
St John's C of E Primary School

"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10


This is where there will be weekly tasks to help you with your topic learning. 

W.B. Monday 6th July



Go on a walk around the park. If you can, print off a leaf checklist. If not perhaps you could collect some leaves from the park and identify them when you get home. 



Create a picture of deciduous trees throughout the season. We learnt about deciduous trees at school. If you need a reminder they are trees that lose their leaves. 



Make and decorate a water bottle watering can! You could use this to water plants in your garden or house. 



Create a flip-book about the different parts of a plant! 



Try out some leaf threading using leaves, sticks and thread. You could even make this into a headdress or necklace! 


W.B. Monday 29th June



Go on a walk around the park to identify different plants, collect different items such as leaves and petals on your walk. If you would prefer not to go to the park you can do this in your garden. 



Make a collage using the items you collected round the park!


Flower part sorting 


Break up flowers into parks. Label some containers so you can sort them out into their different parts. 



W.B. Monday 22nd June


This week we are continuing our topic Green Fingers, all about plants! Here are some ideas for the week:


Dandelion Playdough

There are lots of dandelions at this time of year, can you pick some yellow ones to use as a natural dye in playdough? The playdough will be bright yellow! 


Dandelion playdough recipe:

1 cup of flour.

1/4 cup of salt.

3/4 cup of water.

3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Loads of dandelions


Regrow Lettuce Lumps

If you have some lettuce in your kitchen, once you have used the leaves you can replant the heart and it grows a brand new lettuce!

Step 1: Put the lettuce into a little cup of water, making sure not to cover the top of the lettuce. 

Step 2: change the water daily, the lettuce will start to grow back within two days. 



This week our story is Jack and the Beanstalk. Can you make your own beanstalk? Here are some pictures for inspiration: 



Magic Bean

Can you plant a magic bean? You can buy bean seeds from the shops. You can think about what you would do with your magic beans, too!

W.B. Monday 15th June



This week our story is 'The Enormous Turnip'. A turnip is a vegetable. A vegetable is a type of plant. Watch this video and write down three things you learn about fruit and vegetables grow.



Think about things you could plant in your garden. Record this into a table split into flowers, vegetables and fruits. 



Create your own plant out of vegetables. Can you eat the whole plant?



See what items you can find in your recycling. Can you junk model your own enormous vegetable that you are writing about this week?



Make your own vegetable rainbow!

W.B. Monday 8th June



Parts of a plant Bitesize

Last week we thought about what a plant needs to grow. This week we are moving onto the different parts of a plant. Watch this link on Bitesize to help you learn:

Once you have watched the video you can answer the quiz to see what you can remember! 



Parts of a plant labelling 

Today you can draw your very own plant and write the labels of the different parts.



Toilet roll flower tower!

You have thought about the parts of a plant this week. Can you cut up a toilet roll and some paper and build your very own flower tower?



Nature spotting

If you have a garden you can have a look and see what nature you can find in your garden. If not, you can do this on your daily walk!



Design your dream garden

We have looked at different plants and trees. Can you design your dream garden? Draw a map to show where different objects will be and use a key to label. 


W.B. Monday 1st June


Green Fingers


This week our new topic is 'Green Fingers'. We will be learning all about plants and trees! This week our book is 'The Tiny Seed'. Here are some activities based on seeds and plants for the week. You can do these in any order you wish.


Plant a seed!

When you next go to the shops you can get a pack of seeds for anything you wish (beans are a good one to watch). You can plant it in a jar in some soil and you will be able to see it grow through the jar! 


Life Cycle of a plant

Use this link: to find out all about the life cycle of a plant. Once you have watched the videos take the quiz to test what you have learnt! 

You can also draw the life cycle of a plant. 



In the story the flower grows very big and tall at the end. Can you make your very own tall flower? You could use a collage technique and cut out lots of bits of paper. 





W.B. Monday 18th May 


This is our last week of our Dungeons and Dragons topic. Here are some ideas of activities you could do at home based on Zog.



Knights Armour

Sir Gadabout is a knight. Knights wore protective clothing. We learnt about materials and their properties at school. His armour would have needed to be strong, can you think of materials his coat of armour could have been made of and describe why?


Princess Dress

Princess Pearl doesn't like pretty dresses! Can you design her some clothes she would like to wear. 



Take a look at the illustrations in the book, lots of other animals feature. Can you write a list of these animals? If you felt like really challenging you could sort the animals into different categories. 




W.B. Monday 11th May 


Dungeons and Dragons Continued 


Map for a dragon:

We have made maps at school before. This week I would like you to make one for a dragon! Dragons live in different magical settings. Use your imagination to create a fantasy land and map for a dragon. You can label the different parts of your fantasy land afterwards. 

My map:

W.B. Monday 4th May



Flying dragon puppet

Can you use objects in your house to make a dragon puppet? You could make this fly and think of a story to tell with it. 


Design your own dragon eggs

Dragons lay eggs. Can you design a magical looking dragon egg? If you cut it in a cracked half afterwards you could make it look like your dragon puppet is hatching out of it!


Animal research 

Which other animals lay eggs? Can you write a list and draw some pictures of animals that lay eggs. You can research this on the computer.





W.B. Monday 27th April


Well done for all your fantastic work on castles last week. Remember these activities are for the full week. 


We are continuing to learn about Dungeons and Dragons. This week we will be learning about knights! 


Watch this video: 


Once you have watched the video. Answer these questions:

1. How many years ago were the medieval times?

2. What is a troubador? 

3. What does a knight wear?

4. What was the jesters job?

5. What is a tapestry?

6. What did a foot soldier wear? Why did he wear this?


Remember to write in full sentences using a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops. Say your sentence first to make sure you know what you are going to write. 


In medieval times, knights would have a coat of arms, which is a shield, with a design important to them. 

You can draw your own coat of arms and design it.



Here are some examples. 


Build your own castle!


You can use recycled items around the house to build your very own castle. Here are some examples to have a look at. You could use toilet roll tubes, boxes, cans. Use your imagination and things you can find around the house. 


W.B. Monday 20th April 


Dungeons and Dragons 


Out topic is Dungeons and Dragons. This week we are going to be learning all about castles. Do you know what a castle is? 

There is a very famous castle in Harry Potter called Alnwick Castle, watch this clip to see it:

Do you know any other castles from stories? See if you can write them as a list.


Features of castles:

I have made a video about castles, please watch this so you can learn all about the features of castles, you can then draw your very own castle and label it with features. You can label the features in the video and research to find some more of your own! smiley 


Enjoy your work and remember to email it over to

Using your senses:

We learnt about our senses at school. Pick a window in your house. Stand there for a few minutes and take a look at what you can see and write or draw them down. Then see what you can hear and write or draw them down. Now you can try again but see what you can hear and write or draw them down. You could practise which senses you use if you put on a blindfold and cover your ears too. 


Our new topic is called 'Dungeons and Dragons'. Do you know what a dungeon in? Ask an adult to help you find out. 

Follow this link to see a castle that is not far from school.

At school, you have been learning about how to write questions. Can you write some questions that you'd like to find the answer to? Don't forget to send them to your teacher. 
