
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


In June, we experience the longest day. All days are 24 hours, but one day in June has the longest time of sunlight. This time of year is known as the 'Summer solstice' or 'Midsummer' in the Northern Hemisphere. It happens because one of the earth's poles has a maximum tilt towards the sun. It happens again 6 months later but with the other pole meaning in December, we get the shortest amount of daylight. The day and time changes slightly each year, but in 2020 the exact moment was at 10.43pm on Saturday 20th. My choir celebrated by releasing an online concert; some of it we recorded at home on our own and other parts are from concerts we have recorded in the past. You don't have to listen to the whole thing as it is quite long and you have to work really hard to spot me! The first two songs are fun though. One is all about a summer holiday and the other is a French song all about the sea called 'La Mer'. 

 A musical summer holiday
