"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Tuesday: Prime Numbers
Video: https://vimeo.com/465049678
Wednesday: Square and Cube numbers
Video: https://vimeo.com/465336467
Thursday: Order of Operations
Video: https://vimeo.com/465421787
Friday: Mental Calculations
Video: https://vimeo.com/465739450
Tuesday: Electricity Year 4 Revision
Wednesday: Science Skills - Variables
When planning a Science experiment, you have to control the variables.
There are three types:
Independent variable: the one thing that change.
Dependent variables: what will you measure?
Controlled variables: what will stay the same every time?
Activity: I want to measure how our shadows change throughout the day.
Independent variable (what will you change?):
Dependent variable (what will you measure/ observe?):
Controlled variable (what must stay the same?):
Thursday: Voltage
Volts are a measure of how much electric force is stored.
Voltage is an electric force that causes electrons to move around a circuit.
Just like water needs pressure to force it through a hose, electrical current needs some force to make it flow.
Do you think the amount of volts affect the circuit in any way? Bulbs, buzzers, motors?
How could we test whether the amount of volts affects the brightness of a lamp or volume of a buzzer?
If you were in school, we would test this out, but, unfortunately, you probably don't have the correct equipment at home.
This video explains what you would probably find: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z6qd7ty
Friday: How does Electricity Work?
Write an explanation about how electricity works.
Research Benjamin Zephaniah - create a fact file.
Create a piece of Art work, that expresses who you are. Think about what you value, what you enjoy etc.
Watch the video about useful phrases for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWOqJ3TTMmo
Test them out on your friends and family!
Create an acrostic poem all about Diwali, e.g.
D is for dancing late into the night
I is for India, where Diwali is celebrated by millions of people
W is for...
A is for...
L is for...
I is for...