
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Our lockdown Youtube collective worships

Collective worship 30.3.2020

Find out all about Palm Sunday

Collective Worship with Mrs Seymour- 3.4.2020

Including Stars of the Week! We hope you all enjoy your Easter holidays and remember the Golden Rule.

Collective worship 20.4.2020

Find out what happened after Jesus had died...

Collective worship 4.5.2020

We are thinking about what the bible says about 'Peace' as we celebrate VE day.

Collective worship 11.5.2020

Find out how to do the peace using sign language. You can use it to join in with our sending out at the end of each Collective worship.

Collective worship 18.5.2020

What are you thankful for?

Collective Worship 1.6.2020

Find out all about Pentecost

Collective worship 8.6.2020

Who can you put your trust in?

Collective worship 15.6.2020

What do we mean by God's Grace?

Collective worship 22.6.2020

What are you proud of? Is there something which you have had to persevere at?

Collective worship 29.6.2020

How can you shine like a light? Find out why you shouldn't hide your light under a bushel!

Collective worship 6.7.2020

How to cope when things change. Listen to the story of the boat in the storm.
