
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

We're going on a bear hunt (Sport)

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt

We love this retelling by Michael Rosen.

Weekly Reading Tasks

Monday- Talk to your child about some words used in sports such as throw, hit,​   catch, ball. Play Simon says with sports words (e.g hit throw etc as the actions). This will support their listening skills.

Extension: Go on a word hunt around the house to find these pictures/ words in books, magazines or newspapers. 

Tuesday- Listen to stories linked to sport, including Peppa Pig, The Large Family, Sports Day by Jill Murphy, and Maisy’s Sports Day.  

Wednesday- Sing a variety of rhymes. Favourites can be repeated. Hearing the patterns of language in a story will support your child’s language development. Please take a look at our Nursery Rhyme section on the website for more ideas.




Listen to free children’s stories on Audible:


Thursday- Develop listening skills by encouraging your child to listen to the BBC School Radio episode about sports.  

Friday- Read a range of stories at home- enjoy reading them together. Talk to​      your child about their likes and dislikes in the story.  

Weekly Phonics Tasks

Monday- Challenge 1: Mirror play – get your child to look what their face looks like when they say different sounds (e.g. s, a, t, p, i, n). 

Challenge 2: Participate in a set 1 phonics session.

Tuesday- Can your child think of rhyming words? Take it in turns to say a rhyming word i.e. cat, mat, bat, sat.  

Wednesday- Try one of our alliteration activities. For example go on a letter sound hunt. How many things in the house can you find that begin with the same sound.

Thursday- Play ‘I Spy’. ‘I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with t’. CHALLENGE: Try trickier sounds such as ch, sh or th.  

Friday- Provide your child with some simple words linked to sport e.g. ran. Say the word in sounds e.g. r-a-n. Ask your child to repeat the sounds and then write the​                sounds if they are able to.  

Weekly Writing Tasks 

Monday- Can your child talk about all the different sports they know? Can they​     have a go at drawing or writing their ideas?

Tuesday- Listen to interactive stories linked to sport, including Peppa Pig. Talk about how the characters are feeling when they win/lose. Draw a picture to show how the characters are feeling. 

Wednesday- Ask your child to draw a picture of themselves doing something​        sporty. i.e. running, jumping, a cartwheel. Can they label the picture.

Thursday- Make an assault together course using chalk. Draw different shapes and lines on the ground that the children travel along. CHALLENGE: Do different movements for different shapes e.g a circle might mean jump 5 times.

Friday- Can your child fill different containers with pom poms or cotton wool balls.

With the weather changing why don't you try making a rainy day obstacle course.


This video shows you how to keep your children busy on a rainy day. Let them make a rainy day obstacle course out of furniture, pillows and blankets.

Click on the link to watch the video

Have lots of fun making a obstacle course and keeping fit  at the same time.

Weekly Maths Tasks- Positions

Monday- Listen to this song and watch a short video to learn positional language.

Tuesday- Play positional language Hide and Seek- Choose a selection of items and hide them. Ask your child to count out loud while you’re doing this. Give them clues about the positions of the objects, e.g. it’s under the chair.

Wednesday- Listen to ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Talk about the positional language used in the story – through, over, under. Create a story in the house using these words-over, under, though, behind, next to, opposite, around.

Thursday- Encourage your child to jump, hop or skip. Give them directions as they​             do this e.g. jump forwards 5. 

Friday- Make a positional language picture- cut out a selection of 2d shapes. Give your child positional instructions to create a picture e.g. put the square in the middle of your page

Learning Project - to be done throughout the week

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about sports and games. Learning may focus on the history of sport, sporting-heroes, physical challenges and performance. 

Ball Games

  • Play a game of catch with a ball - when you drop the ball, you lose a point. You could record points using a tally chart and count up who has the most points at the end. CHALLENGE: See if you can catch the ball standing further apart, catch with one hand or use a smaller ball.​          


Play Skittles

  • If you have a set of skittles, you’re ready to go, if not you can make your own skittles using plastic bottles. Take a plastic bottle and partly fill with soil/ stones or sand to weigh it down. If you don’t have plastic bottles available you could use tin cans for an alternative version. Ask your child to count how many skittles there are to begin with. Roll the ball at the skittles and ask your child to count how many they have knocked over. Can they work out how many are left? CHALLENGE:  Draw or write some of the numbers for your child. Can they do the same? 


Competition Time

  • Have a time challenge. Give your child an action to do e.g. hop, skip, jump, clap or star jump. how many can they do in one minute. Keep a record of the scores. Ask everyone in the house to have a go!

Parts of the Human Body

  • Ask your child which parts of their body they use to run? Draw the parts of the body. You could label the body parts (they may or may not copy you).   

Create your own Junk Modelled Football Pitch

  • Using a lid of a shoe box or similar container, help your child to cut out two holes on each end as the goals. If you have green card or paper, stick this in the base, if not you can colour in plain paper using a crayon. Draw out the marking on the pitch using crayons or felt tips. When finished, stand your football pitch on a box on the table. Using something ball-like (e.g. a sweet), take turns aiming at your partner’s goal whilst the other tries to save the goal. If you score you get to eat the sweet! CHALLENGE:​   Say instructions to play your game e.g. 1. Put the ball in. 2. Flick at the goal. 3. Eat the sweet! Your child could also draw the instructions.