
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


Hello year 3, 


If you usually do phonics with Mrs Shah, then you will need to complete your weekly phonics activities here. Mrs Kirby is recording phonics lessons for you to watch and then there will be an activity for you to complete after each lesson. All you will need is a pencil and some paper. Each week, Mrs Kirby will add two phonics lessons with two activities to complete after. Take a photo of your work and post it on teams so the year 3 teachers can see how hard you're working! 


Thank you! 


Mrs Kirby :) 


The ay sound with Mrs Kirby

This is your lesson for the ay sound.

Activity for the ay sound

This is the activity that you need to do after you have watched the lesson for the ay sound.

The ee sound with Mrs Kirby

Watch this lesson to learn about the ee sound.

Activity for the ee sound

Watch this video and then complete the activity, after you have watched the lesson about the ee sound.
