"Use your God-given gifts to serve others." 1 Peter 4: 10
Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune - Debussy
Debussy was a French composer who lived just over 100 years ago. This is one of his most famous pieces of music. It is based on a poem which translates in English to ‘Prelude to the afternoon of a faun’. A faun is a mythical creature from Roman mythology - it was part human and part goat. (Don't confuse this with a fawn which is a baby deer!)
Debussy composed the piece of music for three flutes, two oboes, a cor anglais, two clarinets and two bassoons. These are all members of the woodwind family. Other instruments playing are four horns (from the brass family), two harps and the string section: violins, violas, cellos and double basses.
We are going to be learning about the woodwind family over the next few weeks. See if you can spot some of the instruments playing here.