"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Monday 12/10/20: Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100.
This week we are moving on to adding 3 and 4-digit numbers. Today the focus is on adding two 3-digit numbers where there are no exchanges (carries). Using our previous knowledge and learning on single place value additions, you will see that only the digit being added to will change. Watch this video and complete the worksheet below: https://vimeo.com/461778453
Tuesday 13/10/20: Add two 4-digit numbers – no exchange.
Yesterday, we added two 3-digit numbers with no exchanges (carries), and today we will do the same but with 4-digit numbers. Remember, when there are no exchanges in a calculation, the digits in each place value column can change but do not crossover into the any of digits in other columns. Watch the following video and complete the worksheet below: https://vimeo.com/461778690
Wednesday 14/10/20: Add two 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100.
So far this week, we have added 3 and 4-digit numbers with no exchanges. What happens when there are? When a digit crosses the place value boundary, because it has more than 9 of that value, more than one of the digits in the number will change. Take a look at this video to see how this is done and why the numbers change and then complete worksheet 3: https://vimeo.com/461779078
Thursday 15/10/20: Add two 4-digit numbers – one exchange.
Continuing with our learning on addition, we will move on to adding two 4-digit numbers with exchanges. As we saw yesterday, when adding a single place value digit crosses (carries) over into the next column more than one of the digits changes. Today we will extend this the 1000’s digit. Watch this video and then complete the following worksheet: https://vimeo.com/461779813
Friday 16/10/20: Add two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange.
Now that you have added numbers with one exchange, you are going to move on to calculations with two carries (crossovers). It is not as tricky as it sounds because you just do what you have done for the previous addition calculations for one exchange. Watch this video and then complete the last worksheet for this week: https://vimeo.com/462718069
This week we are going to look at the Muslim's holy book - the Qu’ran. We will explore why it is so sacred in the religion of Islam and identify some the practices that are followed when reciting or touching the passages. Watch the following video and then complete the following questions: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z4fgkqt
The Qu'ran is....
It is written in...
To treat it with respect, we should…
Make sure that your parents have tested you on last week’s spellings and practice any that you found tricky using your favourite spelling strategies. The spellings for this week are:
guard, guide, height, imagine, knowledge and cereal
No Nonsense Spellings
In addition to using the strategies you already know, we would like you to try this one for this week’s spellings and any previous week’s spellings from the statutory year 3/4 spelling list. Write down the spelling and leave a blank in the spaces where there should have be a vowel (vowls are the letters a, e, i, o and u). For example if I was writing the word disappear it would look like this without the vowels d_s_pp_ _r.
Spelling challenge - can you fill in the missing vowels and work out which words we have spelt here?
B_cycl_ . C_rt_ _n. Acc_d_nt. F_v_ _r_te.
In Computing we have been learning about why it is vital to keep safe online at all times. We would like you to create a poster, using the acronym S.M.A.R.T, to inform other children your age. Watch the videos again to remind yourself what each of the letters in the acronym stands for, and then save your creation to your BGFL file for us to look at: https://www.childnet.com/resources/the-adventures-of-kara-winston-and-the-smart-crew/watch-full-movie