
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Listening and remembering sounds

Main purpose: To listen to and appreciate the difference between sounds made with instruments


Matching sound makers

Show pairs of sound makers (e.g. maracas, triangles) to a small group of children. Place one set of the sound makers in a feely bag. The children take turns to select a sound maker from the feely bag. Once all the children have selected a sound maker, remind them to listen carefully. Play a matching sound maker. The child with that sound maker stands up and plays it. This activity can be adapted by playing the sound maker behind a screen so that the children have to identify it by the sound alone.


Matching sounds

nvite a small group of children to sit in a circle. Provide a selection of percussion instruments. One child starts the game by playing an instrument. The instrument is then passed round the circle and each child must use it to make the same sound or pattern of sounds as the leader. Start with a single sound to pass round the circle, and then gradually increase the difficulty by having a more complex sequence of sounds or different rhythms. Look, listen and note


Look, listen and note how well children:

■ are able to remember and repeat a rhythm;

■ discriminate and reproduce loud and quiet sounds;

■ are able to start and stop playing at the signal.
