
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10

Week beginning 07.12.20

We hope you have had a relaxing weekend. Here is the work for the week - we are missing you loads!


This week look a little bit different to normal weeks, as it is DT week!!! I am sure you are very disappointed not to be in school, but hopefully you can do some designing and building at home too.


Any problems, just email Mrs Hughes:




Monday: In school, we are going to be making fairground rides that are powered by electronic equipment - a motor and battery. Now, as you probably won't have these at home, you might have to adapt your design. 

1. Look for inspiration! 

  • This is the first thing that designers do - they look at other designs. 
  • Create a PowerPoint on BGFL showing loads of different fairground rides - helter scelter, tea cups, carousel or maybe a big wheel. 
  • Make a list under each picture explaining the materials they have used and who is the ride aimed for. 
  • Look at the PowerPoint saved below for help.
  • A video all about design:


Tuesday: Your design!

  • Decide which fairground you would like to make.
  • Sketch out your own design on paper - think about the materials you might use, for example: for the big wheel, you might use 2 paper plates to create the wheel part. You might also use long sticks to hold up the wheels. How much you get it to rotate?
  • A video all about different materials:


Wednesday and Thursday: Get making!!!

  • Think about your resources - you will have to use what you have around the house, for example: lego, cupboard boxes, pencils, sticks from the garden. 
  • Consider what colour it will be. 
  • Can you make it rotate?
  • Have a look at the pictures below for inspiration. 


Friday: Evaluate

  • List 3 things that you think are really successful about your design.
  • List 3 things that you think could be better about your design. 
  • Make a questionnaire to ask your family too.


Extra: DT also involves cooking!


TT Rockstars


Spend 20 minutes a day trying to beat your top score.




  1. Reading Planet:
  2. Read to a parent or guardian EVERY day for 20 minutes.