
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Phonics weekly tasks

Fred's Phonics Challenges



Good morning Reception. Let's get ready to learn more set 3 sounds. Remember if your child is struggling with the new sounds go back and recap set 2 sounds. Set 2 sounds are: ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oi and practise these sounds instead.

Have fun with your phonics :) 

Monday 13th July 2020 - Recap set 3 sounds


Good morning children. Let’s get ready for another week of exciting challenges. The next two weeks we are focusing on our set 3 sounds. These are: ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur, er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion, cious tious.  If your child has not yet grasped the set 3 sounds please go back to revisiting the set 2 sounds.

This week the sounds we will focus on are; er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion, cious tious


Please watch 'Miss Hobbs goes through set 3 sounds' 


Make sure your child is confident with these sounds before you go onto the other activities. 

Miss Hobbs goes through set 3 sounds

Still image for this video

Tuesday 14th July - sound snap


Fred has been playing sound snap. He has written out the set 2 (ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy) and set 3 sounds we are recapping this week. (er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, ) onto cards. He is taking it in turns with Miss Hobbs to turn over two cards and shouts ‘SNAP!’ when the sounds make the same sound. For example; ay and ai.

Can you make your own sound snap cards and have a go at playing? Have fun!


Challenge: write a word with each sound when you get a match.


Wednesday 15th July - Sound Splat 


This activity is to recap how well your child knows their set 3 sounds. The game is all about ‘splatting’ so if you have something in your house you can use to splat the sounds (like a fly swat) make sure to have it on hand. If not, let your child use their hand.

Have your child write out the set 3 sounds this week on different pieces of paper (or post-it notes if you have any)

The set 3 sounds are: er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion, cious tious


Have the set 3 sounds spread out on the table. The adult needs to call out the set 3 sounds and see how quickly your child can ‘splat them’. Make sure you play this until your child is confident identifying all the set 3 sounds this week.

If your child is confident finding all the sounds, have a go at making it harder. Start calling out words with the set 3 sounds in them.

These words could be better (b-e-tt-er) goat (g-oa-t) cure (c-ure)  fear (f-ear) (it could be worth writing out some words before the game starts). Sound out the word first, b-e-tt-er, c-ure, d-ear and blend d-ear dear. 

Thursday 16th July - Red Words 



Today Fred is having a break and a cup of tea because Miss Hobbs says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Miss Hobbs has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.

Friday 17th July - Sound Hunt 


Fred and Miss Hobbs are very sad because today is the last Fred challenge. To cheer them up Fred decided to hide some words with set 3 sounds around his house. Miss Hobbs had a go at reading all the words she could find.

Can you read the notes?

What do they say?



With your adult, get them to write down lots of words using our set 3 sounds. These words could be written on sticky notes or slips of paper held up with a clothes peg.

The set 3 sounds this week are: er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion, cious tious

Your adult could write words like, 'snail' 'pure' 'fear' 'stew'. Let your adult hide the words around the house or garden and see if you can find and read all the words.

Why don’t you have a go at writing and hiding some words around your house and see if your adults or siblings can read them. Enjoy!


                              Tuesday 7th July - Red Words


Watch this video before reading these red words. Find out how many words you could remember on the video?


Today Fred is having a break and playing with Reggie because Miss Hobbs says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Miss Hobbs has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.


Wednesday 8th July - Phonics bingo 


Today we are going to play ‘phonics bingo’ all you need is a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Next, draw out 8 boxes on your page. Choose 8 sounds from the choice below.

The set 3 sounds this week are: ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur.

Miss Hobbs had a go at bingo, these are the sounds she used.


Now, your adult is going to call out some words with the set 3 sounds in them. You need to listen hard to hear if your chosen sounds are in the words. For example, if your adult calls out spoil and you have ‘oi’ you can cross it out because the ‘oi; sound is in ‘spoil’.

Another example being, if you have ‘o-e’ and your adult calls out ‘phone’ you cross it off because the ‘o-e’ sound is in ‘phone’.

Remember if you have all crossed out all 8 sounds you are a winner!

Thursday 9th July - Real and Alien words


Fred has been practising his set 3 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. Can you sort the words out into two lists: real words and alien words?

It might be fun to write them on small pieces of paper and put the nonsense words in the bin and keep the real words. Can you put the real words into sentences? Remember to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

                                                Friday 10th July - Phonics Splat


This activity is to recap how well your child knows their set 3 sounds. The game is all about ‘splatting’ so if you have something in your house you can use to splat the sounds (like a fly swat) make sure to have it on hand. If not, let your child use their hand.

Have your child write out the set 3 sounds this week on different pieces of paper (or post-it notes if you have any)

The set 3 sounds are: ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur.


Have the set 3 sounds spread out on the table. The adult needs to call out the set 3 sounds and see how quickly your child can ‘splat them’. Make sure you play this until your child is confident identifying all the set 3 sounds this week.

If your child is confident finding all the sounds, have a go at making it harder. Start calling out words with the set 3 sounds in them.

These words could be; tea (t-ea), oi (s-p-oi-l), a-e (c-a-k-e), ie (n-i-c-e), o-e (h-o-m-e), u-e (h-u-g-e).(it could be worth writing out some words before the game starts). Sound out the word first, t-ea, s-p-oi-l and then blend it t-ea – tea.

Monday 29th June – tion, it’s a celebration.


Watch 'Mr Thorne does phonics' to learn the 'tion' sound


Fred has been practising the tion, it’s a celebration sound. The sound ‘tion’ is at the end of words, like station or attention. Fred has been thinking of some tion words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


(Note: the e is circled because it is silent. Make sure your child does not say the e in have.)

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own tion words and put them in a sentence?




Tuesday 30th June – tious/cious, scrumptious, delicious


Watch this video to learn the tious/cious sound.


Fred has been working hard today because he is learning one sound but two different spellings. Today he is learning ‘tious’ and ‘cious’. Together they make the same sound. It sounds like ‘shus’. Fred has been thinking of some tious/cious words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own tious/cious words and put them in a sentence?

Wednesday 1st July  – ‘e’ he, we, she, me, be


Watch the tricky word song to recap 'he, she, we, me, be'

Fred has been a bit naughty today, he wanted to have a go at some red words. Miss Hobbs has already told him ‘you can’t Fred a red’ but Fred has been clever. He has noticed when he says words like ‘he, she, me, be’ the ‘e’ sounds like ‘ee what can you see’. Have a go saying he, we, she, me, be …. Do you notice they all have that ‘ee what can you see’ sound in them. Fred wanted to write she but wrote ‘shee’ Miss Hobbs had to tell Fred there is only one ‘e’ in the sounds.

(note: the 'e' is circled because it makes the 'ee' sound but remember the spelling has 1 'e' and not 2.)

Fred had another go at writing some words with the ‘e’ sound. Can you read them? Draw a picture for each word? Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up.  Read your words back. Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you use 'he, she, we, me, be'  and put them in a sentence?

Thursday – word building (tious, cious, e, tion)  

Fred is feeling very happy with himself. Why? Because he has finished all his set 3 sounds and is feeling like a superstar. So today he decided to make some words using the learnt sounds this week. The sounds we learnt this week are:

tion, it’s a celebration.

tious/cious, scrumptious, delicious

e, he, me, she, we, be

Fred decided to make these words using his learnt sounds. Can you read them?

He was so happy that he made those words he went off into the garden. But when he got back, all the words were SCRAMBLED!



Fred needs your help to unscramble his words. Can you have a go at writing the words correctly. Read each of the words first.

For example, celebratious doesn’t make sense. Split it into two, celebra    tious. We know ‘celebra’ is in the word ‘celebration’ so we need to find the ‘tion’ sound. Now the next word ‘shcious’ we know ‘sh’ is in the word ‘she’ so we need to find the ‘e’. 


You could write your words on a piece of paper or use post-it notes like Fred. 


Friday 3rd July – Red Words

Watch this video before reading these red words. Find out how many words you could remember on the video?


Today Fred is having a break and a cup of tea because Miss Hobbs says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Miss Hobbs has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.


Monday 22nd June – ew chew the stew


Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the ‘ew’ sound.


Fred has been practising the ew chew the stew sound. We already know ‘oo, poo at the zoo’ oo makes the same sound as ew but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some ew words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?



Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ew words and put them in a sentence?




Tuesday 23rd June – ire fire fire



Fred has been practising the ire fire fire sound. This sound is called a ‘trigraph’ because it has 3 letters that makes 1 sound. 

Fred has been thinking of some ire words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


(Parents, the 'e' in house is circled because it is silent. Make sure your child knows the e is silent when reading the word.)

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ire words and put them in a sentence?


Wednesday 24th June – ear hear with your ear


Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the ‘ear’ sound.

Mr Thorne does Phonics ‘ear’

Fred has been practising the ear hear with your ear sound. This sound is called a ‘trigraph’ because it has 3 letters that makes 1 sound. Fred has been thinking of some ear words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?

(Parents, the 'e' in house is circled because it is silent. Make sure your child knows the e is silent when reading the word.)

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ear words and put them in a sentence?

Thursday 25th June – ure sure its pure

Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the ‘ure’ sound.

Mr Thorne does phonics


Fred has been practising the ure sure its pure sound. This sound is called a ‘trigraph’ because it has 3 letters that makes 1 sound. Fred has been thinking of some ure words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.




Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ure words and put them in a sentence?


Friday 26th June – real and alien words

Fred has been practising his set 3 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. Can you sort the words out into two lists: real words and alien words?

It might be fun to write them on small pieces of paper and put the nonsense words in the bin and keep the real words. Can you put the real words into sentences? Remember to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

                                                     Monday 15th June – er better letter

Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the 'er' sound.

Side note: this episode includes sounds the children are yet to learn, (ure, ear) – please don’t worry about learning this sounds yet, your child only needs to focus on 'er'.

Fred has been practising the er better letter sound. We already know ‘ir, whirl and twirl’ ir makes the same sound as er but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some er words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own er words and put them in a sentence?

Tuesday 16th June – ow brown cow


Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the 'ow' sound.



Fred has been practising the ow brown cow sound. We already know ‘ou, shout it out’ ou makes the same sound as ow but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some ow words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?



Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ow words and put them in a sentence?


Wednesday 17th June – ai snail in the rain


Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the 'ai' sound.



Fred has been practising the ai snail in the rain sound. We already know ‘ay may I play’ ay makes the same sound as ai but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some ai words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?



Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ai words and put them in a sentence?


Thursday 18th June – oa goat in a boat


Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the 'oa' sound.



Fred has been practising the oa goat in a boat sound. We already know ‘ow, blow the snow’ ow makes the same sound as oa but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some oa words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?



Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own oa words and put them in a sentence?


Friday 19th June – red words






















Today Fred is having a break and a biscuit because Miss Hobbs says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Miss Hobbs has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.

Monday 8th June - yawn at dawn 

Watch the Alphablocks episode to learn the 'aw' sound. 

Side note: the episodes include sounds the children are yet to learn, (ae) – please don’t worry about learning this sounds yet, your child only needs to know 'aw'.


Fred has been practising the aw yawn at dawn sound. We already know ‘or, shut the door’ aw makes the same sound as or but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some aw words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own aw words and put them in a sentence?


Tuesday 9th June - are care and share


Watch 'Mr Thorne does Phonics' episode on the sound 'are'


Fred has been practising the are 'care and share' sound. We already know ‘air, that's not fair’ makes the same sound but with different letters. Fred has been thinking of some are words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. 


Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with are/air words in?

Wednesday 10th June - ur nurse with a purse 

Watch this alphablocks episode on the sound 'ur'



Fred has been practising the ur 'nurse with a purse' sound. We already know ‘ir, whirl and twirl’ makes the same sound but with different letters. Fred has been thinking of some ur words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. 



Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with ur/ir words in?

Thursday 11th June - real and alien words


Fred has been practising his set 2 and set 3 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. Can you sort the words out into two lists: real words and alien words.

It might be fun to write them on small pieces of paper and put the nonsense words in the bin and keep the real words. Can you put the real words into sentences? Remember to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Friday 12th June - sound snap 


Fred has been playing sound snap. He has written out the set 2 (or, air, ir) and set 3 sounds that he has learnt this week. (aw, are, ur) onto cards. He is taking it in turns with Miss Hobbs to turn over two cards and shouts ‘SNAP!’ when the sounds make the same sound. For example; aw and or. 

Can you make your own sound snap cards and have a go at playing? Have fun!


Challenge: write a word with each sound when you get a match.





Monday 1st June: Sound Detectives


Since Fred has been away, he’s been leaving fun activities for us to do. Today Fred wants you to be a sound detective. In Miss Hobbs’ garden, Fred has left some words on leaves. Miss Hobbs had a go at reading all the words she could find.

Can you read the leaves?

What do they say?

With your adult, get them to write down lots of words using our set 2 sounds. These words could be written on sticky notes or slips of paper held up with a clothes peg.

The set 2 sounds are: ay, ee, oy, oo, oo, ow, igh, air, or, ar, ou, ir.

Your adult could write words like, ‘boy’ ‘twirl’ ‘chair’. Let your adult hide the words around the house or garden and see if you can find and read all the words.

Why don’t you have a go at writing and hiding some words around your house and see if your adults or siblings can read them. Enjoy!


Tuesday 2nd June: Phonics Bingo

Fred is having a little holiday this week but has left activities for us. He wants us to practise our set 2 sounds.

Today we are going to play ‘phonics bingo’ all you need is a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Next, draw out 8 boxes on your page. Choose 8 sounds from the choice below.

The set 2 sounds are: ay, ee, oy, oo, oo, ow, igh, air, or, ar, ou, ir.

Miss Hobbs had a go at bingo, these are the sounds she used.


Now, your adult is going to call out some words with the set 2 sounds in them. You need to listen hard to hear if your chosen sounds are in the words. For example, if your adult calls out toy and you have ‘oy’ you can cross it out because the ‘oy; sound is in ‘toy’.

Another example being, if you have ‘ee’ and your adult calls out ‘bee’ you cross it off because the ‘ee’ sound is in ‘bee’.

Remember if you have all crossed out all 8 sounds you are a winner!

Wednesday 3rd June : Phonics Hop 


Are you ready to hop AND make some alien words? Well Fred loves to hop and thought this would be a super challenge for a Wednesday. To play you need to find is 12 squares of paper (or post it notes) and have your child write the set 2 sounds on each square.

The set 2 sounds are: ay, ee, oy, oo, oo, ow, igh, air, or, ar, ou, ir.

On 7 more squares of paper (or post it notes), your child needs to write single sounds, which could be, m,a,s,d,t, I, n, p, g and so on.

When you have written on all the squares put the single sounds on one side and the set 2 sounds on the other. Your child can then place some sounds in the middle of the floor.

Their job is to hop on each sound and say the sound out loud. When they have hopped on each sounds, your child needs to tell you what word they have made.

An example could be using;




a-ch-l = achl


How many alien words can you make? Try this out with your adults or siblings?

Miss Hobbs had a turn. These were the words she made. Can you read them?


Thursday 4th June: Real and Alien words 


While Fred has been on holiday, Miss Hobbs has been practising her set 2 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. 

Miss Hobbs has decided to make two funny monsters that can eat up all these words. The real monster likes eating real words. Words that make sense in a sentence. The alien monster likes eating alien words. Words that do not make sense in a sentence.

Miss Hobbs has written down some words with the set 2 sounds in them. She has managed to find an alien word and a real word and fed the words to her monsters.

However, she can’t do the rest of the words. They are too hard. Can you work out what words are real words and alien words?

Now it is your turn to have a go at making some crazy word-eating monsters. Make sure you make 2 monsters. One monster to eat real words and one monster to eat alien words. Have a go with an adult to write words using your set 2 sounds. You can use strips of paper, just like Miss Hobbs has done.

The set 2 sounds are: ay, ee, oy, oo, oo, ow, igh, air, or, ar, ou, ir.

Make sure when you have written your words out you give them to the right monster. Also, don’t forget your sound buttons!

See if your siblings or adults can give you some more real and alien words for you to sort out. Have fun!

Friday 5th June: Sound Splat


This activity is to recap how well your child knows their set 2 sounds. The game is all about ‘splatting’ so if you have something in your house you can use to splat the sounds (like a fly swat) make sure to have it on hand. If not, let your child use their hand.

Have your child write out all the set 2 sounds on different pieces of paper (or post-it notes if you have any)

The set 2 sounds are: ay, ee, oy, oo, oo, ow, igh, air, or, ar, ou, ir.

Have the set 2 sounds spread out on the table. The adult needs to call out the set 2 sounds and see how quickly your child can ‘splat them’. Make sure you play this until your child is confident identifying all the set 2 sounds. Miss Hobbs had a go, see if you can read all the sounds before you start: 



If your child is confident finding all the sounds, have a go at making it harder. Start calling out words with the set 2 sounds in them.

These words could be; boy (b-oy), say (s-ay), blow (b-l-ow), poo (p-oo), shout (sh-ou-t), might (m-igh-t).(it could be worth writing out some words before the game starts). Sound out the word first, b-oy, b-l-ow, sh-ou-t and then blend it b-oy – boy.

Your child needs to find the set 2 sound in the word. For example, when you sound out b-l-ow, your child will splat the ‘ow’ sound because they can hear ‘ow’ in ‘blow’



Monday 18th May: Red words

Today Fred is playing in the garden because Mrs Harborne says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Mrs Harborne has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.



Tuesday 19th May: Real words/alien words

Fred has been practising his set 2 and set 3 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. Can you sort the words out into two lists: real words and alien words.

It might be fun to write them on small pieces of paper and put the nonsense words in the bin and keep the real words. Can you put the real words into sentences? Remember to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.



Wednesday 20th May: Magic e

You have been learning some super difficult split diagraphs. This means that the sound is made by two letters which are separate (split). For example the a_e sound in make. Alphablocks episodes explains this really well. So for your phonics today Fred would like you to recap o_e and u_e by watching the alphablocks episodes.


Side note: the episodes include sounds the children are yet to learn, oa and ew – please don’t worry about learning these sounds yet.





The other alphablocks episodes are a great way for your children to practise their phonics at home. They are available to watch on Cbeebies or on youtube. Just search alphablocks and the sound you want to practise. Enjoy!






Thursday 21st May: Sound Snap

Fred has been playing sound snap. He has written out the set 2 (ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy) and set 3 sounds that they have learnt so far. (ea, oi, a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e) onto cards. He is taking it in turns with Mrs Harbrone to turn over two cards and shouts ‘SNAP!’ when the sounds make the same sound. For example; ay and a_e.

Can you make your own sound snap cards and have a go at playing? Have fun!


Challenge: write a word with each sound when you get a match.



Friday 22nd May: Word Building

Fred has been building words with the sound cards he made. He has written out the split diagraph set 3 sounds (a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e) and all of the set 1 sounds: (m a s d t I n p g o c k u b f e l h sh r j v y w th z chq u x ng nk). He chooses one set 3 sound and two set 1 sounds. He then tries hard to read the word he has built. Is it a real or an alien word?

Can you make your own word building cards and build your own words? Can you write the words you build?

Monday 11th May: Red words

Today Fred is putting his feet up and having a nap because Mrs Harborne says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Mrs Harborne has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.



Tuesday 12th May: Real words/alien words

Fred has been practising his set 2 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. Can you sort the words out into two lists: real words and alien words.

It might be fun to write them on small pieces of paper and put the nonsense words in the bin and keep the real words. Can you put the real words into sentences? Remember to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.





Wednesday 13th May: Magic e

You have been learning some super difficult split diagraphs. This means that the sound is made by two letters which are separate (split). For example the a_e sound in make. Alphablocks episodes explains this really well. So for your phonics today Fred would like you to recap a_e and i_e by watching the alphablocks episodes.


Side note: the episodes include sounds the children are yet to learn, ai and ie – please don’t worry about learning these sounds yet.






The other alphablocks episodes are a great way for your children to practise their phonics at home. They are available to watch on Cbeebies or on youtube. Just search alphablocks and the sound you want to practise. Enjoy!






Thursday 7th May: o_e phone home

Fred has been practising the o_e sound. We already know ‘ow, blow the snow’ o_e makes the same sound but with different letters. Remember magic e turns the o (o as in orange) sound into it’s name O (ow)

Fred has been thinking of some o_e words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on and a rainbow for the o_e sound. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


Can you sort Fred’s o_e/ow words into two columns? Which words have the ‘ow blow the snow’ sound in? And which words have the ‘o_e phone home’ sound in?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with o_e/ow words in?



Friday 8th May: u_e huge brute

Fred has been practising the u_e, huge brute sound. We already know ‘oo, poo at the zoo’ u_e makes the same sound but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some u_e words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself?

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


Can you sort Fred’s oo/u_e words into two columns? Which words have the ‘oo poo at the zoo?’ sound in? And which words have the ‘u_e huge brute’ sound in?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with an oo/u_e words in?

Monday 4th May: Real words/alien words

Fred has been practising his set 2 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. Can you sort the words out into two lists: real words and alien words.

It might be fun to write them on small pieces of paper and put the nonsense words in the bin and keep the real words. Can you put the real words into sentences? Remember to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.




Tuesday 5th May: Red words

Today Fred is putting his feet up and having a cup of tea because Mrs Harborne says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Mrs Harborne has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.




Wednesday 6th May: Magic e


Please remember, the new sounds we are learning are really hard now. If it is too much, please go back to

Set 2 ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oi

and practise these sounds instead.

It is more important that your children know their Set 1 and 2 sounds really well than only know some of the sounds a little bit because they are getting confused.

In set 3 there are what we call split diagraphs. This means that the sound is made by two letters which are separate (split). For example the a_e sound in make. Alphablocks magic e episode explains this really well. So for your phonics today Fred wants you to watch Alphablocks. Click the link below for the magic e episode:

The other alphablocks episodes are a great way for your children to practise their phonics at home. They are available to watch on Cbeebies or on youtube. Just search alphablocks and the sound you want to practise. Enjoy!



Thursday 7th May: a_e make a cake


Fred has been practising the a_e sound. We already know ‘ay, may I play?’ a_e makes the same sound but with different letters. Remember magic e turns the a (a as in apple) sound into it’s name a (ay).

Fred has been thinking of some a_e words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on and a rainbow for the a_e sound. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?

Can you sort Fred’s a_e/ay words into two columns? Which words have the ‘ay may I play?’ sound in? And which words have the ‘a_e make a cake’ sound in?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with a_e/ay words in?



Friday 8th May: i_e nice smile

Fred has been practising the i_e, nice smile sound. We already know ‘igh, fly high’ i_e makes the same sound but with different letters. Remember the magic turns the i (i as in insect) into it’s name I.

Fred has been thinking of some i_e words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself?

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?

Can you sort Fred’s igh/i_e words into two columns? Which words have the ‘igh fly high?’ sound in? And which words have the ‘i_e nice smile’ sound in?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with an igh/i_e words in?

Monday 27th April: oy (toy for a boy)

Fred has been thinking of some oy words. Can you read them? Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Now can you put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own oy words and put them in a sentence?

Tuesday 28th April: Red words

Today Fred is putting his feet up and having a rest in the garden because Mrs Harborne says we have to practise our red words. Why isn’t Fred helping?


So Mrs Harborne has written out some red words for us to practise instead. Can you read them? Use the first sound as a clue.

Can you find the red words in a book? Can you put the red words into a sentence? Have a go at writing your sentence…remember to use a capital letter to start, finger spaces and a full stop at the end.

Wednesday 29th April: Real words/alien words

Fred has been practising his set 2 sounds and writing words using these sounds. But some of them are real words and some of them just don’t make sense! They are alien words. Can you sort the words out into two lists: real words and alien words.

Here are the answers to check:

It might be fun to write them on small pieces of paper and put the nonsense words in the bin and keep the real words. Can you put the real words into sentences? Remember to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.

Thursday 30th April: ea (cup of tea)


Today we are beginning to learn set 3 sounds. We will go at a slower pace with lots of comparison to set 2 as well as some practise days. Please only begin these sounds if you feel your child is ready. If they need to continue practising set 2, that is fine! Please go back to Monday 30th March ‘ee’ session and repeat those sounds. Don’t forget to keep practising set 1 sounds too.

Here we go!

Fred has been practising the ea sound. We already know ‘ee, what can you see?’ ea makes the same sound but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some ea words. Can you read them?

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?

Can you sort Fred’s ee/ea words into two columns? Which words have the ‘ee what can you see?’ sound in? And which words have the ‘ea cup of tea’ sound in?

Here are the answers to check:

Can you read Fred's sentence? Remember to sound out each word (segment), then push the sounds (blend) together before you start sounding out the next word. Draw a picture to match the sentence!


Can you write your own sentence with an ee/ea words in?

Friday 1st May: oi (spoil the boy)

Fred has been practising the oi, spoil the boy sound. We already know ‘oy, toy for a boy?’ oi makes the same sound but with different letters.

Fred has been thinking of some oi words. Can you read them?

(NB: when a sound is circled it means it is not making it's usual sound. For example, the 'e' in noise is silent and the 'c' in voice is making a 's' sound. Please talk to your children about this. Sometimes the sounds in some words don't always follow the rules we learn in phonics.) 

Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself?

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?


Can you sort Fred’s oy/oi words into two columns? Which words have the ‘oy toy for a boy?’ sound in? And which words have the ‘oi spoil the boy’ sound in?

Here are the answers to check:

Can you read Fred's sentence? Remember to read the diagraphs (two letters, one sound) as one sound. For example, s-p-oi-l. Not s-p-o-i-l.

Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with an oy/oi words in?

Monday 20th April 2020: ar (start the car)

Fred has been thinking of some ar words. Can you read them? Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Now can you put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ee words and put them in a sentence? 

Tuesday 21st April 2020: or (shut the door)

Fred has been thinking of some or words. Can you read them? Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself?  Remember to put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Don't forget to use finger spaces. 

Can you read the sentence that Fred has written? Can you draw a picture to match the sentence? Now can you think of your own sentence using or words? 

Wednesday 22nd April: air (that's not fair)

Fred has been thinking of some air words. Can you read them? Press the sound buttons to help you. Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Remember to sweep up. Now can you put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Remember to start with a capital letter. 

Can you read Fred's sentence? Can you spot the red words? Remember, you can't Fred a red! Can you draw a picture to match the sentence. Now can you think of your own sentence with an air word in.

Thursday 23rd April: ir (whirl and twirl)

Fred has been thinking of some ir words. Can you read them? Remember it's a stretchy sound. Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Remember to sound out each word (segment), then push the sounds (blend) together before you start sounding out the next word. Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with an ir word in?

Friday 24th April: ou (shout it out)

Fred has been thinking of some ou words. Can you read them? Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget your super smart cursive letters. Remember to put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Remember to put a full stop at the end of your sentence. Read your sentence back and check it makes sense.

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. Now think of your own sentence. Remember to use Fred fingers to sound out each word as you write your sentence. 


Monday 30th March: ee (what can you see?)

Fred has been thinking of some ee words. Can you read them? Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up. Now can you put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence?


Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. 

Can you think of your own ee words and put them in a sentence? 

Tuesday 31st March: igh (fly high)


Fred has been thinking of some igh words. Can you read them? Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself?  Remember to put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Don't forget to use finger spaces. 

Can you read the sentence that Fred has written? Can you draw a picture to match the sentence? Now can you think of your own sentence using igh words? 

Wednesday 1st April: ow (blow the snow)

Fred has been thinking of some ow words. Can you read them? Press the sound buttons to help you. Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Remember to sweep up. Now can you put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Remember to start with a capital letter. 


Can you read Fred's sentence? Can you spot the red words? Remember, you can't fred a red! Can you draw a picture to match the sentence. Now can you think of your own sentence with an ow word in.

Thursday 2nd April: oo (poo at the zoo)

Fred has been thinking of some oo words. Can you read them? Remember it's a stretchy sound. Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget to sweep up: 'sweep up, all around the orange, flick'. Remember to add your sound buttons on. Read your words back.

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Read your sentence back. Have you remembered all of the sounds?

Can you read Fred's sentence? Remember to sound out each word (segment), then push the sounds (blend) together before you start sounding out the next word. Draw a picture to match the sentence!

Can you write your own sentence with an oo word in? 

Friday 3rd April: oo (look at a book)

Fred has been thinking of some oo words. Can you read them? Break the longer words down into two parts. For example: looking, sound out l-oo-k look, i-ng ing = looking. Draw a picture for each word you can read. Can you have a go at writing them yourself? Don't forget your super smart cursive letters. Remember to put your sound buttons on. 

Can you put some of the words into a sentence? Remember to put a full stop at the end of your sentence. Read your sentence back and check it makes sense.

Can you read Fred's sentence? Draw a picture to match the sentence. Now think of your own sentence. Remember to use fred fingers to sound out each word as you write your sentence. 

Challenge: write a list of oo (poo at the zoo) words and a list of oo (look at a book) words.

Set 2 and 3 Phonics Sounds

Still image for this video
Dear parents and carers.
I have shared above a very helpful video that shows all set 2 and 3 sounds. The children are focusing on set 2 sounds this term.
These sounds are; ay, ee, oy, oo, oo, ow, igh, air, or, ar, ou, ir.
Recap the sounds with your child before completing Fred's Phonics Challenge.