"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Hello Year 4!
We are sorry that school is closed today! Find some home learning below to complete today.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Have a lovely day,
Year 4 Team.
Please click on this click and complete the lesson from Oak National Academy. Click each arrow for the next part of the lesson.
Maths Learning Objective: Representing a 3 digit number up to 1000 in different ways.
TT Rockstars!
Log in to your account and do 20 mins of times tables.
English Reading Lesson
Please follow the National Oak Reading lesson on the text Pebble in my Pocket.
Have a go at your homophones! Click on the bitesize link and complete the activity at the bottom of the page.
Research Anglo Saxons! Create a factfile or interesting poster based on what you find! Bring into school next week to share!
Look at these videos to help.