th March 



Watch number four on Numberblocks. Can you write down all the different ways you can make numbers 2, 3 and 4? Think about the fact family houses we made at school.



Practise your maths skills on NumBots for 20 minutes. You have your own log in so you can earn medals to upgrade your robot! If you don't know your log in number then email your teachers. 



You can play the place value basket ball game for place value for numbers 1 - 50 :) 



Today's task is coin sorting! Follow the link to play the game. Make sure you're on British pounds. Have a go at sorting and ordering the coins.



1 more and 1 less challenge. Ask your adult or brother or sister to tell you a number from 1 to 100. Can you tell them what is 1 more and 1 less. To make it more fun, ask your adult to do a number hunt for you. Can they write some numbers 1 to 100 on post-it notes or on pieces of paper and hide them around your house? You will need to go and find them. When you have found them, order them from smallest to largest. Then tell them 1 more and 1 less. 




